Chapter 146

What kind of scene was that when the pack of wolves howled to the sky, the man in black clenched his hands and was murderous.The white wolf actually rushed towards him under the signal of Dugu Chen's eyes.

"Damn it! Isn't it your own beast? Why did you listen to others?" He cursed, and hurriedly avoided it, shouting loudly at the Feilu man who was holding a big bone stick.

"God man! This! Wangcai! Wangcai!" The big bone stick was holding up the big bone stick to stop the white wolf king who was rushing over, but Wangcai changed from the obedient and tough wolf warrior just now. One jumped up and overturned the big bone stick.

"Wangcai, bite him!" Now that Dugu Chen had deeply realized the benefits of his pet, he raised his chin and ordered arrogantly.

After listening to his order, Wangcai became more and more brave.With a wave of his front paw, he pushed aside the big bone stick that was in the way, and rushed fiercely at the dodging man in black.

The man in black ran around in circles, but how could a two-legged one run faster than a four-legged one, not to mention that the white wolf king was famous for his speed.

Seeing that he was about to be thrown down, the guy with the big bone stick swung the big bone stick and held it in mid-air, speaking plausibly.

Mu Shiqi looked at his attire and his current state, he was similar to those dance masters, wouldn't this give her a whole lot of trouble, wouldn't it?

According to the rule that one floor is stronger than one in Feilu City, it should be something more powerful than Wangcai, which is in line with common sense.

Soon, she saw the existence that was stronger than the white wolf.

snake!She suddenly had a realization, whether she was born with a special fate with snakes, the little guy in her arms, and the few ones she met along the way.Tiao Tiao is the best of the best.

And the size of the giant black snake in front of him is not as big as the one parasitized by the little Golden Crown Snake in the Black Pool.In terms of appearance, it is not as good as the big green snake of the poisonous snake wolf.

The head is big and the neck is thick, and the head seems to be flattened by the cracks in the stone.

So when it hung its head from the hole on the top of the mountain and stared at her with a bright red snake letter, she just let out a faint sigh.

The little spirit snake also got out of her arms, walked to her shoulder, and made a hissing sound towards the big snake. The sound was not loud, but it was announcing its identity.

With a confident expression on his face, the big bone stick held up the big bone stick to direct the giant snake, and continued to make chaotic humming sounds from his mouth.Glancing at the little spirit snake, he laughed loudly: "It's so small, it wants to fight my spirit-gathering snake!"

Mu Shiqi also snorted coldly: "I hope your big-headed snake's head is hard enough, otherwise it won't even bother to grind its teeth."

Little Spirit Snake's temper is somewhat similar to hers, if it's not pleasing to the eye, she can't help but beat her up.

A bolt of lightning flew out and hit the big-headed snake's head, and then got in through the mouth in the surprise of the big bone stick.

After a while, the big snake suddenly twitched its tail convulsively and fell off the big rock on the top of the mountain. Its heavy body hit the chain bridge, and even smashed a hole in the thick stone pillar.

Mu Shiqi remembered the habit of the Golden Crown Snake, and liked to live in the bodies of other giant snakes to achieve a symbiotic existence.He paused in his heart, this little thing must have taken a fancy to this big-headed snake.

She doesn't want such an ugly big guy dangling behind her buttocks, and looking at Dugu Chen's white wolf king, she feels even more unbalanced.

She will be unhappy now, but the owner of the big-headed snake over there is also having a hard time.

"My spirit-gathering snake!" The man slapped his butt on the ground, looking at the big snake with only its tail still wagging in distress.

And the big snake's abdomen would keep rising and falling, and Mu Shiqi couldn't understand what the little spirit snake was doing.

I thought: This little guy is somersaulting inside, right?

Based on her understanding of it, it won't last long before it gets tired of playing crookedly.

So she crossed her arms and watched it play.Sure enough, the giant snake's big head drooped, and the movement of the abdomen stopped immediately.

Mu Shiqi ignored the wailing of the big bone stick, and fixed his eyes on the giant snake's mouth, waiting for the triumphant return of the little spirit snake.

The little spirit snake swam out with its head held high, its chubby body rolled on the ground in a circle, and then it rubbed against her legs, looking like a winner.

Just as she was about to look back, she found another round head protruding from the giant snake's mouth, with the same golden meat crown, and her whole body was flushed with red.It's just that it's slightly smaller than the little guy on her feet.

It turned out to be another golden-crowned snake. Unexpectedly, this big-headed snake was also a parasite.

And the little spirit snake was in the belly of the big snake just now, and it was just having a friendly exchange of feelings with its own kind. Obviously, it beat the other one by virtue of its size.It proved everything directly by force.

Mu Shiqi stared at the little guy who swam to her other foot, what's going on?The Golden Crown Spirit Snake, which is rare in a millennium, was met by such a coincidence, and it was fine, and they all ran into her arms one by one.

The big spirit snake declared its sovereignty, and it was one step ahead and wrapped around her shoulders.And the smaller one clung to her other shoulder wagging its tail.

She can imagine how funny she is now without looking.

These two shoulders, one big and one small, guarded like this, like an alien snake dancer juggling on the street.

But such a precious Golden Crown Snake, she would be stupid if she didn't want it!The little spirit snake helped her a lot along the way, and it used its lightning-like figure and sharp teeth to save her from danger several times when she was in danger.

Even if one is so powerful, if there are two by her side, she and Duguchen will be even more powerful on this journey. For Yunwu Island and his party, it would be good to have more help.A Golden Crown Snake can definitely match a group of dark guards with good martial arts at critical moments.

Thinking about it this way, the fleshy little heads of these two little spirit snakes are actually quite cute.

She didn't understand the communication between the snakes, so they hissed and wagged their tails as if they had reached a consensus, and they got into the straw bag hanging around her waist together.

She specially prepared this little bag for the little spirit snake, and she couldn't stand it bouncing up and down in her arms every day.

The battle situation at Dugu Chen's side was decided, the man in black was pressed to the ground by Wang Cai's paw, and the dust splashed on his face.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you help Mu Qingyu! Do you know the consequences of being an enemy of my Shenmen sect?"

Shenmen sect?Even if Mu Shiqi doesn't care about world affairs, he still knows the existence of such a mysterious sect. The origin of a sect can be traced back thousands of years, so one can imagine how powerful it is.

The Tang Sect is afraid of his existence, and even in the Jianghu, and even in the courts of various countries, the expressions of him have changed.

 No one has guessed it, I have another little pet at seventeen, but why is it still a little spirit snake?Not Kaisen...

(End of this chapter)

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