Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2725 The conditions are too difficult

Chapter 2725 The conditions are too difficult
Early in the morning, Jiang Caiyue arranged for the students of Baicao Hall to stay in Changxia City for free clinics these days, and everything was arranged by Master He and Han Sheng.And she and Lu Anlang took Bao'er out of the city together. Apart from the children's reluctance to leave her, Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang both wanted the children to exercise outside and experience the hardships of farmers' lives.

But when they came outside the city with their children, they were a little dumbfounded. Although the outside of Changxia City was much better than the yellow sand they saw when they came here, there were not many fields that were really suitable for farming. The water resources outside the lower city are not very rich, and there are not many water sources that can be used for irrigation. In order to welcome Yingwuhou and his wife to help with farming, Mr. Tong sent people to dig a lot of water storage long before he knew they would come to the northwest. The pool, even if it is not used for irrigation, can also solve some people's water problems.

But even so, the difference in the environment here was beyond Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang's expectations. That's not what Mr. Tong said before, Yellow Earth?No shortage of water?But what Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang saw was sandy land, and even if the best seeds were planted, the harvest would only be mediocre.

Fortunately, the cistern dug by Mr. Tong is not bad, and there are special guards. When Jiang Caiyue came over, he quietly added a lot of space water to the water. It happened to be used for watering when he was testing the cultivation cart that Qi Nanqin made before.

Although the conditions are a bit tough, Jiang Caiyue is confident that he can improve the land here, but it will take a lot of trouble.

The cultivation cart made by Qi Nanqin is a wooden barrel in the middle, with a living pipe that can lead water to every furrow that needs to be watered, and a circular cultivation cart that integrates the functions of plowing, digging holes, and sowing and burying soil.

When the farming cart was pulled into the field with a flat bullock cart, there were already many people waiting to see the legendary farming cart that could make farming easier. When seeing the farming cart, no one could believe how big it was. Yes, things that don't look very flexible can farm.

But when the tillage cart was unloaded from the ox cart, dragged to the field, and put on the ox behind the cart, watching the strong ox dragging the cart forward, the land it passed was indeed plowed, even the soil was plowed. It's all covered, the top is still wet, obviously it has been watered, is this really useful?
After the tillage truck was dragged out for a while, someone ran over and dug open a well-watered spot with his hands, pawed and pulled it twice, and said in surprise after seeing about three seeds buried inside: " It's really good."

Bury the seeds back, and dig a few more, and there are almost two to three seeds. This can also ensure that if you encounter bad seeds, as long as not two seeds are broken, you will always be able to recover. There is one that can germinate.

Looking at the depth of seed burial, not only is it not worse than that of artificially planted fields, but it is more even.

Everyone was boiling, and after a while, the cattle had dragged the farming cart to the end of the field, and someone was adjusting the position of the cultivating machine, planning to cultivate the next field.

The five ridges were plowed in one trip of the ox cart. If all these were done manually, plowing, sowing, watering, and covering the soil back, it would take half a day. how long?It's not that fast to eat a meal.

Of course, it will take some time to add water and seeds after cultivating for a period of time.

The common people are all boiling, they are all saying that with this farming truck, they can do the work of a hundred people alone.

(End of this chapter)

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