Chapter 26
"Didn't it mean that he didn't recognize you?" Dugu Chen's eyebrows were neat and well-shaped, although he raised them casually, but with his handsome side face, there was something indescribable handsome.

She replied: "Who knows, I was walking on the street, and he suddenly appeared, and kept blocking my way, calling girl, who wants to be friends with him, I don't know what he wants to do." Well, sick!"

Mu Shiqi had been acting coquettish to Mu Shitian for a long time these days, and he didn't have any precautions against Dugu Chen, so he spoke like this naturally.

He Yu had the urge to knock his head on the table, swept Mu Shiqi up and down, and said, "Miss Mu Shiqi, didn't you take a picture when you went out? You look like a fairy, and Zong Zhengjin A series of actions shows that the eldest son Zongzheng has a crush on you, and he may be chasing you because he wants to marry you back."

"Yes, yes, I also thought my sister was a fairy." Lonely Bo nodded in agreement.

Mu Shiqi was slightly taken aback, even though she lived to eighteenth in her previous life, her love for men and women has always been a piece of white cloth, clean and untouched.

Although Mu Shitian has been clamoring for the past few days to marry her, but she never really thought about spending the rest of her life with that Zong Zhengjin.

This would be said so bluntly by He Yu, and he felt a little repulsed in his heart: "I don't want to marry him!"

"Why?" Everyone looked at Dugu Chen, not expecting him to ask this question suddenly.

He Yu wiped his sweat, what happened to both of them today?When did the prince care about the marriage of a little girl?
Dugu Chen also blurted out that he was really curious, if Mr. Zong Zhengjin, whom every woman in the world fantasizes about, would ask her to marry him, why wouldn't she marry him?
Thinking of Mu Shitian's marriage proposal at the birthday banquet that day, he felt a little displeased in his heart. At that time, he really thought that she was ashamed of herself and felt that she was not worthy of Zongzheng Jin, but now, she who showed her true face was very different from that young master Jinxiu. Damn match, a couple!
Mu Shiqi snorted, "Why?"

"Why don't you marry?" he pressed.

"Why should I marry?" she asked back.

What's the matter with these people?The old man thinks that Zong Zhengjin is a treasure, so it's fine to let her cultivate a relationship with him, why does this cold-faced king force her to marry Zong Zhengjin?

Whether she marries or not is a shit!He didn't eat his family's food again!snort!
He Yu was really afraid that she would be suffocated internally, why did the prince quarrel with the little girl, but that said again, if Mu Shiqi were to marry Zongzheng Jin, what would the prince do? It's easy to meet a woman who can speak a few words, like a normal man, he can't just see the opportunity and just slip away.

He hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over: "The subordinates feel that the focus of this meeting should be how to hide Miss Mu Shiqi's identity well. As for the matter of getting married, it still depends on the wishes of Mu's parents and Miss Mu Shiqi herself."

Your lord, you are really being a bit lenient.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Bo was listening, and suddenly said: "Then sister, marry me, I like my sister."

The corners of Mu Shiqi's lips twitched, amused by him.

Without the initial urge to jump, she looked at Dugu Chen seriously: "I don't want to have anything to do with Zong Zhengjin, it's best not to meet him! I just want to cure Xiao Bo's illness, But I have to trouble you to hide my identity for me, now the Mu family is not as simple as you see, for the sake of my grandfather, I must hide my identity."

He can see her current situation more or less clearly. With his current ability, with just one word from him, all her worries, scruples, and fears will be solved. In her eyes, but she didn't ask him, but chose to face it alone.

So he was curious about her, how could such a delicate and weak girl have such courage to face all difficulties.

Obviously choosing to marry Zong Zhengjin or asking him for help can easily solve everything, but she chooses to face it by herself.

Retracting Piao Yuan's thoughts, no matter what, as long as she can cure Xiao Bo, he doesn't mind solving all the troubles for her, removing all obstacles, and cleaning up the entire Mu family for her.

"Zongzheng Jin doesn't have the ability to break into my Prince Chen's mansion yet." This sounds unreasonable, but everyone knows that he is expressing his position. If Zongzheng Jin can't get in, naturally he won't know her identity.


Abu chased to the Prince Chen's mansion while cursing, but he was not brave enough to lead people straight into the Prince Chen's mansion. He dispersed the group of people behind him, watched every corner closely, and then went back to report by himself.

Zong Zhengjin was still sipping tea in the private room of the tea house with a smile on his lips, Duan Qingliu couldn't bear his appearance, and shook his head.But he has a curious heart!I could only resist the urge to make fun of someone in my heart and drink the tea cow.

When Abu flew in, he had already filled a whole pot, more anxious than Zong Zhengjin.

"Where is the person? Whose girl? Hurry up and ask your son to go back and marry her with the dowry. Look at your son."

Duan Qingliu really wasted such a decent name of Qingliu, he is just a fox, a cheap fox.

In the court hall, even the elders of the three dynasties could not resist his three-inch tongue, which could drive people to death.

Abu was panting slightly, Zongzhengjin saw that he was in trouble, so he put back his smile and said, "Did you lose track?"

"No, people have entered the Prince Chen's Mansion!"

"Pfft..." Duan Qingliu spouted water from his mouth, and the tea served by this guy scalded him to death, "Chenwang's Mansion? It can't be from Lonely Chen, right? Brother Jingxiu, I think you should give up. Don't mess with Dugu Chen."

It's over, finally there was an interesting incident, Dugu Chen ruined it alive, he shook his sleeves and went back home.

Dugu Chen is involved in this matter, so it's useless!
Zong Zhengjin frowned: "Did you see her go in with your own eyes?"

"Well, the people from Prince Chen's Mansion didn't stop her, so they should know each other."

Abu didn't know, before he caught up with Mu Shiqi, during the moment of dispute, he only saw her and Xiong Moo stepping into Chen Wang's mansion one after the other.I mistakenly thought that she was from the Prince Chen's Mansion.

Zongzheng Jin rubbed his chin, with determination in his eyes, he raised his hand and said, "Send more people to follow, if you find that girl's whereabouts, report back quickly!"

Dugu Chen?He has never had any contact with him, but if it is for that woman, he is willing to take this step.


Chenwang Mansion

Mu Shiqi and Dugu Chen had reached a consensus.

She will treat Dugu Po's illness, but he must hide his identity for her during this period of time, that's all.

 Come, come, hit me with comments and ticket collections!Do you have an appointment tomorrow?

(End of this chapter)

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