Don't run away

Chapter 3795 Shangxian's spiritual pet 3

Chapter 3795 Shangxian's spiritual pet 3
The fox really wanted to dodge, but many times, he still saw it.

This human female cultivator is from a famous family, her spiritual roots are outstanding, her appearance is also very beautiful, and there are many suitors around her.

The fox finally healed, and when she was about to leave, the female cultivator was in danger, and was caught by a demon cultivator, who wanted to arrest her and turn her back into a furnace.

Originally, the fox didn't want to show himself, but seeing what happened to the female cultivator, he couldn't be scruples, showed his original shape, and saved the female cultivator.

Before the female cultivator fainted, she still saw the appearance of the fox.

The fox planned to send the female cultivator back to the sect, and left secretly.

But when he was about to leave, the nun grabbed his arm.

The nun wouldn't let him leave. Since he was a fox, the nun has been taking care of him. The two get along day and night, and they still have some affection.

In addition, she also looked at the female cultivator's whole body, but the fox was still thinking about that stupid rabbit.

But the female cultivator was so enchanting and weeping again, which softened the fox's heart, so he stayed here.

After that big battle, the rabbit finally gave all of his energy to the fox, and he turned into a little rabbit again, completely powerless.

If you want to return to the previous one, you will have to practice at least tens of thousands of years.

Tens of thousands of years!

The first thing the rabbit woke up was to look for the fox. Its small body searched for a long time in the forest, but there was no trace of the fox, and she was almost eaten.

In the end, I heard people say that there was a sect passing by here before, and it may have picked up the fox.

Rabbit began to practice hard again, and the cultivation was very hard. She had practiced for at least several decades before she finally became her original form.

Immediately, she went down the mountain, went to that sect, and became an outer disciple.

After waiting for a long time, I finally saw the fox. At this time, the fox had become the head of the sect, and he had a lovely wife and a child beside him.

The rabbit looked at it, and couldn't bear it. The person he was thinking of had already married someone else. Does he still remember the promise at that time?
When the rabbit went to question him, the fox was no longer the fox he used to be. Maybe he felt ashamed of the rabbit before.

When choosing a female cultivator at that time, he just felt that the rabbit should be stronger, and the female cultivator should be weaker and more in need of protection.

Now, he and the female cultivator have been together for decades, and he manages a huge sect. Here, it is much easier than cultivating immortals in the forest.

In the forest, there are too many dangers to face, and he is used to it here.

He didn't feel how much he owed the rabbit, so he asked her to go back to the forest instead of coming here.

The rabbit was very sad and didn't say anything. On the way back to the forest, the nun killed him.

After Ji Qingyu absorbed the plot, he felt that it was bloody.

What comes back now is that she used all her cultivation to protect the fox.

She is actually a rabbit who gave her a waste now.

what should I do now! ?

With no cultivation base, even after decades of cultivation, they can only become prototypes, and even if they seek them out, they will not be able to avenge any revenge.

Although he wanted revenge, in fact, in the rabbit's heart, it was still very uncomfortable.

After all, it was a fox she liked so much, and it turned out like that in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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