Chapter 1140
"Big tide? A dragon absorbs water? A vision? A deserted island?" Xiang Chonglou murmured softly.

Even if my mother wanted to make up a lie to lie to him, she would not make up a lie on Biluo Island to lie to him, not to mention that his father was mentioned in this matter.

He knew his mother's feelings for his father, she could deceive herself about anything, but she would not deceive herself with her father!

It's just that he never thought that Ruan Ruan's past would be related to these, and it would be related to Daddy!
"Mom! I want to go to the desert island to find her!"

Now that he knew the truth, he couldn't pretend it didn't exist.

His Ruan Ruan might still be waiting for him on that isolated island, just like last time, the little girl was alone, like a little savage on that deserted island, waiting for him to bring her back .

Xiang Chonglou couldn't wait to see her, and got the method to go back from Xiang Qi left by his father. He kept a close eye on the star trails, those visions, and the directions where the visions would come every three years. I've got it firmly in my mind.

He rushed to the palace overnight to meet Dugu Chen.

Dugu Chen finally got the chance, hugged Shi Qi tenderly for a while, but was disturbed by the elusive Xiang Chong Lou.

He came out with a black face and clothes on, and saw the island master Xiang with a crazy smirk on his face.

Pursing her thin lips, she said, "Don't tell me that you came here in the middle of the night to seek death, just smirking at me!"

Ever since Xiang Chonglou got the news, he couldn't help but smile on his face: "I have news about Ruan Ruan, she loves me, so it turns out that she has always loved me!"

Dugu Chen looked at him lazily, and said lightly: "Hasn't she already gone back? So what if she loves you? Are you going to find her?"

Xiang Chonglou saw that his face was indifferent, and the meaning in those words...

"You already knew where she came from and where did she go back?"

Dugu Chen just stood there under the moonlight, with a hazy sense of mystery on his body. He was not like a mortal at first, but now his expression was full of immortality.

"Master's life experience has never been hidden from me. The first time I saw her on that desert island, I knew she and Master came from the same place. Otherwise, why do you think a little girl would appear on that desert island?" On? If we want to go to the desert island with our skills, we have to go through so many lives and deaths, but what about her, a weak woman with no skills at all, you don’t think about how she got to the desert island? "

Xiang Chonglou replied: "I don't care how she got to that deserted island, as long as she is her."

Duguchen didn't bother to pay attention to his idiot, and continued: "I also know how to go back, Master. I would like to advise you, once you go there, it will be very difficult to come back. Maybe you may not be able to find her." , do you want to continue? Leave everything here and go find her?"

Xiang Chonglou's expression was only paused, and then his black eyes sank, and he said affirmatively: "Without her, even if I live here for thousands of years, my heart will not beat again! So and so, I am willing to find She, even if it's just a hope, just a possibility, I will go!"

"She is to me what Seventeen is to you. Without her, my heart will be empty!"

He knew that if anyone in this world could understand his persistence, it must be him, Duguchen.

"For me, take good care of my mother and Yunwu Island, and call my son unfilial! I can't serve her until she grows old!"

Similarly, if anyone in this world can protect Yunwu Island, then this person can only be Duguchen.

Duguchen pulled his thin lips to play with his taste: "Before you leave, take in one last apprentice and hand over Yunwu Island yourself!" Just kidding, he doesn't want the whole continent, he is interested in that Yunwu Island?

Xiang Chonglou is not easy to force people to do things against him, so he can only think about the matter of recruiting apprentices.

After thinking about it for a long time, it is really difficult to find someone with good roots and excellent talent who is worthy of the status of the owner of Yunwu Island.

In the end, I turned my attention to those little buns. These little buns all inherited their parents' talents, and each of them is not simple!
Not to mention that Xiao Huo'er from Dugu's family, his talent is stronger than his father's.

The three little buns from Tang Shi's family, Tang Bao, knew how to play like crazy when he saw every shape that was laughing and laughing every day, but it was definitely his ability to be able to play like that with such a young child!

As for the smaller jelly bean, on the surface it looks much more docile and docile than his brother, but that's just appearance!Appearance!This guy is as rotten as Tang Shiyi, and he has done no less bad things than his brother!
The remaining little girls, Tangtang is definitely not possible, Wang An seems to have lost his soul if he doesn't see her for a few days, they were brought into the palace and held in his hands to pamper.How could it be possible for her to take over Yunwu Island?
He didn't dare to say more about that little Xuebao from Mu Qingyu's family, he was afraid that those in Guigu were waiting for her to grow up.

As for the little fan dumpling from the Dugu family, he didn't even dare to think about it. The King Chen, who was afraid that his spoiled daughter would become a demon, cut him off with a sword in a fit of anger!

After thinking about it in the end, only the sugar bag is the most likely, and the best way to coax it.

Master Xiangdao never mentioned anything about Yunwu Island, he just said that he wanted to take in an apprentice.

Then, with great fanfare, Tang Bao was accepted as an apprentice, and some of Tang Bao's unique exercises were passed on symbolically.

Then he couldn't wait to leave to find someone, and even threw the island owner's secret order to the sugar bag, who thought that once the sugar bag received the token, he would never be able to get rid of it.

Once his master left, he never came back.

Two years later

Huaxia, the capital

A piece of news captured major websites, forums, TV newspapers and periodicals!
Even in a certain mercenary camp that was closed for training on the outskirts of the city, some people were secretly discussing this matter.

"Have you heard? A lunatic appeared in the capital recently. It is said that he is also a lunatic with good skills. A team of special police were dispatched to catch the lunatic."

"The higher-ups found us and offered us a high price! The boss is thinking about who to send for this task."

"Ruan Ruan, are you going?"

Ruan Ruan said indifferently, "I'll do whatever I want, let the boss arrange it!"

No matter how interesting the task is now, it can't arouse her interest.

It's been three years, and she still can't forget the little things she experienced with him, like a dream, but she knows those dreams are real, she once met a man, his name is Xiang Chonglou!How much he dotes on her, he is her warmest existence on that continent!
Everyone thought she had only been missing for a few years, but they didn't know what she had experienced in those years.

She didn't want to tell anyone, she just liked to hide it in her heart and slowly recall it, over and over again, it really hurt her heart, so she called his name over and over again.

But she knew that they were now considered to be in two worlds, and they would never, never, ever see each other again.

Master, Ruan Ruan misses you!

(End of this chapter)

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