Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 94 Grasshopper

Chapter 94 Grasshopper
After half an hour, Wanxi left.

The emperor sat cross-legged on the kang for a long time, and Fang looked away from the window, lowering his eyes lightly: "Li Yu, pass on the meal."

The dining table was set up, and Zhang Ming, the eunuch in the respect room, brought a large plate of red lacquer as usual.

The emperor only glanced at it, then reached out and quickly flipped over a sign.With a clang, the green-headed card collided with the vermilion lacquer platter, inexplicably showing a hint of shock in the dimly lit dormitory.

Zhang Ming originally had a smile on his face, but at this moment he didn't dare to laugh again, and hurriedly restrained himself.

Even he could see that although the emperor had finally flipped the sign of the newcomer, he was not happy in his heart.
Wanxi, who left the Ruyi Gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, forced a smile on her face.

She is not unhappy, because - there is no reason!

She glanced back at the door plaque of Ruyi Gate, then nodded seriously: "Ruyi Ruyi, as I wish."

That is, on this trip to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, even though the bracelet was almost exposed, at least she didn't bring disaster to Lord Jiu, so she was satisfied.

Passing through the katydid gate, she looked up at the word katydid, and muttered earnestly again: "Grasshopper gate!"

Then I went back to look at the Hall of Mental Cultivation: "In the gate of the grasshopper - raise the grasshopper! Grasshopper with a big belly~"

Katydids are called Grasshoppers outside the pass.Grasshopper has many sons, but Wanxi only cares about its loud cry.Wanxi also wove grasshopper cages at home, raised a bunch of grasshoppers and hung them outside the window, and listened to them singing loudly while combing her hair at night in summer.

"The katydid feathers, swear. Yier's descendants, vibrate." Wanxi hummed the "Kidty Piece" in the "Book of Songs" in a low voice, and after humming, there was Changchun Palace in front of her, so she stopped in her tracks.

This long street runs through the West Sixth Palace from north to south, with the "Katas Gate" in the south and the "Baizi Gate" in the north. This is the clearest symbol of the royal family's prayer for more children.Prosperous offspring is the wish of the royal family, the wish of the officials of the former dynasty, and perhaps it is also the hope of all the people in this world, right?

She sighed faintly, shaking her head vigorously.

In fact, why did he talk so much to her today?
She... still doesn't want to understand.
The night is quiet and the moon is like a wash.

After bathing and dressing up in the east enclosure of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yuqin carefully followed the eunuch in the respect room into the apse of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.She walked this way as if every hair was frozen, completely unaware of the fate of the man waiting on the other side.

But the hallway finally came to an end, the eunuch came out with a grin and bowed to make way for her, leaving her alone to walk the road ahead.

Yuqin had nothing to rely on, so she subconsciously raised her hand to caress the ear clippers hanging by her ears.

The newly pierced ears and eyes seemed to still have the pain of the day, so that she could still feel the warmth of Wanxi on them.In the silence beside her ears, she seemed to hear Wanxi Qinglingling's laughter again, and heard her say: "Sister, don't be coerced by anyone, just be yourself."

Yuqin took a deep breath and walked into the Nuan Pavilion.In front of him was the young man wearing the dark pattern of azure dragon.He sat cross-legged with his back on the kang under the south window, looking down at the Four Treasures of the Study on the kang table.

Yuqin saluted from afar: "Minister...May the emperor be safe."

The young man turned his head, glanced at her lightly, and nodded: "You are here. There is no need to be formal."

As he spoke, he got off the kang and walked over, holding out his hand to her.

Yuqin carefully raised her hand and placed it in his palm.

His hands were dry and warm, soft but firm.

The curtain was lowered, Yuqin abided by women's etiquette, closed her eyes tightly, and silently endured.

 There is a coincidence: this year in Chongyang, Yongshou Palace is holding an exhibition of chrysanthemum-themed items collected in the Forbidden City ~~ Do Jiuer know? ~~~See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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