Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 388 Don't Mess 7

Chapter 388 Don't Mess With Seventeen
The great elder's white robe was stained with blood, Tang Shiyi followed the blood on his body and adjusted his gaze to the ground, and he let out another ouch from the bottom of his heart: "He bit off his tongue! He's crazy!" Come on!" He said that he didn't cry out because of the pain, and he still regarded him as a man.

He didn't understand what Mu Shiqi meant, because the great elder said something that shouldn't be said, so there was no need to keep his tongue.

"Senior Eleven, please save the First Elder, he suddenly went crazy for some reason." Someone begged Tang Eleven to help.

Tang Shiyi shook his head and waved his hands, saying, "It's not that I don't save him! It's that I can't cure his disease." It's still the same sentence, the seventeenth poison, he really can't cure it.

After visiting the miserable situation of the First Elder, he went to see the Second Elder, Third Elder, and Fourth Elder one by one... Tsk tsk, none of them could see it. The purpose, the old bird who took off his clothes and walked in the yard and shouted to take off his clothes...

After visiting Tang Shishi, he summed it up in one sentence: don't mess with anyone, don't mess with Mu Shiqi!You can't afford it!

But he really wants these poisons from Shi Qi, what should he do?
Going back to find her in the middle of the night, if he disturbed her sleep, there would be no good fruit to eat, so he held back, held back, and looked for her tomorrow.

"Seventeen, seventeen... What about seventeen?" Tang Sect Master, who would stay in bed 360 days a year if he had the opportunity, got up at noon and wandered around the yard without seeing Mu Shiqi. He saw He Yu lying in the yard alone, basking in the sun comfortably.

"He took Xiao An Wang to play in the mountains." He Yu replied.

Tang Shiyi was in a hurry: "Don't take me with you when you go out to play! When did you leave?"

"Early in the morning."

"Then it's not too late for me to go after her!"

He Yu smiled: "Master Tang, according to the calculation of your ability to get up now, you should have been away for more than two hours. In addition, Miss Seventeen left a message for you, don't go out and wander around if you have nothing to do. The poison is probably going to be released, don't scare those little animals in the back mountain of Tangmen!"

For other reasons, Tang Shiyi would definitely still have them drifting past when he heard the wind, but the blood demon poison was not careless, so he could only stay obediently in the yard with Crane Feather.

What Mu Shiqi left for He Yu was to go up the mountain to play, but what fun can there be in the back mountain of Tangmen, she just came to find the antidote for Hei Liuyunsi for Xiao Qi.Tang Sect is such a damn place, no matter where you put the little guy, it's better to bring it by your side for safety and peace of mind.

With her and Dugu Chen by her side, even the back mountain that everyone in the Tang Sect fears, has nothing to be afraid of.

This means that she didn't take Tangmen's back mountain seriously. For any young disciples of Tangmen, letting them enter this back mountain would be more terrifying than killing them.

If you want to ask what dangers and horrors there are in this back mountain, you have to take a good pen and ink to write them down, because there are too many scary things, and the dangers cannot be explained in a few sentences.

First of all, visible poisons, poisonous insects, snakes, flowers and weeds poison people.That's right, a poisonous person, what is a poisonous person?It is the poisonous people who test medicine in Tangmen, those who are not dead after being poisoned, are thrown here in the back mountain, and let them fend for themselves, and some of the stronger ones survived with the poison, and they can't get out of this place. In the land of Tangmen, you can only be a savage in this mountain, just like Tang Shiyi's situation in the mountain behind the Chu family, find a cave to live in.

Secondly, there are agencies, yes, agencies, there are more and more masters in Tangmen who like to play mechanism mechanisms in the past, no less than those who play drugs. What kind of big institutions can be produced in the little place of Tangmen?Therefore, some people are silently creating various mechanism points in the back mountain.Some people with good conduct thought about dismantling the mechanism that killed people after finishing it, so as not to hurt people who strayed into the mountains, but some people didn't think so much.Therefore, although the mechanism on the back mountain of Tangmen is not as formally placed as the nine formations and nine layers of gates at the entrance when entering, these small mechanism points that pop up out of nowhere in the dark are the most important ones. Headache.

Finally, beast!That is, the "little animals" that Mu Shiqi told Tang Shiyi were not small at all. Jackals, tigers and leopards are all very common things.Of course there are some less common rarities.

Running on the mountain and swimming in the water, who can say that there is nothing that he has never seen?The mermaids really exist, but in which corner of the continent are the other things recorded in those books?
The ghost-faced monkey of the Tang Sect, it's strange, Mu Shiqi saw it for the first time when he was young, it was very strange, together with Tang 11, they caught one, and Tang Shiyi wrapped a rope around the neck of the ghost-faced monkey , walked all the way back to Tangmen.There are some rarer things than ghost-faced monkeys in this back mountain.

With so many dangerous and terrifying things, why isn't Mu Shiqi afraid?Because for her, this is their backyard, a backyard she is no longer familiar with.

Two big ones and one small entered the back mountain, and the disciples of the Tang Sect guarding the entrance tried to stop them, but Dugu Chen followed Mu Shiqi into the forest with Dugu Bo in his arms, and disappeared in an instant Well, something happened to the vice sect master and the elders. Who has time to care about the life and death of outsiders like them? A few guards discussed it and privately concealed it. They wanted to die, but they didn't stop them. Then there is really no way.

Don't look at Dugu Po because he is young, but he is quite courageous. I don't know if the blood of the Dugu family is good, but at such a young age, he can still laugh when facing such a strange wood that echoes with the sound of wild beasts .

It is not the first time for Duguchen to come to this forest. He has been here two or three times when picking hickory nuts, buddha fruit and cherries, but this meeting has different meanings and feelings, because this time Shi Qi is with him.

As for Hei Liuyunsi, it is something that Mu Shiqi or Tang Shiqi would toss about. During that time, few people in the Tang Sect developed any new poisons, so the Great Elders and the others were afraid that the position of the number one drug tyrant in the Tang Sect would be lost by the world. The other poison-using sects that were rising up were snatched away, and they jointly persuaded her to hold a poison-fighting conference or something, and choose Tangmen's strange poison that could be used.

What kind of poison-fighting conference is she willing to go to? After two or three days of effort, she fell out of the top ten strange poisons of Tangmen, which are still famous in the world and no one can cure them. That's right, those ten kinds The poison was all made by her, so she knows better than anyone else the way to detoxify.

The antidote for Heiliu Yunsi requires six kinds of herbs, three whites and three reds. Among them, one white and one red are unique to the back mountain of Tangmen, so when they came to the back mountain, they went straight to find the one white and one red. That's enough, but for this white and one red, it may be difficult for others to find it in this whole endless mountain, but it is not very difficult for her.

(End of this chapter)

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