Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 696 Chapter 2 Volume 214

Chapter 696 Volume Two 214 (11 more)
The emperor laughed softly: "Queen, the palace here is a Buddhist temple. Does the queen really think it's appropriate for you and me to be like this in a Buddhist temple?"

The queen smiled leisurely: "How could the emperor forget that this is Duolun. The monasteries and eminent monks revered in Inner and Outer Mongolia are different from those in Han. Even many eminent monks have wives and children."

"Oh, the empress is so knowledgeable that she is so clear about this." The emperor lowered his eyes lightly: "The empress is right, I am speechless."

The emperor raised his head and looked at the bright yellow bed curtain above his head: "It's just that the empress can't forget that I have just recovered from my sores, and I might still be sick in my body. If the empress sleeps with me, wouldn't you be afraid to take the risk? "
The queen was not surprised by the emperor's words.

She bowed her head and smiled: "Why did the emperor forget that since the emperor fell ill, the concubine has been by the emperor's side every step of the way. Counting the days, it has been three months. If there is something to do, it will have been done a long time ago." , isn't it good for the emperor to look at the concubine's body?"

The emperor didn't make another sound, his fingers only quickly read Hetian Baiyu's bead in his palm.Yuzhu was speechless, but Lingling collided, like the sound of ice.

The queen was not in a hurry, and whispered softly: "In a blink of an eye, it has been eight months since Huixian passed away. I remember that in an elegy written by the emperor to Huixian, Huixian was most concerned about Huixian when he left. What is more important is the emperor's desire for a son. Hui Xian was as close as a sister to my concubine before he was alive, but now that he is gone, he is still thinking about his son. , the wish is hard to come true?"

"Furthermore, since our Yonglian passed away, my concubine saw the emperor's grief with her own eyes, and made a wish to the gods and Buddhas early on in her heart, that she must give birth to another son for the emperor. This is to make up for Yonglian's death. The pain brought to the empress dowager and the emperor; secondly, even Huixian's wish is the same, and the concubine is even more responsible. I think the emperor will stay in a Buddhist temple tonight, and the concubine will serve him. It’s a fate in the dark.”
The emperor still didn't make a sound, but quietly stared at the queen's side face with the night in his eyes.

The queen bowed her head and said: "Three times...Although there are currently five princes under the emperor's knees except Yong Lian. But the elder brother is not young, he is eighteen this year. The eldest son is already so old , if there is no son-in-law, it is inevitable that the previous dynasty would have to discuss the establishment of a reserve for the eldest son."

"The emperor once said to his concubine before that the most taboo is the situation of Kowloon seizing the heir in the time of Lord Kangxi, so the emperor wants to make our son the heir, so as to avoid this trouble forever. Now that the elder brother is so old, if If there is no more son-in-law, it will be the future... how can the emperor rest assured?"
The emperor stared at the side face of the queen's quiet and beautiful eyebrows, and couldn't help chuckling.

"Queen, you are really my virtuous wife, so you have worried so much for me."

The queen lowered her head and smiled quietly: "Where did the emperor say this? The concubine is the emperor's first wife, as it should be."

The emperor couldn't help but reached out and touched the queen's temple hair.There seemed to be a few black threads dyed white by the moonlight... But the emperor knew that the whiteness did not come from the moonlight, but the real traces left by the years.

It has been so many years since she married her when she was 16 years old.

The emperor withdrew his hand and closed his eyes lightly: "Queen, what you want most now is a son-in-law, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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