Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 631: Blocking

Chapter 631: Blocking (148 More)
Today is like this again, Zhuanxiang didn't want to reveal Wanxi's story in advance, so Nanny Song sighed: "My good girl, don't bother me anymore. I don't know what it is anyway As for my son, I don’t want to take this risk. Where is that? It’s the palace! Entering the palace without an order is a serious crime of beheading!”

"Besides, what is my identity? I'm just a maid in Cheng'en Gong's mansion. How could I have the qualifications to enter the palace? Girl, don't embarrass yourself."

Zhuanxiang had no choice but to back out for a while, just after leaving the courtyard gate, unexpectedly when she looked up, she saw Lan Pei looking at her.

Zhuan Xiang was startled, and hurriedly squatted down on the ground: "Why is Fujin here? But there is an errand that I need to tell the servant to do?"
The astonishment on Zhuan Xiang's face made Lan Pei unable to tell whether it was pride or sadness.

She worked hard to maintain her identity as Jiufu Jin, which may be right in itself; but because of her seriousness, everyone in the mansion kept her at a respectful distance.

Even Jiu Ye...is the same.

Lan Pei looked inside and tried his best to smile lightly: "Don't be afraid, I didn't find you because I thought you were lazy. I just watched you in a hurry these few days, and I was worried that something happened to your family, no, you You don’t want to tell me anything on weekdays, so I have no choice but to follow up with you personally, trying to find a secluded place to ask you.”

Zhuanxiang quickly denied: "The servant's family is fine. The servant himself...is fine."

Lan Pei's face suddenly darkened: "I know that when I married in, I was just 13 years old, and my age and experience are much worse than yours. Maybe you didn't take it seriously. But if you think I This Fujin will always be young and short-sighted, and that's your fault!"

"Since I made it clear that I appeared in front of you today, it means that I have almost grasped your words and deeds in the past few days. Do you want me to call Nanny Song out to talk to you in front of me? Confrontation?"
Zhuanxiang was so surprised that she quickly fell to her knees: "Fu Jin! This servant did not deceive Fujin deliberately. It's just that this matter concerns the safety of others, and this servant can't ask others to take the risk with them!"

Lan Pei yelled sharply: "Nurse Song, why don't you come out and answer?!"

Nanny Song also hurried out in shock, and knelt down in front of Lan Pei.

Lan Pei stared at the two of them: "After all, Master Jiu is not at home, so I am the only one who decides about the affairs in our yard. To put it bluntly, I have the final say on your life and death. The worst thing is, I also have the final say. I can find a reason to drive you out, find someone to sell you!"

"If you tell me the truth, not only will I not blame you, but if I can help you, I will help you; if you are still sloppy in front of me today, you will not let me go In your eyes, then don't blame me for not remembering Master Jiu's love for you in the past!"

Zhuanxiang bit her lips and said nothing, she was still thinking about Wanxi's love; but Nanny Song didn't care about that, so she couldn't bear it anymore.

Nanny Song shook her arms towards Fujin.

Lan Pei narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhuanxiang: "Oh? Are you instigating the nanny to enter the palace secretly? You can tell me clearly, otherwise I will go to the palace and report to the empress dowager. Don't say you can't escape the crime, then you will be punished." It's hard to tell if it's the man in the palace!"

After all, Lan Pei is Concubine Shu's biological sister, and she was also the one who almost stayed in the palace as the master back then. When she said this, Zhuan Xiang really didn't dare to hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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