Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 415 I'm Serious

Chapter 415 I'm Serious

In the evening, Lu Anlang took out the bow and arrow to clean it. This bow has been with him for several years, and its status in his heart is second only to the family he believes.

Jiang Caiyue thought about it, took out a crossbow from the space and handed it to Lu Anlang, "You take this."

The hand crossbow was no bigger than a palm, and it looked very delicate. The body of the crossbow made of pure steel shone with silver light, and it was heavy in the hand. It could be tied to the wrist, and the sleeves could not be seen outside.

Lu Anlang knew it was a good thing as soon as he saw it, and he couldn't put it down after receiving it.Although he had never seen this thing before, Lu Anlang knew that if he took it outside it would cause disaster, so he looked at Jiang Caiyue suspiciously.

Jiang Caiyue said: "This is for you to guard against others. If it is not an emergency, don't take it out, but as long as you take it out for others to see, you must remember to kill people to silence it."

Lu Anlang's heart trembled, and he suddenly understood that what Jiang Caiyue said earlier was not a joke, and he couldn't help feeling a little hairy on his back.He is a hunter with his own duties. He has hunted a lot of prey over the years, but he has never killed anyone. I really don't understand that Jiang Caiyue, a big lady who doesn't go out of her way, can kill her. Death said so fresh and natural.

Jiang Caiyue stared fixedly at Lu Anlang, and it was only then that Lu Anlang realized that Jiang Caiyue was waiting for him, and this time he was sweating, "Caiyue, this is what men should do, you just need to feel at ease." , I will protect you and the children, and will not let people separate our family."

Jiang Caiyue was satisfied. When she took out the hand crossbow, she was worried that Lu Anlang would think badly of her because of her cruel side. If that was the case, she would go and kill Li Liangwen first. Fortunately, Lu Anlang was only shocked. The final attitude satisfied her.

Jiang Caiyue smiled and said: "This is for your self-defense. You can't use it unless you have to. And you have to take the medicine powder in this handkerchief. When you are in danger, take it out and shake it lightly. A tiger can suck it up." If you are fascinated, you can use it casually and nothing will happen. Hey, there is an antidote in the vial, remember to stand in the limelight when spraying the powder, so as not to knock yourself down."

Lu Anlang took the handkerchief bag and opened it to take a look. Inside was a slightly brown medicinal powder, which looked very delicate. It looked a bit like the medicine Jiang Caiyue had prepared some time ago, but it turned out to have this effect. Lu Anlang wanted to smell what the medicinal powder was like. But even a tiger can be mesmerized, so Lu Anlang didn't dare to put his nose up to it.

"Will it cause problems if you take this medicine?"

"What's wrong with it? I made this to save people, not to harm them."

"Save people?" Lu Anlang seemed to be unable to think of any disease that could be cured by the medicine powder that could fascinate even a tiger, but he put it away obediently.Then opened the antidote, a pungent stench came over his face, Lu Anlang coughed after being choked up, and immediately became more energetic.

Hastily capped the antidote bottle, and sneezed twice before saying: "This smell is so bad, you can scare the tiger away without using that packet of medicine powder."

Jiang Caiyue heheed twice, thinking: Is it the tiger she wants to guard against?Lu Anlang, a real tiger, can handle it, but she is afraid that someone will plot against him.

Fortunately, there is Hao'er by his side, with this child's experience, it is not a problem to deal with Li Liangwen.

But such a cute man, can she really rest assured?Why don't you give some of this powder to Hao'er, so that she can feel at ease at home, right?

Lu Anlang went outside to find a piece of wood and nailed it to the wall, and practiced for half the night holding a hand crossbow.

Jiang Caiyue can only place her hopes on Hao'er for this seemingly shrewd but innocent man. Go and kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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