Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 644: Decision

Chapter 644: The Decision (161 More)
Just don't ask Wanxi to know, otherwise Wanxi will definitely not allow it.

Sure enough, Wanxi stared at Yuqin's eyes and shouted: "Sister! Stop thinking about it!"

Seeing through, Yuqin stomped anxiously: "Then unless you have a better way!"

Wanxi lowered her head lightly: "I have."
"What method?" Yuqin asked hastily.

Wanxi stretched out her hand to touch the hollowed-out carved flowers on the Kang table.It was a twig lotus, with intertwined flowers and leaves, and a pattern that could not grow to the end.The emperor gave her a kang table with such a pattern, which meant that the relationship between him and her was just like this pattern, lingering and endless.

Wanxi smiled, and found courage in her heart.

"Actually, they didn't want me to die. If they just wanted me to die, they would take advantage of this time to vaccinate the two elder brothers and put the scabs into my palace. I would get acne and die. They devised such an unspeakable disease, just to make me afraid to tell the emperor, so that I will have a rift with the emperor from then on, and we will have a rift."

"That's what I thought at first... After all, I was afraid of passing on my sickness to the emperor, and secondly, I was afraid that the emperor would be upset. But now that I understand their thoughts, I won't fall into their trap."

"So, sister, my solution is to speak out to the emperor about these matters. It is most appropriate to ask the emperor to send me directly to the garden."

"Sister, don't worry, one day they will regret it, and regret that they didn't just tell me to die today. If I can survive, how can I let them go?!"

"You want to tell the emperor?" Yuqin was also taken aback after hearing this: "Wanxi, you should think about it!"
Wanxi understands Yuqin's worry.

First of all, the disease is difficult to talk about.If the emperor himself is also infected, it's okay to say, if the emperor himself has nothing to do with it, but Wanxi himself has it, then it's hard to say clearly.At that time, people will inevitably be suspicious, saying that she had an affair with another man... That would be a serious crime that cannot be redeemed.

Secondly, although the disease can be cured, it is also difficult to cure.Once repeated repeatedly, the emperor will definitely not dare to approach Wanxi's body.If the women in the harem don't have the emperor's favor, how can they just rely on their affection?If Ming said it, maybe it would be difficult for Wanxi to sleep with her from now on.

If the emperor's affection for Wanxi is not reliable at all, if Wanxi speaks out to the emperor, it will be tantamount to ruining herself.

"Don't hide it from my sister, I once told the emperor that no matter what day it is, I will never hide my heart from the emperor."

"I told the emperor that in this harem, no matter who I want to guard against, I must trust the emperor."

"I can't say these words in vain. This time is the time of the test. Although the test is really big and I have to take a huge risk, I still don't want to go against the foreword... Rather than hide it So, I have to do my best to get out of the palace safely, I would rather let the emperor know everything before I leave."
Yuqin sighed softly: "To tell you the truth, if I were you instead, I would never dare."

Wanxi lowered her head and clenched her fingers: "Sister, I'm also afraid. But after thinking about it, it's still the right thing to do."

"Those people designed this way to create a rift between me and the emperor, but I don't want it! I would rather take the risk than let them succeed!"

Yuqin focused on Wanxi's eyes, and saw the black and white, clear and bottomless firmness in Wanxi's eyes.

Only then did Yuqin sigh softly, "I hope you're right."

 And~~ Well, the fourth master is the son of heaven, he is not tired of being in the harem all day long.He still has so many things to deal with in the previous court. As I told you earlier, Ertai passed away, and the Military Aircraft Department is facing personnel adjustments. This is a major event related to the stability of the court.Fourth master is not idle.If Jiu'er always blamed fourth master for trouble, then she wouldn't be Jiu'er.

(End of this chapter)

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