Chapter 130

Mu Shiqi wiped his hands with spirits, and said lightly, "See for yourself." Then he looked at the master and said, "You also come over and see clearly, so as not to call me nonsense again. If you don't believe me, you have to look for it again." Anyone who has done it, anyone who has practiced martial arts or knows something about medicine can see it."

"The wounds caused after death are different from the wounds caused when alive. The first is the blood flow. At that time, the blood will not flow in the body, and the blood flow will be much less. The second is whether the wound will burst open. Obviously, he belongs to the latter." Before putting on his clothes, Mu Shiqi explained, pointing to the stab wounds.

That Young Master in Jinyi from Da Xia has also seen some world experience, indeed, as she said, people in caravans are often seriously injured or killed by horses.

And the marks on the chest of the corpse already explained everything.

According to her instructions, the master recorded them into documents one by one and submitted them up.The details were recorded one by one, and the magistrate read it, and the sweat on his forehead fell drop by drop.

"You mean that old man Yu didn't kill anyone? Who is the murderer?" The magistrate asked anxiously.

"Everything I found out has been clearly written on the documents. As for who the murderer is, I have to trouble the magistrate to find out. In addition, Father Yu will also sue Daxia and the group for framing In the name of framing."


"Liguo has laws and regulations. Once a wrongful case is wrongly judged, the official hat will be removed, and the most serious... I think the adults should be very clear. Of course, I believe that you were misled by the villain. Father Yu was sentenced, what do you think about this?"

"Yes, yes, these people from Daxia came to report the crime, saying that old man Yu killed them." Compared with official hats, all Daxia businessmen had to stand aside.

"You guys, do you know the laws of our leaving the country, those who frame others will be punished, who is it, who is wronged Father Yu. What are the intentions!"

As soon as the spearhead was turned, the group of Daxia people immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.Mu Shiqi just gave a little guidance and turned the situation around.

The group of Great Xia people were also bewildered by this sudden change, accusing others of it.

"who is it?"

"It's not me! I also heard it from others."

"It's him. It was he who went out to drink with Li Da that day. It was he who found Li Da the next day, that is, the deceased disappeared. It was also he who led us to the back alley of Yu's house. Zui was going to moles a girl from the Yu family. When we searched for it, we saw Li Da's body, with a knife stuck in his chest, and he also said that the knife belonged to Yu, old man Yu."

Everyone was afraid of being caught in the fire, and the responsibilities that could be shirked were naturally clear.

The person who was pushed out was not tall, with a thin body, slightly darker than the others, and dressed in a slightly simpler style, wearing a navy blue blouse, so you can find the difference from the others if you look closely.

Everyone pushes me and treats him mercilessly: "Li Ji, go and explain it to your lord! What happened that day?"

"I..." Li Ji didn't expect that everyone would suddenly point their fingers at him.Standing in the middle of the lobby, I suddenly panicked.

Mu Shiqi took a few steps forward, stood in front of him, and said softly, "What are you? If you don't know what to say, then I will explain it for you. You found out that Li Da was dead, and then you, in order to get rid of the crime, They dragged him to the back alley of Yu's house, sneaked into Yu's house and stole a boning knife, leaving traces of assassination on his body, thus putting the blame on Father Yu."

Being corrected by her like this, Li Ji's expression became fierce in an instant: "You are talking nonsense! Why did I kill him! I didn't kill him!"

"I didn't say you killed him, but that you found him dead. As for how he died, I believe you know better than me. But the people who stole from the Yu family and the people who stabbed him were It's you without a doubt."

Sophistry, she has a lot of evidence waiting to hit him in the face.

"Father Yu is a cook, and he was a gang leader in the army. Do you know how a gang leader is an animal?" Mu Shiqi brushed his hand like a knife edge over his neck, "Killed with one knife! Seal the throat! Like this Using a knife to pierce so many holes in the chest was not done by Father Yu."

"Furthermore, most of the wounds on the deceased's body were concentrated on the left side, which meant that the murderer was left-handed. Father Yu's left hand was born with a disability, and his fingers could not be straightened. May I ask why he gave up his powerful and frequently used right hand? And what about stabbing with the left hand?"

Stepping forward, he grabbed Li Ji's left hand that was suddenly hidden in his sleeve, and his eyes were sharp: "And you are a natural left-handed person!"

"Well, this doesn't mean anything! You didn't see it with your own eyes. Even if Father Na Yu didn't kill anyone, it might have been done by someone else from Liguo! You can't slander me, you can't slander us Daxia! "

Mu Shiqi smiled contemptuously: "You are you, Da Xia is Da Xia, even if the royal family of Da Xia commits crimes in the Li country, he must abide by the laws of the Li country. Slander? Then what happened to the scar on your tiger's mouth? Father Yu's boning knife was wrapped with a strip of cloth, you are always obsessed with cleanliness, and you disliked the dirty cloth strip, so you carried the blade by the blade, but accidentally got scratched!"

"Don't tell you that the wound was scratched by other things. The wound is hooked from bottom to top. Look at this boning knife, the murder weapon. Compared with other knives, the edge of the knife is deliberately made into a curved shape. If you don't believe me, Make another cut on your right hand to compare."

"This woman is really amazing. She actually knows about Li Ji's strange disease of being clean." Before Li Ji could reply, some people in Da Xia had already whispered about it.

"It's not true that Li Ji killed people!"

"How can it be impossible? He is a concubine, and Li Da is a concubine, so Li Da has bullied him a lot. It is not impossible for him to kill someone while holding a grudge."

Then Li Ji cried out in grief like crazy: "I didn't kill him, he accidentally fell off the horse and was trampled to death by the horse. He is my own brother, how could I kill him! But if my aunt and father knew him If I was with me at that time, I must not escape punishment, so I can only do this!"

Facts are often unbelievable!

The magistrate let out a long sigh of relief, the matter of Daxia's own family has nothing to do with him, as long as he picks himself up, he will be fine.

As for Na Yu's father, just distribute some money!
Yu's Tavern.

Supporting her father, Yu Niang bowed deeply to Mu Shiqi: "My benefactor, please accept our worship."

Father Yu knelt down with a plop, but he was looking in the direction of Dugu Chen, his eyes were full of tears: "This subordinate has seen the prince!"

Yu Niang's body trembled, if her old father called her a prince, if she knelt down, there would be only Prince Chen in the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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