Chapter 199
Call it a day!Mu Shiqi once again felt that he especially liked to provoke these things in the water, such as earth dragons, strange fish, and this would be giant sharks.Of course, there are also two little spirit snakes.Sticking to her coiled her arm.

She looked at Dugu Chen who had already put away the soft sword, grabbed the rope thrown by Yu Xi and flew onto the boat, jumped on the deck, and shook off the wet blood all over his body.

Those onlookers are now staring at her with wide eyes, and those two little things on her body, their faces are no different from seeing a ghost.

The Guigu faction is trying to become the overlord of the martial arts?None of these people in Guigu faction are human!

The old Gu master of the Ghost Valley faction would have no idea at all that his anonymous and low-key Ghost Valley would one day be rumored to be so miraculous, and would become famous in the world because of the battle of Bi Luo Hai.

"What white wolf, can kill people invisible, and kill the little snake of the giant shark? Third, what are you raising?" The old valley owner always thought that it was the third brother who took his little darlings out for a stroll, and did something bad. , chasing and beating him all over Ghost Valley with a broom.

"What, it's the good thing that the fourth brother did?" Hearing the rumor that it was the man who claimed to be Mo Qian, who claimed to be Guigu, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the fourth brother who was dozing off in a daze.

Fourth Mo got a beating in a daze!Touching his buttocks, he hid in the tree.

"No, no, it's Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu caused a good thing outside!"

Now the old valley owner put away the broom, and said with a rippling smile, "Little Wu did a good job! Anyone who sees our Ghost Valley will have to take a detour!"

Of course, these are all things to follow.

Today's Xiaowu Lin Susu survived the catastrophe, holding Wangcai and crying: "Oh, I was scared to death, my sister was almost eaten by those big fish, don't you usually like to eat meat? Why don't you go down and bite them, I hurt you for nothing."

Seeing that she could cry, shout, and lecture Wangcai, Mu Shiqi knew that the girl hadn't been frightened into a fool.

Dugu Chen came up to wipe his hands in disgust, and looked at the clothes on his body that were soaked in blood and sea water with extra disgust, his handsome eyebrows were almost twisted into a strand.

Mu Shiqi put his wet hair back on his head for him, and comforted him that his face was uglier than when he just beat the giant shark.

"Yu Xi has clean clothes, go and change." She knows his love of cleanliness better than anyone else.It's okay just soaking in water, he can't stand the smell of blood all over his body.

Half of the big baggage behind Yu Xi was his clothes.

Lin Susu couldn't live without meat, but he couldn't live without clean clothes.

And the smell of blood all over her body was also very unpleasant, so she picked out a piece of clothing and followed him into the cabin.

Thanks to the time she had just come into contact with the giant shark in the sea, the little pirates on the boat all spontaneously retreated three steps away when they saw her.

"Prepare hot water for them and send them there!" Xiang Chonglou really noticed the two of them and kept it in his heart. He likes smart people and brave people, and they happen to be both. occupied.

Needless to say, the seventeenth girl was a woman, the smartest and bravest woman he had ever seen.

Mo Qian looks like a fool, but he also admires Xiang Chonglou's courage that is not afraid of death, as well as his swordsmanship and superb skills. He has fought against him before. You may not be able to get benefits here.

Rather than being brave, it is better to say that they are two ruthless characters!

People in the Jianghu said that Xiang Chonglou was extremely vicious, but today, he found that these two were just as good as him.

There is a sense of sympathy for each other, that person surnamed Mo is qualified to be the son-in-law of his family.

The hot water on this boat is hard to come by, not to mention the urgent need, Mu Shiqi looked at the steaming hot water in a big wooden bucket in front of him, and pushed Dugu Chen: "Go and wash first!"

It was as if thousands of ants were crawling all over this man, look at that uncomfortable force.Staying a moment longer is a kind of suffering, and she doesn't want him to be so uncomfortable at all.

Dugu Chen happily ran in, washed himself happily, changed into clean clothes, and then came out, looking for Shi Qi everywhere.

Mu Shiqi was originally waiting for him outside, but suddenly someone sent a message saying that Xiang Chonglou was looking for her.

Mu Shiqi had to meet him both emotionally and rationally, and this would take advantage of Dugu Chen taking a bath, and she didn't have to worry about the two of them fighting back and forth like two big roosters as soon as they met.

She thought he had something important to look for her, but she didn't expect that he had prepared clean hot water, a comfortable room, and clean clothes waiting for her.

A bead curtain made of shells is hung outside the wooden screen, and Xiang Chonglou is sitting on the table outside the bead curtain drinking hot tea.

"what do you mean?"

"Why don't you dare?"

"Don't dare to do anything?" Mu Shiqi was puzzled?

"Don't dare to take a bath in my room, for fear that I will cheat on you?" Xiang Chonglou's smile is actually quite pretty, with light smile lines on his calm and prestige face, adding some easy-going, of course this The scene of the miracle just appeared for a moment.

He is not like Dugu Chen who really doesn't understand the taste of women. He was raised as the heir of the Xiang family when he was ten years old. The sea canal from Biluohai to Daxia, there are not many other things on the canal, the most common one is Hualou brothel , He has seen too much of the world.

Women, no matter how beautiful they are, will feel shy and helpless in front of men when they encounter certain problems.So, he said this on purpose, wanting to see the collapsed expression on Mu Shiqi's unchanging cold face, but it was a pity that he was disappointed.

Mu Shiqi didn't take his words as flirtatious words at all.

"Does Xiangdao Master think that I will be afraid that you will cheat on me? Xiangdao Master, do you think your sword is faster, or my little spirit snake?" The little guy is still swinging on her arm, his flesh is rolling His little head protruded from his shoulders for a while, and protruded from his arms for a while, so cute and tight.

But Xiang Chonglou has a memory, and he remembers how these two naughty little guys killed the two giant sharks. The lightning-fast figure, he admitted, was much faster than his sword.What kind of snake is this? It is an invisible weapon that kills people.

With a flick of Mu Shiqi's wrist, the little spirit snake probed the snake letter, and crawled onto her palm with its small sharp teeth: "Or, Master Xiangdao, do you think your neck is harder than the bodies of those giant sharks? "

Staring at the two little guys, Xiangdao Master, who was not afraid of anything, was timid: "Golden Crown Spirit Snake?" As soon as these two appeared, he once again firmly believed that this girl was not just an ordinary maid.

What Shaolin sweeping monk is still a master of martial arts, don't tell him, it's a beautiful accident that she, the fire maid of Guigu, can control the Golden Crown Spirit Snake!
(End of this chapter)

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