Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 582: The Oil Is Running Out

Chapter 582, Volume 99, 4 Oil Runs Out ([-] More)
An Shou also sighed softly, she understood the reason of her master's mood: the family background of the Empress Dowager's mother's family is not good, she is just a small branch of the Niu Hulu family, so she was buried in the late emperor's family in her early years. The status in the residence is also low.Now that she has become the empress dowager, she naturally hopes that her mother's family is precious.

It's just a pity that her own brothers were not allowed to be reused by the emperor, and because of the rift between mother and son, several of her brothers were reprimanded by the emperor.The empress dowager inevitably had to seek sustenance from other descendants of the Niu Hulu family of the same ancestry.

Neqin came from the Niu Hulu family, the ancestor of the empress dowager, and Eyidu, one of the five founding ministers; and among the younger generation of courtiers, Neqin was the most respected by the emperor.At this time, Na personally attacked Feng first-class public, and at the same time was in charge of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households, and was the minister of military aircraft.This kind of grace is incomparable to Fu Heng.

The situation was clear: the emperor was young, and even though he had to use a group of old officials left behind by the late emperor at this time, the old evils of cronies made the emperor have to cultivate young officials who obeyed his orders.Neqin ranked first, and his future prospects are bound to be hard to limit.There are such important ministers among the empress dowager's family, the empress dowager is naturally happy.

It's just that this year, Fu Heng's sudden rise and promotion was too fast, so the former court and the harem inevitably had to compare the two relatives' families.The empress dowager naturally didn't like that Fu Heng would one day surpass Naqin.
At such a time of joy during the Chinese New Year, Chuxiu Palace was filled with gloom and mist.After less than half a month, the imperial concubine Gao Yunsi's old illness relapsed just after Zhengdan, the tenth year of Qianlong's reign.

It was a big Chinese New Year, and the outside was full of joy, and the sound of firecrackers could be heard from outside the palace from time to time.But she huddled on the kang, even though the walls and the ground of the warm pavilion were warm, she still shivered even though she had to wrap a few extra layers of quilts.

Zheng Liang knelt down on the ground, also bowed his head lowly: "This humble minister is incompetent."

Seeing Zheng Liang's situation, the imperial concubine smiled instead, and said with a sway: "...my day has arrived, isn't it? You don't have to do this, I am already, and I am ready. This day will always be I should have come, I already have nothing to be afraid of."

The noble concubine tremblingly took out a letter from Kangqin's small drawer and handed it to Zheng Liang: "Take this letter to find me, Ama...I, Ama, will definitely thank you well. Also, on behalf of my palace, I would like to convey to them, Bye, bye..."

Xiumei was so distressed that she cried: "The servant went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to invite the emperor... but the emperor is not in the Hall of Mental Cultivation at this time."

The noble concubine nodded: "Wei nobleman has just entered the seal, the emperor must be here at this time, he must be in the Yongshou Palace... But don't go directly to the Yongshou Palace, you go, go and beg Li Yu. Anyway, these years, the palace has treated Li Yu well. Bo, he can help with this favor."

Xiumei didn't bother to cry bitterly, she hurriedly raised her sleeves to wipe away her tears, turned her head and ran out: "Slave, let's go now! Even if this slave kneels through the stone at the entrance of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, I will definitely invite the emperor to the master!"
Xiumei failed to invite the emperor, but Wanxi got the news and brought Xianchun herself.

As soon as Wanxi entered the door, she was shocked when she saw the appearance of the noble concubine.Hastily saluted: "Master, noble concubine, please be late, my servant."

The imperial concubine saw that it was not the emperor, but Wanxi, and the sadness in her eyes could not be concealed.

"Why did Mr. Wei come here?...It's your good time now, how can I ask you to come to my sick man's palace? If I pass the sickness, my sin will be serious again."

(End of this chapter)

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