Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2340 Jealousy

Chapter 2340 Jealousy
Especially since Bailihao came to the throne, the mother and concubine followed the emperor to build a palace. She is of no value anymore. The mother and daughter don't see each other often all year round. In fact, she also wants maternal love, just like Xin Taifei. How good is the mother and concubine who loves her daughter?It's a pity that she didn't enjoy much maternal love since she was a child, and the enviable father's love was so shallow that she felt pitiful.

Others thought how the former emperor loved her, but they didn't know how she tried to please her. Rather than saying it was Baili Hanfeng's love for her, it was better to say that she acted for others to see.

When she was a child, Princess Chengying hated the emperor deeply because of her concubine's preference for the emperor and her injustice to her, and she has not been close to him for so many years. In her heart, he is the one who took away what should belong He enjoyed her maternal love as a matter of course, but at the same time he sneered at himself. Several times, Princess Chengying wanted him to die.

If it wasn't for the death of the first emperor, the siblings rarely saw each other again, she really didn't know if she would commit the act of killing her brother.

The sedan chair left the Pingwu Princess Palace, followed by He Bingren who was watched by the guards of the Princess Palace.He Bingren didn't ride a horse, and hurriedly followed the speed of the sedan chair. Behind him was the official messenger brought by He Bingren. He wanted to rush up several times to rescue their Master He, but was stopped by He Bingren's eyes. It was terrible that He Bingren was killed. Can only follow not far or near.

Soon after arriving at the palace gate, Princess Pingwu does not need to be notified when she enters the palace. Today, because she brought He Bingren and Princess Chengying with her, she asked the servant guarding the palace gate to report. The servant smiled and said: " The eldest princess is joking, why do you need to report when the eldest princess enters the palace, since she is here with the eldest princess, there is no need to report."

Princess Pingwu nodded with a smile, and the maid behind her stuffed two silver beans into the gatekeeper's servant, who thanked her.The seemingly ordinary behavior made Princess Chengying feel sour. Although she is the eldest sister, she needs to report the mood of the emperor and queen when she enters the palace. Jealous of Princess Pingwu's position in the heart of the emperor and queen, she wants more and more to let Princess Pingwu get married as soon as possible.

Entering the palace, I inquired all the way that Princess Pingwu and others came to Qinzheng Hall, saying that the emperor had important matters to discuss with several adults inside, and Princess Pingwu and others were waiting outside, and the servants went in to report, saying It was Princess Pingwu and Princess Chengying who sued He Bingren for intruding into the Princess' mansion without purpose, asking the emperor to make the decision, and Hao'er let them in.

The hall is empty, and ice basins are placed in the corners. Even in the scorching summer, as soon as you enter the hall, you can feel the coolness, and the heat on your body disappears. Princess Wuchang smiled and said, "Brother Huang, your Qinzheng Palace is really cool, and my sister doesn't even want to leave."

Hao'er smiled and said: "I don't want to leave, I will stay and help the emperor handle the government affairs in the future."

Princess Pingwu hastily refused: "Thinking about it carefully, the Palace of Qinzheng is not that good, and my Princess Palace is also strangely cool."

Princess Chengying felt uncomfortable seeing the two siblings talking and laughing happily, but she couldn't joke with the emperor like Princess Pingwu. Fortunately, Hao'er didn't laugh too much with Princess Pingwu, but asked: "Just now the servant reported that you and Eldest Sister are here to sue He Bingren?"

Princess Pingwu said: "Exactly, Mr. He Bingrenhe was so rude, he led people into Pingwu's mansion to search, and asked him if he had an imperial edict from the emperor. He said that he sent someone to ask for it, but he didn't wait until he searched for it." After finishing Pingwu's mansion, there was no imperial decree."

(End of this chapter)

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