Chapter 1072
It's just that, Mu Shiqi came for a walk, and by the way, he was seeing a doctor, and he didn't have the leisure time to listen to this Baili mistress expressing his deep admiration for Duguchen, and how he acted like a storyteller over there. I have to count Duguchen's heroic deeds with her one by one.

Baili Guihai looked at them with embarrassment as well, and said, "I'm really embarrassed, my son has worshiped King Chen since he was a child, if it wasn't for the identity of Baili's family, his heart would have been a long time ago." Going to leave the country to join the King Chen."

Duguchen's expression was indifferent, he had always been so cold and ruthless to outsiders, he let that Baili mistress croak for a long time, and he would not respond to any words from others.

He just glanced at Tang Shishi and said, "Xiao Huo'er is about to go to bed, I'll give you another half hour."

It was only then that Tang Shiyi remembered that he came here tonight to see a doctor, not to show off Duguchen's status as a bully. After a long time of trouble, the patient still hasn't seen it!

"Master Baili, now you know our identities, it's all up to you whether you want to see us or not." Tang Shiyi saw that it was getting late, and he had to go back to take care of Xiao Yuxi.

"Look, of course we have to see it. The miracle doctor brought by King Chen will definitely be able to cure my mother!"

Baili Xiaosan stared straight at Duguchen with a look of admiration, it was Duguchen who was the master doctor who could cure his mother.

Baili Guihai also nodded slightly and said: "Then I will thank you all!"

Knowing that the miracle doctor was right in front of him, how could he give up saving his beloved wife because of their identities!
After finishing speaking, he hurriedly led the man into the backyard.

Mu Shiqi could smell a strong smell of medicine from a distance, and the smell of medicine contained a lot of precious medicinal materials. He thought that coming to Baili's family also spent a lot of manpower and material resources on Mrs. Baili.

When everyone entered the room, they saw a beautiful woman lying on the big bed. At first, Mu Shiqi felt that the bell was not quite like the owner of the Baili family and the young masters, as if it was picked up. Only then did I realize that she followed her mother.

Mrs. Baili is still in a deep slumber at the moment. According to Patriarch Baili, she must sleep for at least ten hours a day, and the remaining two hours are mostly in a daze, unable to speak a complete sentence. out.

Doctors from Quantong Ancheng have been invited back, but none of them can cure her disease.

As for the cause of the disease, it was probably since the day the bell was lost that she had been ill, so they all thought that as long as she got the bell back, she would be cured of her illness.

But at this moment, even if Bell lay beside her bed and called mother, the person on the bed fell asleep without any reaction.

He Yu, a genius doctor, was stared at by the Baili family with infinite hopes, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In fact, compared to these doctors in the city, he is indeed a very powerful doctor, but his halo as a doctor is so weak that it cannot be weaker in front of their princess.

So much so that he himself almost forgot how awesome he is.

After some diagnosis, he looked at everyone and said, "Madam Baili, this is not a disease, but a poison!"

An extremely subtle poison, the reaction is not very violent when the poison occurs, and it slowly erodes the human body, it can be regarded as a chronic poison.

"As for what kind of poison it is, it's hard for me to diagnose it yet."

Mu Shiqi glanced at the side and said, "We're going to invite our concubine to come in person."

He is not quite clear about how terrifying this person's research on poison is, he just knows that there is no poison in this world that this person can't cure.

Mu Shiqi didn't shirk, and went forward to inspect it more carefully, and asked Mrs. Baili all the physical reactions from the onset of illness to the present in detail, and told her everything in detail.

Soon, I got an important message from the little maid: "You said she was bitten by a bug on her arm before the onset of the disease? What kind of bug?"

The little maid said: "It's a bit like a bee, yes, a black and yellow bee! Our wife shot it to death at that time."

Mu Shiqi lowered his eyes slightly, and went to check the place on the arm that the little maid said was stung by a bee, checked the red and swollen wound and said: "It's a poisonous bee! But this poisonous bee They are not ordinary poisonous bees, they are fed by someone."

"I don't know if the master of Baili has heard of Tangmen's poisonous hidden weapon, the bee tail needle. This bee tail needle is not a hidden weapon by pulling out the needle from the bee tail, but a live bee as a hidden weapon. Since it is a hidden weapon Naturally, wherever the beekeeper points, the poisonous bees will sting. Do you know how to make the poisonous bees sting? Use a kind of incense to attract them!"

Mu Shiqi pointed to Madam Baili's wound and said, "Someone put incense on her body in advance, it must be someone she is familiar with, someone in this house who can get close to her!"

Her voice was still neither high nor low, but the content of her words made the head of the Baili family and several young masters frowned in unison.

Someone hurt their most important family member at their Baili home!
At this moment, Tang Shiyi also remembered some confessions made by those traffickers in the yamen. They admitted to abducting other children, but said that the bell was abandoned in the beggar's nest in the ruined temple.

"So, the little devil from your mansion secretly carried the bell out, and then threw it in the beggar's nest! Your mansion is really not peaceful!"

All Ling Dang's last fuzzy memory is that she slept in the mansion one night, and when she woke up, she found that she was in a different place, and her parents were gone.

Baili Guihai clenched his fists tightly, because he never thought that someone in this mansion would kill his wife and children!
The three brothers of Baili's family are also angry now, Baili Xiaosan still has a trace of childishness on his face, but under that childishness is the hatred for the person who hurt his mother and sister!
"Who is it? Who is playing tricks? This is poisoning my mother, and throwing the bell in the beggar's nest! This is how much hatred we have for Baili's family!"

Baili Guihai is also thinking about this. Since their Baili family can be ranked among the top nine aristocratic families, it cannot be said that they are completely clean behind the scenes, but enemies belong to enemies, and they never let those enemies get close to their wives and children. Half step.

Baili Xiaosan has a really good brain, pondered for a moment, and analyzed: "If there is a bloody feud, Bell will never be spared. Since he left Bell in the beggar's nest, he must want Bell to try to be a beggar. of despair and pain.”

"In other words, she wants to ruin Ling Ding's life as Miss Baili's family!"

"But this matter doesn't make sense! Persecution of the mistress and the daughter-in-law are all dramas of infighting in the back house, but my father, you have no concubine, and you don't have a house, and our family doesn't even have an aunt! What's going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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