Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 571 Volume 2 87 As before

Chapter 571 Volume 87 8 As before ([-] more)
Li Yu served the emperor all these years, and he could read all the struggles on Wan Xi's face.Li Yu winked at Xianchun, and told Qian'er to leave: "It's windy in this long street, Master Wei, don't stand for too long. If you turn around and catch the wind and cold, the emperor will feel sorry for you."

"We'd better invite Master Wei to enter the palace to rest, and the servant will leave. After all, Yongshou Palace is so close to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. If Master Wei has any instructions, just ask Mao Tuan'er to come over and speak."

Wanxi also hurriedly gave Xianchun a wink.Xian Chun took out the purse that he had prepared, and Li Yu quickly held it down after seeing it: "Master Wei! Absolutely not. This servant understands the emperor's heart for Master Wei best. If this servant dares to accept Master Wei's reward today, Looking back, the emperor may not be sure how to deal with the slaves..."

Wanxi also had to laugh: "The future will be long. Wenda, I have written down your thoughts."
Xianchun helped Wanxi enter the Yongshou Palace, and then went straight to the sleeping hall.

This is the first time for Xianchun to enter the Yongshou Palace in a serious manner. As soon as he entered the palace gate, he was frightened by the dragon-patterned stone screen wall that surpassed the regulations. Come on.

"Master... this Yongshou Palace has been recently rebuilt and is so magnificent, but why can it look 'half old' everywhere?"

Wanxi laughed and hung her head without answering.

Mao Tuan'er was still clever, stepped forward and said with a smile: "My aunt doesn't know. It's actually easy to make this palace brand new. Which palace is not brand new when it is rebuilt? On the contrary, it is obviously newly repaired. But to reprocess and intentionally make it 'semi-old', it will take several times of work, which is more thoughtful."

Xianchun was stunned for a moment: "Intention?"

Mao Tuan'er glanced at Wan Xi and smiled: "As the saying goes, 'people are not as good as they are' - although our master has just moved in, this Yongshou Palace is not a place to live, but has been waiting for our master for a long time. "

Mao Tuan'er knelt down like a monkey: "This is the emperor's deepest intentions, master must be sure to understand, don't look back and think it is half-old."

Wanxi understood it long ago, and reached out to shake Xianchun's hand: "The new one is the store, and the half-old one is the home. Xianchun, I am going home."

The huge Forbidden City is so big, with so many rooms, but some of the other masters in the harem are just their own "bedrooms".But she is different, she has a "home".

Xianchun suddenly realized, and bowed together to congratulate Wanxi.

The emperor's intentions for Master Wei are indeed different from any previous master, any palace.
Xianchun took off Wanxi's big clothes for the time being, so that Wanxi could nest in the warm pavilion and feel more at ease.

Wanxi grabbed Xianchun's hand again: "Xianchun... I'm sorry for you again."

Xian Chun was stunned: "Master, what's wrong?"

Wanxi's eye sockets are a little shallow today, and she always wants to cry for no reason.

Wanxi sniffled and smiled vigorously: "Because I want you to come again. I haven't forgotten that your age is about to leave the palace, but I can't leave you, which will delay you again." But I promise, I will only delay you for one year, and after one year has passed, I will play to Emperor Ming and show you a good marriage."
When Xianchun heard that it was this, he lowered his head and smiled.

"What should a slave be, so that the master can be so concerned, but it turns out to be this."

Wanxi nodded: "Isn't it important? This is a woman's life."

Xian Chun shook his head: "In the Changchun Palace, the master was still young, so the slave didn't tell the master all the things. This time, the slave wants to reassure the master: the slave is long gone and wants to come out. The heart of the palace."

 Tomorrow will continue to be sweet~~ Thank you Jingjing for the 1888 red envelope, the stars for the flash diamond + flowers, and the 13888847176 flowers for 10.

  Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:
  9 cards: Zhu Yanfen;
  6 sheets: hpl6250, cindy0208;

  3 sheets: byf030110
(End of this chapter)

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