Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 606: Order

Chapter 606: Order (123 more)
The emperor showed no shame at all, and looked up and smiled: "In front of Ernie, even if the son is over sixty years old, he still has to dance for the colorful clothes of Ernie~~ What is 35 years old, the son is at the feet of Ernie, Always a child."

As he said this, a certain image flashed in his mind unexpectedly: At a certain moment, he also said to someone helplessly, "Why do you always rely on small businesses so much?"

He smiled more sincerely.Really, relying on small businesses is indeed a useful method.That little girl and him are like shadows.
The empress dowager was so entangled that she couldn't do anything, she couldn't hit him if she wanted to, and she couldn't scold him if she wanted to, so she just raised her fist and hit him on the shoulder a few times.

"In the first year of Qianlong, when you became the throne, you issued a decree that people in the palace were not allowed to pass on news to me outside the palace. You said that you were afraid that I would be upset... You said that from now on, you will only rely on me for everything in the palace. mean."

"But let me ask you, what's the matter with Jingren Palace, and what's the matter with you sealing the Sixth Palace? There are so many things that happened in the womb these days, which one of you told me in advance, and which one Which one has been discussed with me?"

The emperor lowered his head and chuckled: "So it's these two little things. My son didn't tell Er Nie about it, but he just thought it was a little thing not worth mentioning."

"On the 25th day of the first lunar month, when Hui Xian passed away, Er Nie called his son and said that the seat of imperial concubine should not be vacant, and asked his son to become Concubine Xian. The son has already done so, but Er Nie is not happy?"

The Empress Dowager shook her head: "The Ai Family wants you to become Concubine Xian as an imperial concubine, because she was originally a concubine bestowed on you by the late emperor, and she was wronged by her for ten years when she was placed under Hui Xian! Now that the position of imperial concubine is vacant, Come out, you should make it up to her."

"The Ai family wanted you to be a concubine Xian, but who knew that you would confiscate the six palaces, one by one. There is another pure concubine in the position of concubine! Emperor, don't forget, she She's just a Han girl! Even though you enlisted her in the banner, she was originally a Han girl!"

The emperor was not surprised, raised his eyebrows lightly, and still had a filial smile on his face.

"E Nie just wanted his son to be concubine Xian, but he didn't say that he was not allowed to be named the sixth palace. Since E Nie didn't tell his son, how could his son know what E Nie wanted? The son just felt that Huixian had already gone , so they cherish the people in front of them even more, so by the way, they will enter their respective positions, so that they can feel more at ease, and life in this palace will be easier."

"As for Concubine Chun, although she was born as a Han woman, she has already given birth to two princes for her son. Isn't E Nie most worried about his son's weak heirs? When his son gave her a special favor, he told Liugong to tell them to hurry up and take care of him." I spread the branches and leaves, so as to avoid Ernie's worries. This is the son's filial heart, can Ernie be more considerate?"

In terms of eloquence and eloquence, how can a harem woman compare to the emperor?Even though the empress dowager was extremely reluctant, she was helpless in the face of the reason presented by her son.

The Empress Dowager had no choice but to change the topic again: "It's all right to enter the seal, but the Yongshou Palace originally had a stone screen wall, which is beyond the regulations; now the Jingren Palace has added another one, what's going on? What did the concubine say?" To live in the palace, but to use a dragon-shaped shadow wall, is this a trivial matter?"
The emperor still laughed softly: "Returning to Ernie, in fact, this is really a small matter. The reason why Ernie was offended was that when the matter was handled, the order was messed up, so Ernie didn't look at it." I understand. If the order is reversed again, Er Nie will be able to understand."

"What order?" The Empress Dowager couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

 The system has been pumping, thank you for your hard work~~ Group, I will always observe, as long as the system is a little more stable, I will update it soon~~
(End of this chapter)

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