Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 329 He will be fine

Chapter 329 He will be fine
"When I was serving them food, I seemed to hear them say that the Chu country's martial arts conference is still a martial arts conference! There is still a deal!"

Mu Shiqi frowned deeply, and after thinking about it in his heart, he calculated that it was indeed the day of Chu State's annual martial arts conference.

The venue of this martial arts conference is Yujianmen, one of the three gates, and Yujianmen is near Hushan Mountain.It is not impossible for the four ghosts to go to the martial arts conference, and the deal Xiaoer mentioned is very likely to be the deal that the black hands behind the kidnapping of Xiaobo want to make with them.

Martial arts conference?Who would have thought that they would place the transaction in a crowded martial arts conference?The person behind this is indeed a person who is very good at calculating and planning.

Mu Shiqi asks He Yu to hand over the silver coin to Xiao Er, which can be regarded as an expression of his help to Dugu Bo, even though he can't really help Dugu Bo.

But the four of them changed their route after entering the state of Chu, and set off in the direction of Yujianmen all the way.

There was only a five-day difference, but Mu Shiqi and the others chased them all the way but failed to catch them before they reached Yujianmen.

He Yu even threw away the wooden man on his back, and the four of them were really running wildly at the pace of a dead horse.

In order to be cautious, they made sure that they did not guess the wrong direction. Every time they arrived in a town, they would look for the traces left by the four ghosts and the possible marks left by Xiaobo.

And Tang Shiyi actually told a story about his dealings with the four ghosts.

"The fourth of the four ghosts is a master of disguise. His human skin masks are directly peeled off from the faces of living people. It is difficult to distinguish them with the eyes. But the freshness of human skin is very short. We can I asked all the way if there was a tragedy where a living person was skinned."

"The third one is the big-headed ghost. He was born with cartilage, so he practiced the strange bone shrinking skill, but this guy has a little-known habit, that is, he cuts off the hands and feet of beautiful people and puts them in vases." , Watching those people die slowly, it is extremely cruel and perverted."

"Second brother, the earth-drilling ghost, this person's hobbies are quite normal, but he is lustful. He has nothing to do as a flower picker, and he only picks young and beautiful girls. There is nothing to say, but the yard of the missing girl's house will be full of blood. There's a hole."

"Boss, red-haired ghost, he looks so ugly, he likes to drink."

He Yu nodded: "Why do I see that this boss is normal."

Tang Shiyi took a breath and said, "No, I haven't finished yet. It's true that the boss likes to drink, but when he likes to drink, he eats some meat. He also loves the tender meat on girls' thighs the most. The lean flesh on the back of the handsome young man."

He said nothing, but He Yu felt a chill all over his body when he heard it.

Tang Shiyi shook his head and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, you still haven't experienced what Jianghu is! You don't think that the slogans of the four evil spirits are just for fun. You think they just burn Killing, looting, playing with girls? You are too naive."

Mu Shiqi and Duguchen understood Tang Shiyi's meaning in an instant, how could such a heinous villain as the four ghosts be able to change the ****?Walking all the way, there will always be some clues left behind, the important thing is to see how they investigate.

According to the characteristics described by Tang Shiyi along the way, many tragedies were discovered.

"Miss Li's death was a miserable one! It's okay to be raped, she was skinned, and even the meat on her thigh was eaten by wild beasts."

"The girl from the Zhang family, the most beautiful girl in the village, was only 13 years old, but she died so badly. Her hands and feet were chopped off and put in a big vat. The parents went crazy on the spot."

Mu Shiqi and the others listened to this kind of cases all the way, and some of them met one condition, and some met several conditions. In short, it was verified by Tang Shishi that it was all the work of those four ghosts.

He Yu didn't understand, and was extremely dissatisfied with Tang Shiyi: "Why didn't you say it earlier, if you said it earlier, King Xiaoan might have been rescued by now."

Tang Shiyi glanced at him: "Young man, your experience is really too shallow! You committed a crime and killed someone and are running away. Will you continue to stay at the scene of the crime and do something so eye-catching like killing someone?" ? Even if I said it in Shengjing, do you think the four ghosts will commit crimes near Shengjing?"

He Yu was silenced by him, indeed, how could such an old villain like the Four Ghosts leave traces around Shengjing.

After passing through a more prosperous town, it was discovered that the four ghosts might have gone to the brothel, and the four hurried to the brothel.

The girls in the brothel fixed their eyes on the silver ingot in He Yu's hand, scrambling to tell the scene at that time.

"Those four old guys? What the hell are they? They don't want to pay money after eating my old lady's tofu."

"That's right, body odor all over, mouth odor..."


Mu Shiqi was always in a bad mood, and said with a cold face, "I want to hear about that child!"

"They locked that child in the kennel and grabbed food with the dogs. Tsk tsk, it's really pitiful. He was wearing a thin shirt in such a cold day, with his arms and legs exposed." A person rushed to the road.

Someone added: "Isn't that right? The arms and legs are as thin as a hemp stick. I thought they were slaves they bought."

Another person said: "The little guy is shivering from the cold and coughing all the time. It's so pitiful. I look like someone's abducted child."

Mu Shiqi stood in the kennel in the direction they pointed, looked at the mark engraved on the upper corridor pillar over there, and punched it with a clenched fist. The pillar was punched out of a hole by her forcefully. Lai: "You all know that he is so pitiful, why didn't you report it to the authorities!"

Those flower girls were always talking nonsense for money, and they would be frightened by Mu Shiqi's punch, and they didn't dare to look at Yin Zi.

The leading bustard stepped forward with trembling arms: "Girl, you can't blame us. Naturally, the farther away we are from the government office, the better. Who can take care of themselves! That child is pitiful, But we can't provoke those four villains who are not easy to provoke at first glance because of that child."

They are also some beggars, if you have the ability to chase them yourself! Don't embarrass them!

But she dared to slander a few words from the bottom of her heart, looking at the pillar that had been smashed by Mu Shiqi, she could only force herself to smile.

Mu Shiqi just couldn't accept what she saw and what she heard for a moment, she suddenly raised her head to look at Dugu Chen, and couldn't control the sadness and pain in her heart anymore, she burst into tears on the spot: "Xiao Bo, he will be fine yes, right?"

She urgently needs someone to drive away the fear in her heart and the wild thoughts in her head.

(End of this chapter)

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