Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 677: Missing

Chapter 677: Missing (195 more)
Wanxi's face turned red again, and she cast a coquettish glance at Yuqin.

Naturally, she had guessed it a long time ago, but facing Master Jiu at this time, she just didn't say it outright.

Fu Heng's expression darkened slightly, but he hurriedly bowed towards the bamboo curtain.

"What Lu Xiaozhu said is true. The emperor was ill, and when he heard that a thorough investigation had begun in the garden, and it was too late for the emperor to issue an order to stop it, he made another order to give the Jiaohui Garden to the slaves."

"The emperor's decree is naturally for the sake of the master and the young master Lu. The emperor is just using the name of the slave."

Wanxi held back a sigh, bowed her head and said: "The emperor's daily words and deeds must be recorded in the "Records", so everything must be learned from his name. Even though this incident happened suddenly, he must have an explanation. Jiu Ye, What did the emperor say this time?"

Fu Heng suppressed a sigh: "The emperor said that the slave has not been divided into a mansion since he got married, and he has been living with several elder brothers. The emperor said that I don't have my own garden, so he gave me one."
Across the bamboo curtain, Wanxi bowed her head in thought without making a sound.

Yuqin laughed: "Anyway, the Emperor bestowing the Jiaohui Garden is a good thing for both of you. First, it can make Wanxi rest at ease and not be subject to copying by the Ministry of Internal Affairs; second, it is a good thing for Jiu Lord, you are also very kind."

Only then did Wanxi frowned and said: "The incident happened suddenly, and the emperor can't afford to think about it carefully. It's just that the wise man thought a lot, and maybe he made a mistake. This time, the emperor also didn't think carefully—now that Jiaohui Garden has become Master Jiu's private garden, if we are the emperor's harem, if we still live in it, what's the point?"

"Besides, at this time, Master Jiu has just entered the military plane, and there are old courtiers who are unavoidable. The emperor's special favor to Master Jiu in name may cause people to guess that Master Jiu will go, and it will be detrimental to Master Jiu."

Yuqin was also suffocated: "Could it be that we have to move out?"

"No need!" Fu Heng hurriedly said: "Firstly, when the two masters moved here, this garden was not owned by a slave; secondly, even if this garden has become a slave now, the slave still has something to do. In short, Surely it will cause gossip, which will damage the reputation of the two masters."

"What else can Master Jiu do?" Wanxi looked up.

Fu Heng tried his best to smile, hiding the sadness in his heart: "...as long as I don't set foot in this garden from now on."
Although he tried his best to hide his sorrow, even though he tried his best to smile, the look in his eyes suddenly entered into Wanxi's eyes.

Wanxi hurriedly turned her back.Otherwise, I would really feel distressed and cry.

Yuqin sighed softly and stood up: "Listening to what you have said for a while, my brain hurts. I'd better go to lie down first. After all, you two are smarter than me, so I will listen to you both. Good idea."

Yuqin knew that at this moment, the two of them must have something to say alone.
Yuqin left, Wanxi took a deep breath, turned around and looked at Fu Heng.

"Ninth brother...and because of me, I put you in such a dilemma."

Fu Heng tried his best to smile: "Don't think like this. After all, what I'm thinking about now is how to protect you so that you can recover from your illness safely. I just... just know that after I got a job in Beijing, I still have to go back to Beijing. Shanxi was appointed. I was just worried that I would never see you again."

Wanxi lowered her head: "Actually, there is no need to be so decisive, maybe there is a way to get the best of both worlds."

Fu Heng's eyes lit up: "Say it quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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