Chapter 140 Love Talks (Part [-])
"Seventeen?" He jumped out of the water and swam towards Mu Shiqi.

"Come up!" They were there to rescue people, not for an outing.

"Okay." He stood up with a bang, his sturdy body was wrapped in water-soaked clothes, his long black hair was also soaked and hung behind his head, and there were drops of water on his long eyelashes. , I don’t know when there was an extra stone in his hand, and he looked like he was offering treasure: “Seventeen, I’ll give it to you! Does it look good? I picked it up in the water.”

Mu Shiqi stretched out his hand to take the stone, and took a second look. The shape was obviously polished by someone, and the shape of the tooth pitch was like a key, a stone key!
She may not be able to recognize other things at a glance, but she is born with an intuition that is different from ordinary people for anything that is related to the lock of the mechanism.That's why she can become a well-deserved master craftsman of Tangmen, and no one can control her.

Looking at the degree of wear and tear of the stone's saw teeth, it is obvious that someone has used it frequently.And the surface has been washed by running water for many years, which is very strange.

Who left the keys in the water for no reason?Or does it have to be in water?
What can this key only open?organ?lock?Or something else?
Duguchen smiled brightly, she was very happy because she liked the stone she gave her.Mu Shiqi jumped into the water from the shore lightly, and landed beside him while he was surprised.

"Where did you pick up this stone?" He asked with the stone in his palm.

Dugu Chen pointed to the center of the water not far away: "There, there is a round stone platform. This stone was inserted into the stone platform, and I pulled it out."

What kind of stone platform is clearly a hidden lock.

Mu Shiqi plunged into the water, deftly like a fish in the water, and swam towards the direction he pointed. Waves of water rippled around her body, forming beautiful ripples.

When it was near, she took a deep breath and dived into the bottom of the water to find the stone platform Duguchen mentioned. The water was not very deep. She held her breath and did not look for a long time before she saw a black round platform with dark lines engraved on it. With her eyesight blocked, she couldn't see the dark lines clearly at all, so she could only carefully probe with her hands a little bit.

When I raised my head again, I almost bumped into Duguchen, who was also submerged in the water, and waved his hand to signal him to go up and wait for her, but he didn't expect that this guy would not listen to her command at all, he touched her hand and pulled her forward, pointing at the Black Hole looked at her.

Only then did she understand what he meant, and inserted the stone key in her hand, which fit just right, and tried to turn the stone key, only to hear the sound of the mechanism starting from underwater, rumbling, rumbling, creaking.

But there was still no change in the water.

Mu Shiqi stepped on the water and floated to the surface, took a deep breath, stared around and looked around, the mechanism lock could not be too far away from the place where he was going to hide, this is completely inconsistent with the subtlety of mechanism technique, so, it should be It's right around here.

I dived back and forth into the water several times and still didn't find anything suspicious. Could it be that I was thinking too much?This is a boring thing that doesn't make any sense at all?
"Seventeen, there!"

She was contemplating in the water, when Duguchen suddenly pointed to a huge stone wall on the bank and shouted.


"There's wind in there!" He said seriously.

Mu Shiqi has deeply experienced his most perverted sense of hearing, smell and vision in the Dugu family. His five senses have always been different from ordinary people, and it is normal for him to feel the wind that she can't feel.

After a few strokes, she swam ashore and followed the direction he pointed. The stone wall looked normal, but when she approached, she could feel the cold wind blowing from the stone wall.

How could there be wind coming from the thick mountain?Unless the back of the stone wall was empty, she tried to push it, but she didn't want to watch the thick stone wall make a rattling sound under her strength.

A gap slowly leaked out, and then the gap became bigger and bigger, allowing the passage of a person's body.

"Dugu Chen, you go in first!" The stone wall was not heavy, she also let go and squeezed in the moment Dugu Chen entered.

The momentum of the body is too great.She was already planning to roll around on the ground, but she didn't want to fall firmly into a warm and strong embrace.

Both of their clothes were wet from the inside to the outside, and now they hugged each other as if they were naked.

Fortunately, the secret passage was so dark that no one would notice even if she blushed.

Supporting his chest and trying to stay away from him, he grabbed his little hand: "I'm holding you, it's too dark here, don't fall!"

Mu Shiqijiao smiled and said, "You can't see, I'm holding you, are you going to throw us together?"

Dugu Chen said: "Well, when you fall, I will rest your back underneath, so you won't be hurt. Remember, you have to fall towards me." The tone was sincere, not like a joke.

It was because she knew he was not joking that she was even more at a loss.Letting him hold hands, such a naive idea, but she felt warm in her heart, and a strange flash of light flashed across her.

"Does it not hurt? Are you not afraid of pain? Fool!"

"But I don't want Shi Qi to wrestle! Shi Qi hurts, so do I! My heart hurts!"

What nonsense logic, Mu Shiqi turned his head and didn't want to listen to his nonsense.If she hadn't known that he was out of his mind and his mind was only five years old, she would have regarded him as a son of a family who specialized in deceiving girls.

Sweet words, bursts of love.He secretly made a note of He Yu in his heart, he must have taught him badly again!

The genius doctor He, who was far away in the sky, sneezed several times in a row, extremely suspicious that he had a cold, so he drank a pot of hot tea!
Even so.Mu Shiqi didn't withdraw his hand, and let him lead her forward. In the dark tunnel, they couldn't see each other, but they could clearly feel each other's breathing.

So close so close.

Mu Shiqi has the habit of carrying a fire bag with him, but he just entered the water too quickly and forgot to put it on the shore. It will be soaked by the water and it will be completely useless.

The wind was blowing from the opposite side, and the two of them walked towards the wind outlet against the wind.

In fact, Mu Shiqi felt the most insecure in the dark. She felt that everything was out of her control, which was a bad feeling.

But now, Dugu Chen's big strong and warm hand beside her gave her the most needed sense of security.It's as if she is not alone with him, no matter what is waiting for her in front, she is not afraid!
It's just that she didn't expect such a shocking scene waiting for her.

No wonder no one knows the whereabouts of this Feilu people, no wonder there is no trace of anyone living on this road, she once thought that Feilu people can survive in this deep mountain so far, what is the reason for their continuous growth?
Now she finally understands that it is this ingenious mechanism city. Everyone thinks that Feilu is a savage tribe in the deep mountains who drink blood, but she never thought that there is such a huge and shocking mechanism city hidden in the deep mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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