Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2351 Poor people must have something to hate

Chapter 2351 Poor people must have something to hate

Xu Taiping sneered, "Why should I give up my body to you? You and your wife are pitiful, but I also have someone to protect. Although you seem pitiful, you have done so many outrageous things. If I really give you my body, if you go to do evil again, am I not committing crimes? Don’t think about it anymore, I will not give you your body. If you really miss your wife, I can help you find out. If I find out her whereabouts, I will take care of her for you."

Seeing that Xu Taiping was determined not to give him his body, Xiao Hao didn't feel disappointed. Otherwise, he wouldn't give away his body just because others said a few pitiful words. If he could meet again before his soul dissipated On the one hand, Liu Luan also had a wish.

But Xu Taiping only came to Jinchi City last year, and he has heard about the case of the Liu Mansion, but he doesn't know much about it, especially Liu Luan. The case of the Liu family was also exposed by him.

But he didn't want to be busy with business affairs today, when Xu Taiping came out from the Imperial Academy, it was already late, and when he returned to Yingwuhou's mansion, it was already late at night, there was food left in the kitchen, when the servants saw Xu Taiping came back, they hurriedly brought the food out, look at this time Marquis Yingwu must be reunited with his wife and children, so it is not easy for him to bother him, not to mention the case of the Liu family is not in a hurry, so Xu Taiping thought about bringing it up with Lu Anlang when he gets up early tomorrow and goes to court together.

Waking up early the next day, both Xu Taiping and Lu Anlang got up when the sky was bright. Because they were close to the palace, they were much happier than those officials who lived far away. Not only could they wake up more than half an hour late, but they could also have a simple breakfast.

Lu Anlang and Xu Taiping sat together, drinking warm porridge, eating steamed buns, and sliced ​​small pickles, eating very comfortably.

After dinner, the two put on their court clothes, and while walking out, Xu Taiping asked: "Master Hou, do you still have any memories of the case about the Liu Mansion two years ago?"

Lu Anlang was about to ask Xu Taiping about Xiao Hao, but unexpectedly Xu Taiping asked him first, Lu Anlang said: "Is that Xiao who is uneasy again?"

Xu Taiping was taken aback for a moment, but before he said anything, Lu Anlang guessed that what he wanted to ask was about Xiao Hao, nodded and said: "Exactly, Xiao Hao told me about his life experience yesterday, and wanted me to help him find his background." wife."

Lu Anlang said: "Then did he tell you about the good things he did with his wife?"

Seeing that although Xu Taiping was stunned, he seemed to take it for granted because of his understanding of Xiao Hao's character, but he didn't know what good deeds he had done, Lu Anlang said: "He hooked up with a woman who made a marriage contract, and was caught by others. Killing people, and then forging the scene, making the false appearance that the victim fell to his death, and the person killed by them was the champion of the new department ten years ago, that genius like you, who was once recognized by the former emperor and all officials They are the pillars of the country. After that, they not only escaped justice, but also sent people to the victim’s home to silence them. If it weren’t for God’s blessing, the evil things they did back then would be wiped out in the world. And he finally married Liu Luan and did A loving couple for several years, why should you help such a vicious person."

"This Xiao Hao is such a pitiful person, there must be something hateful!" Although he had sympathized with Xiao Hao's words before, Xu Taiping believed in Lu Anlang's words even more. He knew the details of what he had done, but Xiao Hao still wanted him to help take care of a woman like Liu Luan as a victim, it was really fantastic.

(End of this chapter)

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