Chapter 1076 How to Play
Tangbao twisted his calves and moved closer to Wangcai, staring at the big white wolf with his big eyes, and tentatively touched Wangcai with his small hands.

When Lin Susu saw Mu Shiqili and Duguchen's little fire carved out of the same mold, Lin Susu's whole body melted.

"This is Xiao Huo'er?" She had received news about Shi Qi giving birth to Prince Chen's son, but this little guy is too much like Prince Chen!

Looking at the little Tangtang standing in front of Wangcai and the little Tangtang in Dugu Bo's arms, she really wanted to hug these three little buns into her arms and kiss them, how could there be such a cute little bun!
But Xiao Huo'er only recognizes his mother at the moment, and when he glanced at Miss Susu, he turned his head coldly and nestled into Mu Shiqi's arms.

Tangtang is only used to being hugged by Xiao An Wang, and now only Tangbao is left to tease.

Miss Susu squatted down and approached the sugar bag, coaxing: "Little Baozi, do you like it? Do you want to ride it?"

"Think!" Tangbao replied loudly with a swollen face.

Miss Susu stretched out her claws, pinched Tang Bao's little face and said, "Then give me a kiss, give me a kiss and I'll take you on a ride."

There was nothing embarrassing about the sugar buns, they kissed as soon as they said they would, and the kiss was resounding, and it was imprinted on the side of Susu girl's face with a sip.

Miss Susu's eyebrows and eyes were all smiles, and she immediately ordered Wangcai to squat down, and sat on it with the sugar bag in her arms. The sugar bag got her wish and swayed on the big white wolf, waving her little hands to feel happy.

Miss Susu is also like a child at the moment, happily riding Wangcai with a sugar bag in the open space in front of the barracks.

"Prince Chen, forgive me, Susu is still a child who hasn't grown up." Mu Qingyu pulled her lips helplessly, shook her head, and led everyone to the tent.

A group of people filled the big tent and got to know each other.

Little General Mu didn't expect that the identities of the group of people sitting in front of him were more unexpected than the last.

He had met Tang Shishi from the Tang Sect when he was at the back of the Chu family, but why did the Xiangdao master from the Yunwu family and the third master from the Baili family get mixed up?

As a member of the Nine Great Aristocratic Families, he has some understanding of these two families. The existence of the Xiang family is not as simple as leaving their Mu family a few blocks away!It is said to be the owner of the island, but in fact, the power of the Xiang family can already be called the owner of the country.

Besides, the Baili family, one of the four great families in Daxia, is now fighting for Lixia. This little third master is not staying in Daxia, but says he wants to hang out behind their King Li Guochen!
That's all, but who can tell him what is going on with the people from Yujianmen, Xuanmen and Miaojiang?

The identities of the people in this room should not be underestimated.

Prince Chen gathered such a group of people, obviously it was not as simple as inviting them back for tea.

Sure enough, while drinking tea, Dugu Chen looked coldly outside the tent, and said, "Bring Miss Lin over here! This king has something to ask her."

When Miss Susu came in, she was still holding a small sugar bag in her arms. The sugar bag was a mouthful of Aunt Susu, and she was so excited when she called Susu. Hemu wooden buns.

Prince Chen didn't invite Miss Susu to drink tea. This girl looks like a child who hasn't grown up, but Xiang Chonglou has seen this girl's abilities and knows her identity, Guigu Xiaowu!
In the current Li Xia battle, it is not because of this person that Li Guo can fight against Da Xia until now.

Therefore, for some things, it is most appropriate to ask this person.

Duguchen pulled his lips indifferently, looked at the little girl who ran in cheerfully, and asked: "What are the chances of winning Li Miexia?"

Miss Susu raised her hand to drink a cup of tea, rubbed the corner of her mouth, stretched out five fingers, shook it, and said: "Five five!"

Xiang Chonglou followed up: "What about adding Yunwu Island?"

Leng Yu also interjected: "Count Yujianmen, although we don't have many people."

"There is also Xuanmen!"

"Baili's family!" Baili Xiaosan'er shouted, not falling behind.


Girl Susu rubbed her chin with her thumb, and she felt an inexplicable excitement on her face: "It depends on how to play it! How long do you want to play?"

"No matter how you want to play, I need to destroy Great Xia at the fastest speed with the least casualties!"

Dugu Chen's face was still condensed with a layer of frost, his thin lips moved slightly, and he spoke concisely.

Miss Susu chuckled, and her eyes full of spirituality turned around: "If there are no accidents, the capital of Daxia can be captured in two years, and the head of that old thing can be taken."

Not to mention Baili Xiaosan and others who don't understand Miss Lin's abilities, they think they are listening to a joke.

Even He Yu and the others, who had seen Miss Lin's ability, felt that Miss Lin's words were full.

Everyone in the world knows that Daxia and Liguo have been fighting for many years, and Liguo has always been at a disadvantage in the early stage. Only in recent years has Dugu Chen been around, and he has just been able to compete with Daxia.

But this Guigu Xiaowu's tone is too loud, anyone can see that there is a gap between Da Xia's military strength and Li Guo's national strength, and now relying on her Guigu Xiaowu's ability, she can only be It's just guarding the border of Liguo from being invaded by Daxia.

Even if she, Guigu Xiaowu, has the ability to fight like a god, but she can't do it with just one mouth and one brain to destroy a powerful country in the mainland.

Two years of summer?What is it if this is not a joke that a little girl randomly told?
Ke Mu Shiqi and Dugu Chen both understand that Lin Susu of Guigu will definitely do what she says, and she only needs two years when she says two years.

When Dugu Chen heard the words, he responded lightly.

Although there were not many expressions on his face, everyone understood the meaning contained in his good words.

Namely, fight!Great Xia was wiped out within two years!
Mu Shiqi was silent for a long time, his eyes were always dark.

Handing Xiao Huo'er to He Yu, he glanced at Dugu Chen and said, "If you've finished talking, I think I have something to tell you too! Prince Chen doesn't mind coming out for a while!"

Even Prince Chen called out, Dugu Chen knew she was angry, angry that he made such a big decision without telling her.He flew after her and raised his hand to grab her waist, but she brushed her away.

In the forest on one side of the barracks, the two stood opposite each other.

"Seventeen..." Dugu Chen didn't like the way she distanced herself from him.

But Mu Shiqi took another step back and looked at him with red eyes: "If Da Xia is destroyed within two years, King Chen's ambition is really big! What will happen after Da Xia is destroyed? Do you want to dominate the mainland?"

Dugu Chen didn't evade, and responded truthfully: "That's right, I want to hold the whole world in my hands!"

Mu Shiqi was anxious and shook his head: "I never knew you had such great ambitions!" You actually want this world!

She thought that he was not someone who was obsessed with power. Could it be that she was wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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