Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 573: Inappropriate

Chapter 573: Inappropriate (89 more)

The queen smiled sadly: "Who said that having a title is honorable? Both the palace and the imperial concubine have no title, which is the most honorable. Those who have titles are just to be ranked in the same position as others, so they have to be added. A title is used to distinguish it."

"Look, among the nobles in the emperor's harem, besides nobleman Wei, there is also nobleman Chen. None of them have titles, but it's not because they don't have weight in the emperor's heart."

Wan Chun thought for a while: "But when Fengge first became a nobleman, the emperor gave him the title of 'Xiu'. From this point of view, the emperor still doesn't take Wei nobleman very seriously. Otherwise, it's just a title. , why hesitate?"

In this way, the empress felt a little more at ease: "It's reasonable for you to say so. Although there are few titles for the first-time nobles; but since some people have them and she doesn't, it means that the emperor still has room for it."

Wan Chun also breathed a sigh of relief: "Exactly. After all, she is just a noble person, and there will be troubles in the future, so the master can rest assured."
Concubine Xian in Chengqian Palace is also uncomfortable.

It's nothing that Wanxi was appointed as a nobleman, after all, she's just a nobleman; what Concubine Xian most disagrees with is that Wanxi actually lives in Yongshou Palace.

As early as the sixth year of Qianlong's reign, she was worried about which harem the emperor would live in when the Yongshou Palace was repaired to such a high standard.What she was worried about at that time was Concubine Yu, who had just given birth to the prince, but later the facts proved that she was not, so she felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, after the Yongshou Palace had been vacant for another three years, Wanxi finally lived in this year, which stirred up the unspeakable worry in her heart again.

She couldn't swallow this breath, so she came to Shoukang Palace this day.

After the greeting ceremony was over, Concubine Xian got to the point in a hurry: "This year is the year when the Eight Banners show girls are selected. My wife thought that there would be a few more sisters in the palace. But I didn't expect that the emperor didn't choose any of them. Entering a woman in the empress's palace... This is really a new story, the daughter-in-law is short-sighted, I don't know if the empress dowager has heard such a story before."

The empress dowager also frowned.

She heard the news, of course, and she knew the person a long time ago.She wanted to intervene, but she had just reconciled with her son when she came here, and if she didn't want to, a rift would arise again; besides, it was just a nobleman's position, and there was no quota in the harem, so she didn't need to intervene.

It's just that since Concubine Xian mentioned it today, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

The empress dowager snorted: "Of course there is no such thing. But since it came out of the empress's palace, it was naturally recommended by the empress. It is true that the emperor cares about the empress' face."

Concubine Xian giggled: "That's the usual practice, so there's no fuss. The daughter-in-law is just surprised that the emperor gave the Yongshou Palace to the nobleman Wei, which is a bit strange."

Concubine Xian was afraid that the Empress Dowager would forget, so she hurriedly reminded: "Three years ago it was your fiftieth birthday, but in the Yongshou Palace, the wooden gate was replaced with a stone dragon-shaped screen wall. The regulations of the court are for the Empress Dowager to celebrate her birthday. Now that a nobleman is asked to live in it, it is a bit out of order."

The Empress Dowager couldn't help squinting her eyes: "Yes, it's fine if a high-ranking person lives in this Yongshou Palace. If it's just a noble person, it's a bit messy."
Because of Wanxi's enfeoffment, everyone in the harem must have their own concerns.Wanxi can also think about it, but she is sitting in the bedroom at this moment, but she only thinks about the emperor.

Her palace door is facing the back door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and if he comes, she can see him immediately from the glass windows in the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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