Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2679 City Lord Su Has Never Seen Any Money

Chapter 2679 City Lord Su Has Never Seen Any Money
Hearing that Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang were going to take the students from Baicao Hall to another place, Su Ge was inexplicably relieved, and sighed: "Master, to tell you the truth, Jiang Linsen colluded with officials to sell the papers issued by the imperial court. Regarding the matter of the pills, I can't say that I didn't know about it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. At that time, I took 1 taels of silver from them. I didn't dare to hide this. Now I know what they did. Things, Xiaguan these days are really hard to sleep and eat, as long as I open my eyes, I will be troubled by this matter. I know that I have committed a crime, and I am willing to take out the 1 taels of silver to do something for the people."

Lu Anlang stared at him for a while, and Su Ge didn't dare to lift his head. He waited for Lu Anlang to get angry, but he heard Lu Anlang say: "You can ignore the common people by collecting 1 taels of silver. City Lord Su has never seen it before." what money?"

Su Ge smiled bitterly in embarrassment, he didn't dare to be angry when Lu Anlang ridiculed him like this, and he even explained in a pleasant manner: "Your Majesty doesn't know, although the lower officials are the masters of the city, but Muhai City is next to the Miao Village, and the Miao Village It’s so poor, I dare not press too hard if the taxes don’t come up, the Miao people will rebel if you press too hard, don’t press, the Marquis probably knows that city lords like Xiaguan don’t receive court salaries, They all live on taxes. After paying the taxes stipulated by the court every year, the remaining taels are really not enough. Little ones are going to starve, even if there are many places in the city that use money... the lower officials can't help it."

Seeing that Su Ge spoke sincerely, Lu Anlang didn't know if it was the truth, but he had been to Muhai City before. Every year he wrote a letter saying that the taxes would not come up, and he always used the disaster as an excuse to defraud the court of disaster money. The city lord at that time was indeed not as pitiful as Su Ge.

But since he was taken, Su Ge's new city lord has not said that the year is not good, and the taxes have been handed in on time. said these reasons.

But no matter what, he was greedy for the 1 taels of silver, so he didn't submit a letter to the imperial court about the pill. No matter what the reason is, the loss to the imperial court and the inconvenience to the people have already been caused. Lu Anlang said: "This matter This matter is not a crime that this Marquis can cure. This Marquis will go up to the emperor, and then he will give some good words for Su City Lord, but how the emperor judges is not something that this Marquis can control. After all, the things that Su City Lord has done before have made the emperor Very upset."

Su Ge heard Lu Anlang say that he would speak well for him, so he let go of most of his heart. Although he said that the emperor's sentence was not up to him, Su Ge knew very well that the emperor still listened to the words of Yingwuhou and his wife. They sincerely pleaded for him, the emperor will definitely not punish too much, this is why he has been so considerate since Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue came to Muhai City, as long as these two waiters are well served, it will be a matter of the east window. For the sake of their hard work, as long as they say a good word for him, the emperor will not punish him too severely. At most, he will stop being a poor city lord and go home to farm with peace of mind.

Lu Anlang asked someone to post an announcement that there were still three days left for the free clinic, and anyone who was sick and hadn't come here should hurry up, and they would leave Muhai City in three days.

(End of this chapter)

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