Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 641: Boring

Chapter 641: Boring (158 More)
"Wanxi, it's me. You don't need to open the door to see me, but you always have to face this matter. I think no matter how hideous I am, I can't compare with this disease, right? You see me better than the disease easy."

"Besides, if you see me, I can still help you; if you don't want to see me, how are you going to get through this disease yourself?"

The partition door opened silently.

Yuqin breathed a sigh of relief and stepped in.Wanxi then took another step back: "Nurse Song said, it doesn't matter if we talk to each other like this. This is my sister, don't touch me, and don't touch the place where I have been."

Yuqin stood with her arms folded: "Don't worry, I have to ensure my own safety first, and don't let me get sick myself, so that I can help you get through this illness. Otherwise, you will be imprisoned in the palace." Now, who else will help you with everything outside?"

Wanxi's heart ached, and the circles of her eyes were already red.

"It's not that I don't want to see my sister, it's that I have no face to see others. I never thought that it would be such an unclean disease!"

"I didn't expect that either." Yuqin also felt her brain throbbing with pain: "It seems that the person who did this is even more sinister than you and I imagined!"

Wanxi shook her head sadly, "They want me to never serve the emperor again... No matter how much the emperor loves me, since I have such a disease, I will never be able to be near the emperor again."

Yuqin also closed her eyes sadly: "It is true for the time being, but you don't have to think too much. There is still a cure for this disease, as long as you have patience and don't rush, it will be fine in a few months. "

Wanxi sighed: "But Nanny Song also said that after seeing someone suffering from this disease, they would repeat it repeatedly, and after recovering, they would never get rid of the root cause for many years."

"You won't!" Yuqin was so anxious that she almost came over to grab Wanxi's hand: "Since this matter is at stake, you have to think about everything for the better. Didn't the nanny tell you that you It is the root cause of this disease that cannot be calmed down!"
Wanxi turned her head away, crying secretly.

"They... not only want me to never serve the emperor anymore, but also want me to bear hatred for the emperor."

Yuqin also squinted her eyes: "How do you say that?"

"Sister thinks, if that's the only way to get over the illness of others, I will inevitably be the first to think of the emperor. Then I will think that the emperor himself has this disease, so he gave it to me."

"And sister, have you forgotten? The emperor was in Yuanmingyuan for a month before, with only Concubine Chun and Concubine Yu by his side. He just came back to the palace. And he brought back the good news that Concubine Chun was happy again... If my heart is a little bit off After a while, you will think that the emperor's disease may be acquired from Concubine Chun or Concubine Yu."

"In this harem, each palace is competing for favor, and everyone is inevitably wary of others. In that month, the two of them dominated the emperor. If their own illnesses passed to the emperor, and the emperor came to me... If I can no longer serve the emperor from now on, wouldn't I want to hate and poison them? Even if I want to risk my life, I have to plot against them, right?"

Yuqin also frowned: "If that's the case, then of course it will be fatal!"
"It's all right for the two of them." Wanxi was so anxious that she couldn't help raising her hand to cover her heart: "If I really think about it like this, I will naturally hate the emperor, and I will remember that the emperor is with them. Because of this, I will break off my relationship with the emperor. It is reasonable to break off love from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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