Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 60 Rewards

Chapter 60 Rewards
"What are you thinking about?"

At noon, the queen was not in the palace, so Suchun and other first-class ladies also went out to serve her.All the little maids in the palace went to take a nap, only Wanxi sat under the window with her chin in her hands, thinking hard.

The window was suddenly opened from the outside, and Fu Heng's head poked in, staring at Wanxi with a smile.

Wanxi was taken aback, and the ink pen that was held in her hand and resting on her forehead was accidentally drawn on the corner of her eye.

Wanxi whispered in embarrassment: "You are scared to death!"

Fu Heng didn't shy away from it, and smiled and reached out from the window to wipe Wanxi.

It is soft and greasy all over the fingertips, like holding flower petals.

Fu Heng's heart fluttered, and Wanxi blushed and hurriedly took a step back to avoid it: "Come in."

Fu Heng took a deep breath to suppress his heartbeat, pushed the door in, and then closed it tightly behind him.Seeing his movement, Wanxi couldn't help but her face became hot again, and she hurriedly turned her back.

"I happen to ask the guard for something, I wonder if the guard is willing to do the little girl a favor?"

Fu Heng laughed, and was not in a hurry to respond. He just walked around in front of her and looked down at the paper she put on the table: "Drawing flowers? The work my sister gave you?"

Wan Xi hurriedly shook her head: "Don't worry, my mistress treats me very well, she only asks me to recover from my illness, and doesn't give me any work. I'm just taking care of myself."

He stood across the table, meeting her eyes on purpose, and then he asked her in a hurry: "...you can tell me what you want, but, how can you thank me?"

Wanxi's heart was numb, but she couldn't understand, so she stomped her feet: "So I need to be rewarded for helping me? Then I didn't say anything about it. I recognized you as a brother for nothing!"

Fu Heng laughed: "Then I won't be your brother..."

Wanxi stomped her feet again, then turned her back, "Stingy!"

Fu Heng followed again, still walked around in front of her, and lowered his head to see the blush on her pretty face: "...you are stupid to beg me for help. Don't you understand, you If you want to ask me to do something, you just need to say something, and I will definitely do it for you even if I go through fire and water, no matter what the difficulty is."

Wanxi's heart also softened, and she raised her eyes to glance at him, and couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Thank you Brother Nine."

Wanxi turned around and picked up the piece of paper: "I need some fresh grass, but I don't know where to go in this palace. I am afraid that even if the House of Internal Affairs has it, it is only hay for compound medicine or paper, but I need some Fresh."

Wanxi looked back and looked out the window: "It's already September, and I'm afraid only Jiangnan can get fresh grass."

Fu Heng smiled: "I knew it would be difficult to get the word 'beg' from you. Otherwise, with your intelligence, you can think of a way for everything, and you won't ask others."

Wanxi's face turned hot, but she squatted down: "I know this thing is rare this season, and it would be hard for anyone to ask for such a thing. The only way to bully brother Jiu..."

Fu Heng sighed softly, holding down his heartbeat.

He deliberately snorted, and reached out to support her elbow: "Since you know it's embarrassing and bullying, you should thank me."

Wanxi turned her wonderful eyes: "Then what do you want to thank?"

Fu Heng heard his heart beating violently suddenly, and the long-suppressed wish was already on his lips, as if he was about to speak it out.

But facing Wanxi's black and white eyes, he had no choice but to hold back temporarily, glanced back at the needlework basket on her kang, and said, "...you, sew me a purse."

"Oh?" Wanxi's face became hot again.

Because of the custom of the flag, apart from relatives, the purses that girls sew to outsiders can only be given to their lovers.

Fu Heng knew that she was shy, so he tried his best to explain solemnly: "My purse was thrown to Baoxi last time. I don't have any female relatives in my family now, so I can't ask my mistress to sew it for me. After much deliberation, Naturally you are the most suitable."

 Thank you cathy, Lily for the red envelopes today~ and there~
(End of this chapter)

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