Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 590: Posthumous Title

Chapter 590: Posthumous Title (107 more)
The emperor shook his head: "No, I have already thought about the posthumous title of the imperial concubine."

The queen couldn't help being startled: "The emperor has already thought about it? I don't know which words are it?"

The emperor walked to the desk, picked up the ink pen that the imperial concubine used to use, and wrote the word "Hui Xian".

The queen was shocked when she saw it, she couldn't help but also stepped forward, and wrote another two characters in Manchu: "The emperor drafted it, can these two characters be used?"

The emperor nodded.

The queen couldn't help but let go of her hand, and the ink pen fell.

The word "Hui" is fine, but the word "Xian" has always been a posthumous title given to the royal family.Whether it is written in Chinese characters or Manchu, it is exactly the posthumous title that should be given to the royal family.

The so-called "virtuous wife" has always been the final conclusion that many women who are married women pursue all their lives.
On the paper on the table, two full characters written by the queen herself were stained by a dropped ink pen.

The emperor couldn't help turning his head to look at the queen: "What's wrong with the queen?"

The queen couldn't control her tears anymore, she lifted her robe and knelt down in front of the emperor: "I mourn Yun Si's departure... I have been with Yun Si day and night for nearly 20 years, and I have long been in love with sisters. I still remember Qianlong Yuan In [-], Castiglione made portraits of the emperor and several dignitaries who were sealed in the hidden mansion at that time. After the painting, even the emperor said that the appearance and expression of the concubine and Yun Si had become more and more similar. Castiglione, a foreigner, could not even tell the difference. Which one is the concubine, which one is Yunsi..."

"That's why this concubine dares to ask each other: when the day comes, the emperor also asks the concubine to bestow the same word 'virtuous' as Yun Si's posthumous posthumous title..."
The emperor smiled instead, and raised his eyes to stare at the queen.

"Why did the queen say that? You are one year younger than me, and you and I are only 35 years old this year, still in our prime. Why do you bother to say what posthumous title?"

The emperor didn't agree for a while, and the empress fell in love with her even more. She knelt on the ground and refused to get up: "What the emperor said is very true. It's just... the moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have good fortune and misfortune. Yunsi and my concubine I am of the same age, but I still go at this time... Therefore, I have to think about it in my heart, lest that day will come suddenly, and I will have no time to appeal to the emperor..."

The emperor sat down, still did not agree, but just picked up the pen again.

"Since Yun Si has been given a posthumous title, I will also give a posthumous title to Concubine Zhe, who became the imperial concubine on the same day. Why is the Empress not concerned about Concubine Zhe's posthumous title, but why she can't let go of Yun Si's?"
The queen was slightly startled again.

"The emperor still wants to give Concubine Zhe a posthumous title?"

The emperor couldn't help raising his eyes, and met the empress' sad eyes.

"What the empress said surprised me. Why, the empress thinks that I shouldn't give Concubine Zhe a posthumous title at this time?"

The queen was slightly startled, and hastily lowered her head and said: "Back to the emperor, I definitely don't have the slightest objection to the emperor's pursuit of Jin and posthumous Concubine Zhe. It's just that Concubine Zhe pursues the concubine, and it's only in the concubine position. According to the palace rules this time Even if there is another posthumous concubine, it should only be posthumously concubine. But the emperor directly conferred Zhefei as imperial concubine, surpassing the rank of concubine, which is already against the rules."

"Therefore, this concubine is still bold enough to advise that the emperor should not pursue posthumous posthumous titles for concubine Zhe at the same time. Or wait a little longer and make up this distinction in time."

The emperor smiled: "The empress is reminding me that even though I am sad for Yunsi's departure at this time, I should not forget the palace rules and go against the rules set by my ancestors?"

The queen could only bow her head deeply: "I don't dare. But since I am the queen of the middle palace, I have the responsibility to remind the emperor."

The emperor didn't speak anymore, but just wrote on the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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