Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2758 The only thing you can rely on in life is yourself

Chapter 2758 The only thing you can rely on in life is yourself
Sister Qu and her group walked away wisely, but someone in the vehicle behind them just made sure that it was safe to follow the expert. Seeing Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang's car driving into the rice field, they followed suit.

The water in the paddy fields has long since dried up due to the heat, so the car is not worried about getting stuck in the mud, but there are still some fields before the bottom of the field. The SUVs like Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang are okay, but most of the cars behind They were all cars with a low chassis. Seeing that the chassis of the front cars had been knocked down, and even two cars had their fronts knocked off, the cars behind them didn't come down again. After thinking about it, they followed Sister Qu and the others to leave. chased in the direction.

Jiang Caiyue didn't care about the damaged car in the back. Although she knew her mission, she didn't have to be responsible for everyone's lives. It can be said that Jiang Caiyue is a contradictory existence, but she has kind thoughts in her heart but will not With a soft heart, her kindness is aimed at all human beings, but if someone dies in front of her, she will not take a second look.

And after going through the last days, she has long understood that the greatest danger in the last days never comes from zombies, but from human beings. She once understood this at the cost of her life, and after she is reborn and comes back, she will not make the same mistake again Wrong, and she doesn't think she should be responsible for someone's life.

Even Qi Nanqin didn't intend to help. If I help once, will I have to help for a lifetime?You can only rely on yourself in life, and if you want to give your life to others, how many people are really lucky?This is a fact that everyone must recognize sooner or later.

Fortunately, those people whose cars were damaged couldn't walk in the rice fields, and finally got their cars back on the road and walked away cursing all the way. Listening to their cursing, Qi Nanqin was very glad that she hadn't softened her heart to help those people. People, this kind of people are really not worth helping. In fact, they follow people like themselves, just treat them like free thugs.

There were cars passing by the side of the road from time to time, but these later cars did not have the experience of killing zombies together before, and because the road was cleared, they traveled very smoothly all the way, and each of them thought it was their luck, so they didn't pay attention Even if someone sees the car in the rice field, it will be regarded as someone who died here.

Worried about the danger in the rice fields, no one stopped to check the situation here.

After parking the car, it was still early, remembering that there were still a few hours before dark, Jiang Caiyue was not in a hurry to release the monkey, but found a place in the rice field, and the couple mutated the monkey in this area. The rice seedlings were dug out and thrown into the space.

Since the space upgrade was completed, Jiang Caiyue can control everything in the space, and there is no need to use monkeys for farming. Those monkeys have nothing to do, and they spend every day in the space ranch as companions in the pasture.

After planting the mutated rice seedlings, the family spread out a picnic mat on the open space, took out the food that Qi Nanqin made last night, and had a picnic.

It's a little far away from the road, and the smell of the mutated rice seedlings is fresher, with a faint scent of green grass, which covers up the smell of zombies that permeates the space.

Although they can also enter the space to eat, but in order to adapt to life in the last days more quickly, they decided not to enter the space unless necessary.

The rice balls made by Qi Nanqin are filled with different fillings. There are braised pork rice balls that Lu Anlang likes, barbecued chicken rice balls that Jiang Caiyue likes, eight-treasure rice balls that Qi Nanqin likes, and fish rice balls that Baoer likes. There are fruit rice balls that Dani and Erni love to eat, together with some cooked food made by Yuxiang before, it tastes really rich.

(End of this chapter)

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