Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 624: Returning

Chapter 624: Returning (141 more)
Wanxi clapped her hands vigorously: "It's better to use my master's method, why didn't the servant think of it! It's just that this time it's already like this, and the room is full of bees, so let's use my master's good method next time." .These few days... I always beg you to go to the next palace to relax, and when the slaves are done here, I will definitely kneel down and ask you to come back."

The emperor squinted his eyes and looked at the bees flying around, and sighed softly: "Forget it. These days, there are also things in the previous court. Last month, Ertai, the head of the military aircraft minister, passed away. There are still complicated things in the court and the military aircraft department." I want you to go to work. I was worried about your loneliness, but since you can make your Yongshou Palace so lively... then I am relieved."

"I will come to see you again in two days, so I can focus on my work. But I also warn you that pollination by bees is pollination, so don't bite your face and body bag again. You should wear tighter clothes."

Wanxi wanted to laugh, but couldn't stop the sadness in her heart.

The emperor inadvertently spoke of her next strategy: if she doesn't see her again, she will say that the bag on her body was bitten by bees or stimulated by pollen, and it will stop the emperor's footsteps. Just don't ask him to come close.

"Don't worry, the slave must be careful. Turn around and put on the quilt!"

She said something funny on purpose, so the emperor can leave at ease.

The emperor snorted softly: "Then you have fun, I'm going back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation first. If you don't have enough bees on your side, ask Mao Tuan'er to tell Li Yu, and I will ask someone to catch them for you." that is."

After the emperor left, the gate of Yongshou was closed again, and Wanxi shed tears in relief.
After the emperor left, Xianchun hurried into the dormitory to look at Wanxi, and helped Wanxi put the bees in the room back into the lampshade.

Wanxi walked to the edge of the kang and sat down, thinking about something.

Xian Chun hurriedly went over to plead guilty: "It's all because the slaves are not good at doing things here, and I haven't figured it out after so long, otherwise I wouldn't be so embarrassing for the master today."

Wanxi hurriedly pressed Xianchun's hand: "Don't think wildly, that's not what I'm thinking about. What you're doing for me is to spread news from the palace, so you must not be in a hurry. It's only been a few days, how can I Don't you have any idea?"

"Then master, this is...?" Xianchun was still worried.

Wanxi narrowed her eyes lightly: "The difficulty of our matter is that Master Jiu is far away in Shanxi. If Master Jiu was in the capital, we wouldn't have to go through so much trouble."

Xian Chun nodded: "That's right. If Master Jiu is here, no matter how difficult it is, Master Jiu must have a way to help the master."

Wanxi blushed and smiled, "I think Master Jiu will be back soon."
Xian Chun was also taken aback: "Master, why did you say that? Did you hear something?"

Xian Chun himself shook his head immediately after finishing speaking: "But it's impossible, these days the master is shutting himself up in the palace, so he can't hear anything."

Wanxi smiled and shook her head: "It's what the emperor just said: the emperor said that Ertai, the foreman military minister, died."

Xian Chun turned his head and thought carefully: "But this has to do with Jiuye's return to Beijing... What is the inevitable cause and effect?"

Wanxi's eyes sparkled brightly: "Think about it, Ertai is the head of the Manchen military affairs minister. When he dies, this seat will naturally be vacated. Then it will be filled from among the existing military affairs ministers."

"Someone in the current Minister of Military Aircraft fills Ertai's vacancy, so there will be another vacancy in the Minister of Military Aircraft..."

(End of this chapter)

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