Chapter 1039
Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the carriage, his heart was about to jump out, as if he was a young boy who only relied on his enthusiasm to meet the girl he had been thinking about day and night.

The groom who was driving the cart also saw him coming in the dust. Although this master covered his white hair and handsome face, only showing a pair of black eyes, his aura was enough to attract people's attention.

He frantically rode his horse and rushed over, forcing the coachman to pull the reins and stop the carriage.

"What's going on?" Mu Shiqi leaned out of the carriage vigilantly, but met those familiar eyes, "Dugu Chen!"

The two of them shared the same bed, lying with their necks crossed for so long, even if he covered his face at this moment, she could recognize him.

Dugu Chen naturally also saw her, the familiar voice, the familiar eyes, but the face was so thin that he didn't dare to recognize her.

He stretched out his arm towards her: "Seventeen, give me your hand!"

After being slightly stunned, Mu Shiqi handed over his hand to him, and the man on the horse pulled her into his arms with a force.

After Dugu Chen hugged her into his arms, he realized that her body under the clothes was so thin that only bones were left, and he felt a little shaking in his arms.

Turned the person around and asked her to sit sideways in a different posture, so that she could clearly see her emaciated little face, and slapped the horse's belly into the woods on the other side.

"Why are you here?" Mu Shiqi was both surprised and delighted, nestling in his arms and sucking his breath greedily.

She thought she could survive without him even if she thought about it, but she underestimated his influence on her.

She missed him and couldn't sleep at night, missed him and didn't think about food and drink, and thought of him, she was so stupid.

She had never experienced this bitter taste before, but this time she had to taste it all over.

Looking up at his black eyes with her small face, she lifted off his mask, and greedily looked at him without shame, her pink lips moved slightly towards his thin lips: "Duguchen, kiss me, Okay? I miss you!"

She missed him, thinking about him so much that her heart became numb with a headache, so she could even do this brazen thing of asking for a kiss.

Because she missed him, and when she couldn't sleep all night, she lived by remembering the bits and pieces of being with him, thinking of his warm kiss, hot thin lips, his embrace, and his refreshing breath.

From the beginning to the end, Dugu Chen's face was full of intense and unresolved distress. He looked at her slightly with black eyes, but he kept holding back, reluctant to touch her and kiss her, for fear of hurting her thin body. .

No amount of forbearance is as good as her soft and weak kiss to me!

The thin lips pressed against hers, kissing and crushing repeatedly, the slightly cold tongue slipped into the mouth, greedily snatching the breath that belonged to her, exploring every corner vigorously, as if trying to drain all her strength.

Hearing the familiar humming sound like a small animal, he loosened her lips and asked her to ease her breathing first.

Seeing her eyes misty and moist, her face blushing, tiny beads of sweat oozing from the tip of her nose, her lips slightly parted, revealing the fresh and moist tip of her tongue, that adorable look made him fall in love again. He couldn't help lowering his head to bite her lips.

Mu Qien humbly agreed, knowing that his tongue and lips were numb from his tossing, so he regained his breath.

"Don't do it again, I'm dizzy."

She didn't make up lies to lie to him to avoid his kiss, she was really dizzy, curled up in the carriage along the way, couldn't eat or sleep well, and was kissed several times by him in such a crazy way , the body will naturally feel a little weak.

As soon as Dugu Chen heard that she was not feeling well, he immediately held her small face and asked anxiously: "Is the dizziness severe? Is there any other discomfort? Are you sick? I'll take you to the doctor right now."

Mu Shiqi hugged one of his arms sideways, and said with a light smile, "I'm fine, it's just that I've been wandering around in that carriage for a long time, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Duguchen looked at her with a sullen face, feeling that she was pitifully skinny more and more, so his tone naturally became heavier: "You still say it's okay? Do you know what you will look like? If I don't hold her tighter, the wind will I'm afraid you will be blown away, how did we agree before we left? Eat well, rest well, do you remember? Are you planning to toss yourself into a skeleton?"

Mu Shiqi also knew that she was getting thinner, and even the loose clothes on her body could no longer hold up, but she just couldn't eat it!
Biting her lip to look at him, her eyes were gradually stained with mist, and she stubbornly turned away from answering him.

Duguchen sighed heavily, and turned her little face again, only to realize that she was already in tears, the little girl was crying silently, she just liked to shed tears silently, it made him anxious and annoyed .

"I said a few words to you, and you were wronged. You cried for me, and you couldn't bear to punish you if you pointed at me and looked at your heart." While rubbing her tears with his fingertips, he coaxed her helplessly.

"Okay, I admit that my heart hurts, I can't see you cry, okay, baby, let's stop crying? I'm already so thin that I'm going to lose my face, and now I'm crying, look at who I'd love to kiss you too."

Duguchen coaxed her to play, trying to calm the little girl down.

Mu Shiqi lay in his arms and cried even louder, and said in a muffled voice: "Do you think I am willing? But I just have no appetite and can't eat, so I blame you. If you don't pamper and pamper me all day, I wouldn't be so squeamish either! There's no taste in anything!"

On the way back, she had more time, and she herself tried to eat barbecue, but the meat was not as delicious as Duguchen's. She thought of him while eating, and wanted him to tease her with incomparable elegance. Feed her a mouthful of chicken legs.

Eating like this by herself made her tasteless.

Dugu Chen really loved her, hugged her in his arms, and coaxed her: "It's okay, didn't I come here to look for you? From now on, I will pamper and pamper you, and raise you up for nothing Fat, don't cry, don't cry..."

Chen Wang said that Jiao Jiao raised her, which was absolutely true to his word, and he hunted two wild pheasants from the forest.

Mu Shiqi also abandoned the carriage and sat directly in his arms, with his back leaning against him, the little girl's lips were slightly raised.

When the two came back, the Empress Dowager Xia in the carriage saw that it was Dugu Chen who came, she was a little surprised, but there was an indifferent and kind smile on her face: "Why bother King Chen to come and pick him up in person."

Duguchen glanced over coldly, seeing this charming, fair and rich man, and seeing that the little thing in his arms was almost lost weight, he immediately made up his mind, Seventeen, in order to save others, swallowed his humiliation and was bullied by this man all the way coming scene.

Of course, he didn't have any good feelings for this person, he just snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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