The national male god is fierce and strong

Chapter 654 Warning of Terrorist Attack 2

Chapter 654 Warning of Terrorist Attack 2
Julie put down a large stack of documents she was holding in her arms, got up and went to get a cup from the seniors' desk.

She inadvertently saw the computer with a black screen next to it start up by itself.

Julie? ? ?

She froze for a moment, and paused when she took the cup.

"Julie, why are you so dazed?"

The person who opened the mouth was the group leader, a 40-year-old middle-aged man, and he was the senior who took Julie.

It was him who drove away all the messy thoughts of "justice" in Julie's mind.

Julie was still staring at the computer that turned on automatically, "Officer Brad, this computer turned on by itself..."

Blake chuckled and leaned back in his chair.

This is young people.


"Isn't it just the computer turned on? Do you think the hacker war is controlled by hackers and attacked our FBI headquarters?"

Brad spoke with a smile.

It seemed to be a calm tone, but it was harsh to the ears.

Same as irony.

Julie got used to it, took his water glass silently, and just stood up straight when she heard three beeps.

Followed by the almost simultaneous sound of computer startup.

It rang neatly in the office of the FBI headquarters, and the voice stunned the office staff who came and went in a hurry.

"What's the matter?"

"Who turned on the computer?"

In the office on the whole floor, people were standing or standing, holding different materials and documents in their hands, and all looked at the computer.

It can be seen that nearly a hundred computers are turned on almost simultaneously.

The same screen is displayed.

If it is a computer room, there is a special master control system that can control the computer to display the same screen.

But the FBI didn't.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the computer..."

Brad chuckled.

The computer is turned on, which is just a small episode.

Some people took a look and got up to do their own things.

"FBI officers, hello everyone~"

A line of words was displayed on the computer at the same time.

But the displayed Chinese.

Basically, they don't know Hua Guo's characters.

But I have seen it too.

"Is this... the character of Hua Guo?"

"Seems to be……"

The FBI officers realized one thing belatedly.

"The FBI's protective wall has been broken! Our system has been attacked!"

Yan Tao... Are these police officers idiots?
The plain and slender fingers tapped in the void.

Almost simultaneously, the juvenile's hoarse voice sounded at the FBI headquarters at the same time.

"Sorry, I forgot to switch to English."

The young man gave a low laugh.

The laughter is like the wind, brushing against the ear, if it is heard by the voice control, I am afraid that I will jump up excitedly.

When the sound of the young man's laughter fell, the entire floor was so silent that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

Brad was sitting across from the desk, that face, it was hot and painful.

As soon as he satirized, someone broke the FBI's internal system.

Isn't this a blatant slap in the face?

Julie was holding a stack of documents, her eyes glowing slightly.

There really are hackers!
Also able to hack into the FBI's system...

It's like acting in a movie blockbuster.

Yan Tao curled his lips slightly, "Why don't you talk?"

"I'm alone, so boring."


You hacked into our system, what the hell do you want us to say?
Director Rowan Mir realized belatedly that his office was a little far from the outside offices.

"who are you?"

"Why hack the FBI?"

There are many important documents stored in the FBI's system. If they are leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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