Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 78 Destiny

Chapter 78 Destiny
"You child!" The queen got up in shock, and commanded Xianchun solemnly: "Don't you pass the medicine?!"

Wanxi hurriedly put her fingers together to cover the injury: "Master, the lady killed the servant, it doesn't matter, the servant played with flowers and plants at home when he was a child, it's always like this."

Xianchun hurriedly brought the medicine box that was used daily in the Queen's Palace.The queen opened the box herself, took the ointment, and applied it on Wanxi herself.

Respected as the mother of a country, Wanxi's eyes blurred for a servant like her to apply medicine like this.She inhaled carefully, not daring to let the tears flow down.

She endured it, sniffed carefully, and begged in a muffled voice: "Master, my lady...you can just do it yourself."

The queen sighed softly, and looked up at Wanxi: "You just stand there obediently and don't move."

The queen wiped the medicine, and unconsciously tilted her head slightly: "According to your age...you are only four years older than He Jing. After all, you are still a child~"

After Yong Lian passed away, the only children around the queen were her daughter and Princess Jing.But according to the rules of the palace, Princess He Jing could not be raised by the queen's side, but was handed over to nurses and nuns to take care of.At this time, being able to personally apply the medicine for Wanxi also gave the queen a little comfort to her mother's heart.
Wanxi returned to the back room, still staring at her hands in a daze.She thought that in the next three to five days, she would be reluctant to wash her hands.

Just at this moment, someone called again.When Wanxi went out, she saw that it was Liu Fu, the eunuch of the imperial dining room.

Wanxi hurriedly stepped forward to see her, but she looked left and right: "Why didn't Liu Zhu'er come? Wenda has something to tell him, so why bother you to come here?"

Liu Fu pursed his lips and said happily: "Isn't it because our family is here to ask for a girl again..."

Wanxi was stunned: "Do you still want me to help in the imperial dining room? But my craftsmanship..."

Liu Fu bowed deeply: "I also hope that the girl will be fulfilled."

Wanxi had no choice but to sue the palace again, and followed Liu Fu all the way south, towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Wanxi looked at the sky: "But usually the emperor doesn't pass on the pastry at night? Why do you want pastry this early in the morning?"

Liu Fu is also an old man in the city, so he said with a smile: "The emperor doesn't just use the pastry at night. Because the emperor eats breakfast early, it is always used up before the morning court, and it is almost used up before dawn. After the emperor comes to the morning court, it is natural that he will be hungry. If you are hungry, you will have a meal in the morning."

Only then did Wanxi nod her head: "Thank you Adanda for pointing it out."
The location of the inner imperial dining room is just south of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but Wanxi found that the direction was slightly shifted as she walked, not going directly south from Changchun Palace, but a little bit eastward.

Wanxi looked at the Yongshou Palace ahead, and couldn't help but think of what Nianchun said that day.

Nianchun's father and brother both work in the conservatory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so she should know well.So Wanxi couldn't help but look in the direction of Yongshou Palace curiously.

Unexpectedly, Liu Fu stopped at the narrow passage leading to Yongshou Palace, and bowed towards Wanxi with a smile: "Please go with Master Li, our family will send the girl here."

Wanxi was startled, she tilted her head and looked forward, only to see the red wall was deep and deep, waiting in front of her was Li Yu, the chief eunuch beside the emperor!

Wanxi's heart jumped inexplicably, and she asked Liu Fu in a low voice: "...Going further, it is Yongshou Palace, but it is not the imperial dining room. Didn't Wenda take me to the imperial dining room?"

Liu Fu smiled, and replied respectfully: "Our family doesn't know about the rest. Miss, don't worry, just go with Mr. Li. Mr. Li will tell her everything she wants to know."

The matter has come to this point, and Wanxi can't help herself to advance and retreat.She could only take a deep breath and walked towards Li Yu.

In front is the Yongshou Palace, and the chief eunuch beside the emperor... Apart from these two things she can see now, what else is there waiting for her in front of her?
 Denden denden~~
(End of this chapter)

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