Chapter 84
After saying that, the emperor finally let go of her hand.

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body went limp, and she slumped on the pedals.

But the emperor just went to the cabinet by himself and took a red box, turned around and came back again.Wanxi had no choice but to stand up hastily, and was about to kneel down.

But he strode back to sit down, and pulled her to his knees again: "Don't move!"

He squeezed Wanxi's wrist, turned his palm to face him, and then took out a small porcelain cup from the red box.The porcelain cup shaped like a river clam, when he parted, the cover was staggered, revealing the green paste inside.

Wanxi recognized this ointment, it was exactly the small bottle he gave her when he left last time, and it was said to promote muscle growth and relieve pain.

Wanxi bit her lip, but still held back her words.

Although he lowered his head, he also noticed it, and snorted softly: "Speak up if you have something to say. There are only you and me here, and you should be more comfortable. No one has to pretend to be a gourd with a dull mouth."

Wanxi couldn't dodge it, so she could only plead: "This servant knows that Fourth Master wants to give medicine to this servant... But, this servant has just been given medicine by the Queen's master himself an hour ago, so this servant, slave, will not bother Fourth Master." Already!"

He couldn't help gritting his teeth when he heard this, and raised his eyes to stare at her, but he couldn't help laughing: "You little girl, how many people in this world will I apply the medicine to, and you don't want it!"

Wanxi naturally understood, so she could only lower her head and mutter in a low voice: "I thank the fourth master for your kindness. It's just that, just an hour later, it would be wasteful to apply the medicine twice; besides... Fourth master is the master of the slave. The master of the queen is also the master of the slave."

The emperor could only laugh dumbfoundedly: "You mean, you are reluctant to wash your hands after the empress applied the medicine for you, so you don't even care about my application?"

Wanxi didn't dare to admit it directly, she could only bite her lip, and quietly raised her eyelids to peek at him.

He had no choice but to raise his hand suddenly, as if to hit her hand.

Wanxi subconsciously closed her eyes and prepared to accept it. The emperor's palm fell down with the wind, but stopped an inch above her palm.

Then he snorted: "It's rare that your empress master is willing to give you medicine with your own hands, and it's also rare that you are so sincerely grateful, so forget it, I will not make it difficult for you. After all, the medicine in your empress master's hand, It’s not worse than mine, it’s important to heal your injury.”

Wanxi hurriedly squatted down: "Thank you master, slave!"

I wanted to withdraw my hand and salute politely, but his hand was still held by him, and he refused to let go.

The panic in Wanxi's heart came back again, and she carefully tried to pull her hand away: "Master, it hurts..."

He snorted, but directly lifted her sleeves!
Wanxi couldn't dodge in time, but the scar on her arm still appeared in front of his eyes.Wanxi was so nervous that she closed her eyes again.

A dark cloud passed over the emperor's face: "At first glance, when I heard the eunuch in the respect room tell me that there was a girl with a scar on her arm, I knew it was you! At that time, I didn't understand, but now It seems that it is exactly what I was worried about!"

This time Wanxi was too nervous to open her eyes.

However, he became ruthless and deliberately pinched her palm, but his voice trembled first: "...if you used the ointment I left you, how could you still have such a scar! Look In your current situation, it is clear that you have not used the ointment since I left. Tell me, why not?!"

Wanxi closed her eyes and carefully turned her head, "If you go back to Fourth Master, it's not that I don't need it, it's because I lost it all."


The emperor suddenly stretched out his arms, and hugged Wanxi to his knee with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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