Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 63 Take 1

Chapter 63
The emperor read several papers, and all of them simply approved "reading" or "knowing".

The entire Hall of Mental Cultivation was silent, and the queen had already left.

The emperor didn't look up, he just called out, "Mao Tuan Er."

Mao Tuan came in sloppily.

The emperor still didn't lift his eyes, just said: "Bring it."

Mao Tuan'er stood there with a flick of his head, hurried back to the room just now, stared at the untouched embroidery on the kang table, and rubbed his hands in embarrassment.I wanted to give it to the emperor all my brains, but in the end I still didn't dare.

After a while, Mao Tuan'er knelt and presented three pieces of embroidery.

The emperor still didn't raise his eyes, and stretched out his hand to take it, and there were three pieces spread out in front of his eyes:

The first one is Yuqin's Qingya Bailu.

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, and put it aside.

The second one is Fengge's Langli Dongqing.

The emperor finally looked up when he saw it, but he gave Mao Tuan'er a stare.Then he raised his hand and threw it directly on the ground: "Mao Tuaner, you really are getting more and more winking!"

Mao Tuan'er was terrified, but that was all he could do.Just like the kebabs given by the master and empress in the imperial garden that day, even if he knew he would be stuffed to death, he still had to finish it.

The third...was rolled up, but the emperor didn't even look at it, he just picked it up and stuffed it into the sleeve.Then he snorted lightly: "Go down and ask your master to serve you."

Mao Tuan'er left the study door, stood in front of the door and wiped his sweat with his sleeves.Although the master scolded him a few words today, but thanks to the embroidery at the bottom, he was assured that the emperor would not punish him.
After Mao Tuan'er went, the emperor closed his cuffs, pinched the ball of embroidery inside, and snorted, "It's so stupid!"

After laughing for a while, he shook his head again: "It's not surprising, seeing that you wrapped the wound into a rice dumpling, it shouldn't be surprising that you can embroider such a thing!"

Thinking of her injury...he couldn't help lowering his head again, his long eyebrows frowned.

After a while, he couldn't help but clenched his fist and slammed it on the table lightly: "You can figure it out, blind man...you're really blind. What's wrong, you think you can't see when you close your eyes? "

After a pause, she sighed lightly like smoke, and slowly raised the corners of her lips: "...But why do I close my eyes, and you are right in front of my eyes?"

The emperor bowed and looked up like this, smiling and worrying.After a long while, he gradually calmed down, raised his hand and picked up the memorial to review.
When Li Yu came in, he saw that the sky was getting darker, and felt that his hair was half white again.

But no matter how sad you are, you have to step forward and ask: "Master... what kind of pastry can I use tonight?"

The emperor was expressionless: "Old rules."

There was a buzzing beside Li Yu's ear.

I thought to myself how many days in a row have I wanted the sweet-scented osmanthus sugar and new chestnut noodles?But for how many days in a row, you just take a bite and leave it aside saying that the taste is not right?
He was about to be tortured to death by the emperor, and the imperial cooks, including the chief eunuchs of the imperial dining room, were about to prepare Bai Lingzi to hang himself.

I really can't figure out the holy will... If you are not satisfied, why bother calling every day?Since you want it every day, why are you dissatisfied?
The entire imperial dining room was brought by the chief eunuch himself, and the imperial chef in charge of the white case was specially transferred, and all the ingredients of the pastry were dismantled, crumbled, weighed with a balance, and tested repeatedly. I just hope to make a matching ratio that can satisfy the emperor.But after busying these days, the emperor's words are still the same!
Li Yu was worried here and forgot to answer for a long time.Then the emperor raised his eyes and stared at him: "What are you still doing?"

This time Li Yu simply knelt down: "Master, this slave deserves to die, please show me your master."

(End of this chapter)

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