Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2353 It's Not Good To Look At Him

Chapter 2353 It's Not Good To Look At Him

Not long after taking the pills, Xu Taiping became drowsy, Lu Anlang asked someone to carry him into a sedan chair, and brought him directly into the palace, and after entering the palace, someone asked him to lift him to a side hall, and only waited for the next court to talk to Hao I mentioned this.

This case is so bizarre that Gao Yuan's trial has come to an end here, and only a few of their insiders can understand the rest of the matter. For what Hao has done in these years, Hao'er will definitely want to take this case to further trial.

Gao Yuansi played the case in court this morning, because it involved the No. 1 Scholar who died embarrassingly ten years ago, and also involved the perpetrators of the Liu Mansion case, Gao Yuansi played the case clearly, and found out about it later yesterday. Some truths were heard by all the officials as well as books. In the end, Haoer pardoned Guanshi Zhang's capital crime in front of all the officials. The silver taels copied from Princess Chengying's home rewarded Zhang Guanshi with [-] taels, allowing him to go back to his hometown and live a good life.

The Liu family involved in this case has been dead for a long time, and they are not afraid that someone will avenge Liu Luan. Zhang Guanshi's family can also return to their hometown to live in peace. Their wish was fulfilled, after all their roots were not in Jinchi, and after such a thing happened, they would not want to stay in the sad place of Jinchi.

Under Hao'er's will, the case was considered closed, and the news that Chengying's eldest princess's mansion was raided spread throughout the capital, so Hao'er beat all the officials again, and came to the side hall with Lu Anlang after he retired Look at Xu Taiping.

Seeing Xu Taiping who was sleeping and snoring, Hao'er couldn't laugh or cry, "It's really hard for him to suffer a lot."

Lu Anlang said: "I see that he eats well, sleeps well, and he doesn't feel uncomfortable on weekdays. When he's free, he can sit on Du Yuxiang in the front yard of my house. I really don't see what he eats. bitter."

Hao'er also heard about Xu Taiping's love for Yuxiang, and felt that he and Yuxiang were indeed a good match, but since Qi Nanqin recognized Yuxiang as his adopted daughter, he also called Yuxiang's aunt for a while. He was still a little uncomfortable about marrying Yuxiang as his wife.

Although he hadn't seen Yuxiang several times since he ascended the throne, after all, he also regarded Yuxiang as a relative during the time they spent together.

Others might think that Yuxiang was born as a maid, and marrying a number one scholar is a high incense, but in Hao'er's eyes, what is a number one scholar?If you want to marry a relative he values, you have to pass his test first.

Lu Anlang took out the antidote and gave it to Xu Taiping, after a while Xu Taiping woke up, seeing the two people standing in front of him, he hurriedly got up to salute.

Because just remembering Xu Taiping's thoughts on Yuxiang, Hao'er looked at him with some scrutiny, which made Xu Taiping a little uncomfortable. I wonder if the emperor was dissatisfied with his being possessed by Xiao Hao, and he was not even angry. Dare to come out.

Fortunately, Hao'er looked away after only a couple of glances, sat down in the chair next to her, and then said: "Aiqing, let's get back together!"

Xu Taiping got up from the ground, and he didn't dare to look at Hao'er. Hao'er was proud of supporting Yuxiang, but also dissatisfied with Xu Taiping. Is she happy?
Lu Anlang saw Hao'er's thoughts, cleared his throat and said, "Your majesty, don't scare Lord Xu, he just entered the court, how could he stand the majesty of the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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