Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 569: The New Master

Chapter 569: The New Master (85 More)
The guards of honor from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were waiting outside, so Wanxi solemnly performed the grand ceremony of six sues, three kneelings and three prostrations.Just like the day she just walked into Changchun Palace.

"Master, the auspicious time is limited, and the slave must say goodbye. The slave will never forget the teachings of the past few years, and I hope the master will recover as soon as possible."

Wanxi bowed again: "The servant wants to ask for a favor from the master and empress."

The queen was slightly surprised: "You said so."
The favor Wanxi asked the queen for was to go alone.

- Xianchun.

Because Wanxi was an official woman, she had no dowry women around her.The Yongshou Palace was originally empty again, and there was no woman to order inside.Therefore, when Wanxi lives in Yongshou Palace, she is a "lonely widow", and she has to choose whoever she wants to use from the House of Internal Affairs.

But the most difficult thing in this world is choosing people?Newcomers do not know their minds, and it is even more difficult to find out the details, so they are not as good as those who are familiar.

It's just that Nianchun shed tears when she heard about it, and complained to Wanxi in a low voice, "I thought you'd ask me to go..."

Wanxi also apologized in her heart, so she wiped away her tears and said: "In Changchun Palace, I am gone, Xianchun is gone, and the first-class women are left with Wanchun and you. This is a better future for you. "

"I'm still just a noble person, and I have limited manpower at hand. It's better for you to follow the Queen's master than mine."

But Nianchun really felt sad, clutching Wanxi's sleeves, choking and crying for a long time, but Xianchun reminded her that Wanxi's status at this time was different from what it used to be, and Nianchun should not continue to act like this.Nian Chun asked for a double case with tears in his eyes: "Master Wei... don't forget me. When Master Wei's position is restored and his subordinates can employ more people in the future, at least ask Master Wei to think about the old days." My affection, but I want to go."
Originally Changchun Palace was so close to Yongshou Palace, but Wanxi still made Nianchun cry so badly.Sitting in the warm sedan chair arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I couldn't help but shed tears all the way.

She can somewhat understand Nianchun's mood: after all, it is not easy to be a slave by the queen's side.Even though Nianchun was originally an old man in Changchun Palace, after all, he had also served in Chuxiu Palace, and it might not be easy after returning.

Xian Chun persuaded softly beside the sedan chair: "Master, don't be too sad. Today is a good day for the master, so it is not appropriate for the master to cry. What's more, if you are walking on the long street at this time, if someone sees the master crying today, There may be some rumors going on.”

Wanxi hastily stopped her tears, nodded towards Xianchun and said, "Auntie is right."

Xian Chun hurriedly saluted: "Master, don't call me like that again. Now that the status of master is different, let's call the slave by name."

Wanxi's face also turned red: "I tried to call 'sister' before, and I couldn't open my mouth anymore. Now if I call my aunt by name, I will be even less able to speak."

Xian Chun also laughed: "Master, let's try it now. Call it a few times, and you will naturally get used to it."

Wanxi bit her lips lightly: "Present... spring."

Xianchun smiled and blessed her body: "The servant is here."

Wanxi felt more at ease, and called again: "Xianchun."

Xianchun gave another gift: "The servant is here!"

Only then did Wanxi look at Xianchun and smile.
As he spoke, he had reached the Katydid gate.

"Master." Xianchun softly called Wanxi.

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly called for a place to stay.

Xianchun opened the sedan chair curtain, Wanxi raised her eyes and saw that even the wishful gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation was wide open, led by Li Yu, and the people from the Hall of Mental Cultivation were standing at the door to greet them.

(End of this chapter)

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