Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2333 Jealousy Makes People Ugly

Chapter 2333 Jealousy Makes People Ugly
The eldest princess Chengying was satisfied, raised her haughty chin, glanced at the gatekeeper, and followed the servant girl into the mansion of the eldest princess Pingwu with her mouth curled up.

The servant girl winked at the gatekeeper, and the gatekeeper blinked in understanding.Not long after Princess Chengying entered the door, she turned around and left Princess Pingwu's mansion, and ran towards the public security office in the capital not far away.

Not long after Princess Chengying entered the mansion, she saw people rushing past with boxes from time to time, and she couldn't help asking curiously: "What are these boxes for? I didn't hear that you, Pingwu, are going to go on a long trip in the near future?"

The servant girl sighed: "Princess Dachang doesn't know something. Our princess doesn't know whether she ate the weight or something. She insisted on going to Baiqiu to get married. The emperor and queen refused to listen. This time, she planned to kill first and play later. As long as she brings With the team leaving, the common people will know that our eldest princess is going to marry, and the emperor and queen will not recognize it."

The Eldest Princess Chengying was overjoyed, "So your eldest princess really wants to marry Baiqiu? Your concubine is also willing?"

The servant girl nodded, "All these things are ready, just wait for the departure tomorrow morning. Our concubine stopped her, but the eldest princess didn't listen, so she couldn't do anything about it. Besides, our eldest princess also said it, and we will take it with you when the time comes." Walking with the concubine, the concubine also loves her daughter, can you really screw with the eldest princess?"

The Eldest Princess Chengying sighed feignedly, "Since that's the case, it's a coincidence that I came here. It seems that you said that your Eldest Princess thanked guests behind closed doors, but she was making these preparations."

The servant girl said in a low voice: "This is also the eldest princess. The slaves and maidservants would not dare to let in. If the news reaches the ears of the emperor and the queen, we must lock up our eldest princess? This matter is very important to the eldest princess." Don't say it out there."

Princess Chengying nodded hurriedly, and after talking, she came to the yard where Princess Pingwu lived. She saw Princess Pingwu sitting in the yard drinking tea while checking the box in front of her to see if there was anything missing. .Princess Chengying said loudly: "Sister, are you really planning this?"

Princess Pingwu raised her head and saw Princess Chengying walking in, she was surprised and said, "Why is the eldest sister here?"

Princess Chengying feigned anger and said: "What? You don't welcome Elder Sister? I don't come here, I don't know that you have such a righteous idea. I'm afraid we sisters won't be able to see each other for the last time."

Princess Pingwu smiled and said: "How could it be, Pingwu would like to thank Elder Sister for her kindness, and was thinking of saying goodbye to Elder Sister tomorrow morning, since Elder Sister is here, it will save time The imperial sister will run again."

After finishing speaking, Princess Pingwu pointed to the box in front of her and said, "Just carry them down if they are almost the same. If you have anything else to pretend, ask Manager Xi."

The servants agreed to carry the box down. The eldest princess Chengying looked at the lid of the box, which was full of jewels, and felt jealous. She was also the eldest princess, but she still had a big fortune. That's it, the few boxes in Princess Pingwu's yard alone can't compare, not to mention what Princess Pingwu means, there are many more.

This person is more deadly than others, and he has to be thrown away when he compares things with goods, but he is also the eldest princess. Why is the eldest princess Pingwu stronger than her in every way?If you meet a scumbag like Guo Yuanbai, you can break off the engagement smoothly, but what about her?No matter how bad the son-in-law is, in order to win over the son-in-law's family, she can't even play the prestige of the eldest princess at will.

Princess Cheng Yingchang didn't know, because of jealousy, her face was distorted at this time, looking extremely ugly and vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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