Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 596: Double Preciousness

Chapter 596: Double Preciousness (113 more)
Concubine Xian's laughter was colder than snow: "I'm really worried that your son will be like you, a soft bone. When it snows, he will get under the bed and dare not come out!"

Concubine Chun came to the Imperial Garden in the snow just to try to be quiet, but she also knew who she could avoid, but she couldn't hide from Concubine Xian.

Concubine Chun gathered her cloak and greeted Concubine Xian with a smile: "Everyone in the harem is happy to be promoted. Only Concubine Xian, who has been looking forward to the position of Concubine for so many years, is finally sealed today. It made me even angrier."

"Oh~, that's right. Concubine Xian was enfeoffed, so why? I have no children, and I only have a vacant title that was side Fujin back then. But since the first year of Qianlong, this title has been abandoned by the emperor long ago. Is it gone?"

Concubine Chun intentionally paused, and then clapped her hands: "Oh, I understand. The reason why Concubine Xian can also be entrusted this time is probably the empress dowager's intention. The emperor can't persuade the empress dowager to go, but it may not be the emperor's own intention. .”
Concubine Xian came up and sneered: "You and I are really enemies in previous lives! When the emperor ascends the throne, I will be a concubine, and you will also be a concubine; now I am a concubine, and you are also a concubine. Su Wanrou, do you really want to marry me? Isn’t it? Thanks to my blindness that day, I still want to cuddle with you!”

After hearing this, Concubine Chun also sighed in her heart: "Yes, in this way, you and I are really in the right place. But why don't you think about it, I'm going to be in love with you, why is it up to me to decide? Let's get promoted. Well, it doesn't matter what position it is listed in, but it is all determined by the emperor alone."

"Since you are so resentful, you shouldn't have come to me, you should have gone to the emperor. If the emperor had you in his heart, he would naturally not make you feel wronged and go with me. The imperial concubine is it!"

"It's not without precedent. The imperial concubine Zhemin was originally conferred the title of imperial concubine, but now she has surpassed the imperial concubine and directly pursued her as an imperial concubine? Ci Fujin, in the emperor's heart, you should always be more important than a dead person." It has weight, what do you think?"

Concubine Xian was stabbed so hard in the sore spot in her heart by Concubine Chun that she couldn't help but even take a breath, her ribs hurt.

"Su Wanrou, you have given birth to two princes, and you have become a concubine alongside me. You really have become more courageous, and now you dare to talk to me like that!"

Concubine Chun gave a long smile: "Otherwise, what else would Concubine Xian want from me? I once held a group with Concubine Xian sincerely, but if you are happy today, stay with me; Let me go. Since the emperor came to the throne, I have been side by side with you as a concubine from the first day, but you still treat me as a slave, and you can scold me whenever you want to."

"I, Su Wanrou, am indeed a Han girl, but I am not your concubine Xian's slave! I endured it before, but now I have two princes. If I am still like that in front of you, my sons will be killed again." How do I deal with myself? Even for my child, I can no longer bow my knees in front of you!"

"Besides..." Concubine Chun did not avoid Concubine Xian, but walked up to Concubine Xian and circled around her: "That day on the east tour, there were only you and me in the palace. It’s from Concubine Yi. But Concubine Xian, Concubine Huixian has passed away at this time, and only you know better at this time, who exactly wanted to kill my mother and child at that time!”

"Concubine Xian, do you dare to look me in the eyes and tell me who it is?"
 See you tomorrow~ Thank you for Lan's red envelopes and KHLim's red envelopes; irenelauyy's flowers and zhaolin1997's flowers.

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(End of this chapter)

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