Chapter 15
Duguchen took a sip of tea, glanced at the woman who was carefully arranging the clothes in her arms, and then felt that the sentence of wild man was extremely harsh, so she unconsciously twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Miss Mu Si is so courageous, my lord This is the first time I heard someone dare to scold me as a wild man."

As soon as the words came out, the brain understood a little faster what it meant.

"My lord, do you mean that this dress is yours?" Mu Qin, the head of the family, was not in vain, and his brains turned very quickly.

"Well, that dress is indeed my king's. The unicorn flying embroidery on the cuffs was made by the embroiderers in the palace's embroidery room. I still have a few pieces in my palace. Patriarch Mu can compare them."

Mu Shiqi didn't expect that Dugu Chen, who had been watching the show with a cold eye, would suddenly open his mouth to get involved in this troublesome matter, and turned to look at him with doubts on his face.This person is too elusive, with a calm expression, she can't see what he wants at all!

Mu Shiqi was not the only one who was puzzled, many people present were full of doubts, what kind of person is Dugu Chen, the king of Liguo?

Who in the whole continent doesn't know that he is notoriously hating women, don't look at his Yushu Lanzhi appearance, but the ruthlessness in his bones is unmatched by anyone.

That so-and-so family's prostitute daughter is one of the most beautiful women in Shengjing, but Duguchen waved her hand blankly, telling her to go as far as she could.

If Mu Shiqi changed his appearance, there might be a story to read, but when everyone looked at Mu Shiqi's face, they felt that this matter was probably a big misunderstanding.

Muqin's Adam's apple rolled, and he asked under pressure: "Then why did the prince's clothes appear in my niece's boudoir?"

Dugu Chen glanced at him, put down the cup heavily in his hand, and asked back: "I also want to know who is so bold as to steal my clothes! I think Patriarch Mu should give me an explanation."

Mu Qin was turned into a general, and he wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand: "Seventeen, where did you get your clothes? Tell me the truth."

With the reputation of breaking into the palace and stealing, the Mu family must not be able to explain it. No matter what, Mu Shiqi is still a member of the Mu family. If Dugu Chen is upset, the entire Mu family will have to bear his anger.

For the first time, Mu Shiqi saw how embarrassing Mu Qin was being forced to sweat profusely, so he bent his mouth and smiled: "I picked it up! I went to admire the moon on Shiqiu's day, and suddenly encountered a strong wind, and I was shivering from the cold." , I saw a piece of clothing on the side of the road, it must have been blown out of the Chen Palace by a strong wind."

After a pause, he turned his head to look at Dugu Chen: "Well, maybe the thief thought the clothes were too ugly after stealing them, so he threw them away."

Since he doesn't want to mention what happened that day, then she has the right to pretend that it didn't happen, and just lied casually. Believe it or not, she believed it anyway.

Folding the clothes in her arms, she turned around and put her hands in front of Dugu Chen and said: "That day was thanks to the clothes of the prince, since the clothes belonged to the prince, then it will return to the original owner." But she The thanks in these words are not fake at all.

As soon as Dugu Chen raised his hand, Hu Xiao standing behind him automatically stepped forward to take over the clothes, glanced at Mu Shiqi, and thought to himself, can this girl make up stories any more clumsily?

But he didn't know what Mu Shiqi was thinking about, what is the truth, the fact is what the strong man said, what the strong man agreed with, so, as the strongest strong man in this scene, Dugu Chen, it all depends on how he wants to end this. thing.

If he takes over and doesn't pursue it, then what she said is the truth.

If he is not willing to end things like this, then even if she makes up hype, it is useless.

Obviously, she guessed his idea correctly.

It was just his words, and the focus of the whole matter turned to the clothes, and the matter that Mu Yao accused at first could only be revealed, no one dared to object in front of Dugu Chen.And Mu Qin would not be so stupid as to direct his anger towards the Mu family.

Seeing this opportunity to trample on Mu Shiqi slipping away, Mu Yao was filled with resentment. Seeing that she didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Dugu Chen, she could only bite her lip and stare at Mu Shiqi full of resentment.

After the episode, the birthday banquet continued.

Zong Zhengjin's eyes fell on Mu Shiqi several times, but he couldn't wait for that clever smile, like the sun, to smile.

Disappointment ignited from the bottom of his heart, and he regretted his indecision just now.

Picking up the wine glass to taste the bitter wine, a wry smile spread on his lips, Mr. Jinxiu is just a mortal, and he also cares about what ordinary people care about.Under the pursuit of everyone, he once thought that he was independent, different, and calm.

But now, one sentence can bring him back to his original form. He was so selfish, ungrateful, and ugly!

Her words just now were too direct. In front of so many people, she asked him directly: "If I am not perfect as she said, would you still marry me?"

He was unprepared when he asked, staring at everyone's eyes, he was timid, flinched, and frightened.

Although Mu Shitian had a lot of pimples in his heart, he didn't break out on the scene. He was as keen as him, and he had already discovered Mu Shiqi's situation in Mu's house from tonight's events.But this girl can still be so strong, pretending to be happy in front of him, what a filial piety this is!

On the other hand, those little ones wish they could turn the Mu family upside down!The future of the Mu family is worrying!

He has to seriously think about whether he, Mu Qin, can truly be the head of the Mu family.

And Mu Qin's hatred for Mu Shiqi is absolutely no less than that of Mu Yao. He pressed his finger on the edge of the chair, wishing to finish her with a slap. Naturally, he would not believe her nonsense lies, but this matter has nothing to do with Dugu Chen. Once he got in touch, he couldn't pursue it.

She shouldn't have been spared her life in the first place. If he hadn't been concerned about the old man, he would have sent her to the underworld to find her parents.

But Mu Shiqi didn't know that everyone's hearts had changed a thousand times.

And she was in a good mood, gnawing on the grilled chicken and sipping fine wine, with a sense of satisfaction on her little face.

Dugu Chen's gaze shifted slightly a few times, and landed on her face. Her expression didn't look like she was acting, but a woman was accused of uncleanness in public, and she still pretended it didn't happen. I don't know if she was too big. Or don't care about it at all.

Also, that **** met her in the ruined temple, what happened to her that night?Why are you so embarrassed?

He found that he, who had always been indifferent to everything, actually wanted to know what happened that night?
Queming's Chuanyintang was doing things fairly efficiently, and he quickly learned the so-called truth. After hearing that the girl was almost defiled by a few beggars, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his thin lips parted lightly: "Kill!" Already!"

The corner of her mouth tugged lightly, but she was a staunch girl who actually committed suicide under the statue of Guanyin.

Now it seems that he has changed his personality, and it seems that he has suddenly awakened.

 Dear friends, at [-]:[-] p.m., bookmark and comment, please give me strength.

(End of this chapter)

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