Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 86 The Night Banquet

Chapter 86 The Night Banquet
Li Yu personally sent Wanxi out of the Ruyi Gate, the west gate of the north wall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Liu Fu was already waiting in the corridor outside the Ruyi Gate.

Wanxi understood that this was an appropriate arrangement by the emperor.

When she came out of Changchun Palace, she followed Liu Fu, and when she returned, she was sent back by Liu Fu, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Wanxi bowed to Liu Fu first: "You are a master."

Liu Fu is an old man in the palace, he knew that the girl came out from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, her status is different, so he quickly bowed down: "I really don't dare to be an old slave, girl please."

Along the long palace wall, from the Hall of Mental Cultivation to the Qixiang Palace, you will arrive at the Changchun Palace in a short time.Wanxi bid farewell to Liu Fu in front of the Changchun Palace, but she also knew that her fate had changed again after leaving the Changchun Palace this time.

He went in and wrote off the time to Xianchun, and then slowly walked back to the back room.

When he opened the door, he was blindfolded.

The familiar breath and body temperature lingered between her breaths, and she knew who it was without guessing.But he could only quietly close his eyelids, take a deep breath and say, "Nianchun, stop making trouble."

The hands on the eyes were loosened, and the people behind walked around to look at her: "What's the matter? What happened in the imperial dining room?"

It's Fu Heng.

Wanxi tried her best to smile, but avoided Fu Heng's gaze: "It's okay."

Fu Heng looked carefully, suppressed his concern, and stopped asking.He only stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, looked her up and down, and waited to make sure that there was no injury on her body, then he calmed down and smiled quietly: "It's fine."

He dragged her to the side of the kang, pointed at the sewing basket, "Where's my purse? I rushed into the palace a few hours earlier, just to ask for my purse."

Wanxi looked up at him: "I'm really not good at embroidery, you really don't think it's shabby?"

He shook his head like a rattle: "I can only love like a treasure."

Only then did Wanxi laugh, and lifted her legs onto the kang, took out her purse from the small drawer on the lower floor of the kangqin, pursed her lips to hide her smile, and stared at Fu Heng flickeringly with her big eyes, then straightened her arms and put the The purse was held up in front of him.
In the evening palace banquet, concubines and above accompanied the emperor and empress, and held a banquet for the queen mother in Shoukang Palace.

The banquet was set on the platform of the Shoukang Palace. The emperor and the empress sat with the queen mother on the left and right.

Concubine Xian looked around the Shoukang Palace, and saw that although the flowers placed here were rarer and the chrysanthemum hills were taller and more magnificent, they were all just chrysanthemums, and there was nothing special about them.Concubine Xian couldn't help chuckling and said: "Tonight's palace banquet, I thought it would be placed in Yongshou Palace. I heard that the flowers in Yongshou Palace are different from other palaces. I secretly thought that it must be It was specially arranged by the emperor for the empress dowager. But I didn't expect that the concubine was wrong, hehe~"

The Empress Dowager looked at the Emperor, and the Empress quickly glanced at the Emperor, then nodded and smiled: "That's really Concubine Xian's mistake. But Concubine Xian is not entirely wrong, Concubine Xian can see that the Emperor is full of filial piety towards the Empress Dowager, That's right."

The queen said and stroked the weeds on her hair: "Actually, the ones displayed in the Yongshou Palace are the weeds that I ordered to be made. My temperament, the queen mother and all the sisters also know that since I entered the palace, I only love weeds. , That's why I took advantage of the Double Ninth Festival to make different kinds of flowers from the grass and put them in the Yongshou Palace, just as a place for the emperor to spend his time after being tired from state affairs."

The queen got up and bowed to the queen mother: "Tongcao flowers are beautiful, but they are made of grass after all. How can they be used by the queen mother to congratulate Chongyang? That's why the emperor didn't hold a banquet at the Yongshou Palace. This is the emperor's filial piety to the queen mother. "

The imperial concubine was the first to stand up and toasted the queen mother and the emperor: "I wish the queen mother a long and prosperous life, and I appreciate the emperor's filial piety and appreciation of the moon."

 Cough cough, Huang Sang is only 29, this age difference can be found everywhere in modern society~~ The life expectancy of the ancients was short, with an average of 40 years old, so 13 years old is almost an adult, please don’t look at it with modern eyes~~
(End of this chapter)

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