Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 661: Water Ling

Chapter 661 Volume Two 179 Water Ling (6 more)
Xiao Bai entered the palace, and was formally put by the emperor to learn the rules by Concubine Yu's side, which caused an uproar in the harem.Everyone in the harem wanted to see what this little Bai family looked like.In Chuxiu Palace, which had always been neglected before, it became lively these days.

Originally, when the emperor had just ascended the throne and hadn't formally conferred the sixth palace, the empress lived in this Chuxiu Palace for a while.Later, the empress invited her to move to Changchun Palace, and the vacant Chuxiu Palace was given to Gao Yunsi, the noble concubine at the time, by the empress.Because of such a past, the Chuxiu Palace's position among the six east and west palaces can be considered detached.Concubine Yu's progress from an unknown nobleman to the present step by step, having a prince, being promoted to the position of concubine, and now moving into Chuxiu Palace, is a symbol of glory step by step.

But Concubine Yu doesn't like this Chuxiu Palace very much, she always feels that it is a bit darker here.

Perhaps it was because of the death of the imperial concubine Huixian, and Yuqin also accompanied Wanxi to the garden, she was the only one left in the Chuxiu Palace, and Concubine Yu felt that the Chuxiu Palace was full of gloom .I just don't know if this yin energy is the lingering ghost of Concubine Huixian, or the sickness left by her.

I don't know if the other lords feel the same way, after all, there are very few people in her Chuxiu Palace on weekdays.

These days, although all these people came to see Xiao Bai, at least the palace was a little more lively, Concubine Yu also opened the palace door, anyone who came was invited to come in.

The person next to her was the emperor who ordered her to follow the rules anyway, and she didn't bring him in, and she wasn't Yipin's older sister, so she naturally had nothing to be afraid of.
When everyone saw Mrs. Xiaobai, they all praised "beauty" and "I feel sorry for you".

Yibi Bai Shuiwei was already beautiful and slim, this Xiao Bai was her own sister, so there was a seventy-eight percent similarity in appearance and posture.It's just that after all, Concubine Yi was sold as a Yangzhou skinny horse since she was a child, and then studied art in Nanfu, so she was tainted with frivolity; but Xiaobai's family did not.

Compared with Concubine Yi, Xiao Bai has her strengths and avoids her weaknesses. It makes people feel that this Xiao Bai may be more favored than her sister in the future.

Xiao Bai's posture is also elegant, knowing that everyone is here to see her, but she is neither humble nor overbearing, and responds decently.It made everyone care about it again.

The palaces walked around like a revolving lantern, but those who came were all concubines on the same level as Concubine Yu, or below the concubine's rank, while the empresses, concubines pure and concubines Xian, who were higher than Concubine Yu, Xu Shi all reserved their status and couldn't come here in person for a woman who learned the rules.

The empress sent Nianchun to send a few heartwarming words, and the pure concubine sent Man Liu, who was beside her, to give them a pair of purses, but the concubine Xian didn't say much.

As for her older sister, Yipin has not shown up for a long time.
Concubine Yu bid farewell to everyone that night, and finally calmed down, she sat in front of the mirror and let the dark clouds loosen her braids, combing her hair carefully.

The long hair is winding on the back, like a woman's second clone.If it is combed smoothly like this, it is like the blood vessels in the whole body are also smooth.

Wu Yun quietly looked at Concubine Yu: "Master, don't you wonder why the emperor put this little Bai family in our palace?"

Concubine Yu herself was indifferent.

"It's nothing to be curious about. Her sister was originally on the concubine's position, so the emperor naturally placed her in the main palace above the concubine's position. The emperor placed her in the concubine's palace, and naturally gave her sister two face Besides, I have just been promoted to the concubine position, and I have moved the palace, and the women at hand are not enough, so I just added her here."

Concubine Yu lowered her eyes: "If this arrangement is made by the empress, I should be on guard; but since the arrangement is personally ordered by the emperor, there may not be anything bad for us."

(End of this chapter)

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