Chapter 408 What Shit?

In short, after going through untold hardships, he held his breath and did not fall down. In the end, it was Mu Shiqi and Dugu Chen who dragged him out.

He subconsciously touched the Yunshi hidden in his chest, the treasure that Mu Shiqi threw to him, but he only felt a few layers of cloth wrapped around his bare chest.And the wound that hurt more and more from the touch.

"I, my Yun...Shi..." Xiang Chonglou's voice was hoarse, his breath was still a little unsteady, and he couldn't hear the words clearly.

He Yu went to make medicine for him, while Mu Shiqi and Dugu Chen went to change into clean clothes, just like Chonglou's bloody state, who can really not get a drop of blood!

So, in the end, the job of guarding the bed was handed over to Tang Shiyi. Tang Shiyi sat cross-legged on the big stool in front of the bed, throwing a peanut in his left hand and wielding a dagger in his right. His eyes widened and he shouted, "My shit!"

Although Tang Shiyi hadn't done this kind of bedside care before, he had read a lot of scriptures. Didn't it say that the first thing he said when he woke up was: "Water..."?

This Xiangdao Master really didn't take the usual route, he just yelled: "My shit!"

Tang Shiyi immediately understood the meaning of his words with his excellent brain, leaned over and asked, "Do you want to go to the latrine? Oh, no, no, you can go to the latrine like this. What should I do, wait, I'll call someone..."

As he said that, he ran outside the house, and the voice soared all the way: "Come on, someone, Xiang Chongzi is going to the latrine! Come on, someone!"

Xiang Chonglou was injured, but his head was not damaged, and his hearing was excellent.Tang Shiyi's heart ached from such a mindless person, and he almost spit out another mouthful of blood.

Tang Shishi spared no effort in yelling, and immediately people surrounded the empty bed. Dugu Chen and Mu Shiqi were naturally cold-faced. They are so big, do they have to call for people in the latrine?And He Yu was dragged in by Tang Shiyi with the fan still holding the fire in his hand.

Even Dugu Bo squeezed his head and looked at Mu Shiqi from behind, his little face was full of contempt, let's not analyze the little guy's heart, the general meaning is that this uncle Xiang is too shameful Shame or not!
Xiang Chonglou can tell him with certainty that he is ashamed!If he had the strength to do this, he would definitely jump up and kick Tang Shiyi's ass: "Who the hell said he's going to the latrine!"

The injured Master Xiangdao could only keep a dark face, and said word by word: "I'm talking about Yun... stone, stone of stone!" This time it's clear enough!If he couldn't hear clearly, then Tang Shiyi had something wrong with his ears.

"Yunshi! You should have said it earlier! Really! I was startled, I thought you were going to pull your pants down." Tang Shiyi had a big mouth, a big mouth that couldn't hold back.This would really make people grit their teeth.

Even Mu Shiqi couldn't bear his sudden stupidity anymore, so he gave him a look, then bent down to pick up the piece of jade from the ground at the foot of the bed, and held it in front of Xiang Chonglou's eyes: "Don't worry, No one wants your broken rock."

Maybe this thing is a treasure in the eyes of others, but to her, Mu Shiqi, it is a stone placed in a bonsai, it is white and pretty, and in her flower pot There were still quite a few pieces, she just picked the smallest and lightest one and brought it out.

Throwing Yunshi by Xiang Chonglou's hand, he tightly held it under his palm to protect it. It was something that could save his mother, and he had to protect it with his life.

Mu Shiqi was rarely moved by anything, and He Yu's hard-hearted words did not misunderstand her, but this time, when she looked at Xiang Chonglou's eyes that couldn't hide the excitement of being lost and found, he still held his hand. When the big hands swollen into buns gripped the stone tightly, she still couldn't help but feel a twitch in her heart.

Even if he is the overlord of the blue sea, now, he is just a son who wants to try his best to save his mother.

Mu Shiqi's attitude towards him was a little better, feeling his passionate passion for his mother, from Yunwu Island to Tangmen, from Tangmen's waterway after experiencing life and death, and then to Jiujiu After going through a lot in Jiusuohun Pavilion, she had to admire the affection he treated his mother.

They had just stopped on their side, and the inner ghost on the other side had already started to move.The master of the stick hall tossed all night, pulled out a lot of hair, and then came up with a way to do the opposite, that is, he would no longer lead the eighteen halls of the Tang Sect to fight against Tang Shiyi. He wanted to hold Tang Shishi in his arms, and use sugar-coated shells to confuse Tang Shishi and the others first.

Anyway, Tang Shiyi still has a Tang Sect Master who has died a long time ago on top of him, and he is a deputy Sect Master at the top.

Then when they were complacent, he could unite with their own people to deal them a fatal blow.His thinking was good, and his direction was right, but he didn't take into account that Tang Shiyi's temperament was changeable and happy, which was different from ordinary people.

The inner ghost had accumulated emotions for a long time, and went to the halls to give a passionate speech. Why did he think about it all night and feel that he misunderstood Tang Shiyi!The Tang Sect is now without a leader, and Tang Shiyi, the only one who can call the shots, can't go away!Why did Tang Xiyi look like a high-spirited and upright person!
This change of attitude was more like turning over a book, but he couldn't stand his eloquent and deceptive mouth, and the blame on Tang Shi's body was basically cleared when he agreed to the drug test.

As for the other ten hall masters, this meeting is just a wait-and-see attitude, only a leader is missing.After being persuaded by the inner ghost's talk, they got together again to find Tang Shiyi and the others.

It's just that this time they only dared to yell loudly outside the courtyard of the door owner: "Is Young Master Tang Shishi there? Is Prince Chen there? Eighteen hall masters please see me."

They are all people with deep internal strength, whoever roars can't be heard inside, let alone Dugu Chen who has a particularly good ear.

Tang Shiyi worked as a bedside maid all night, feeding medicine and water to Master Xiangdao, and finally had a spare sleep, when he was woken up by the high-pitched greeting from outside the yard. Unhappy, he rushed out of the courtyard.

"The young master is not dead yet, what kind of souls are you recruiting this early in the morning!" What the hell are you calling Mr. Tang Shishi, why does he sound so unpleasant!He is a hero!He's not the son of Bai Shengsheng who is chirping!

Someone raised his head to look at the sun directly above his head, and his face froze. It was obviously already noon, so Tang Shishi was not thinking well!But he just thought about it in his heart, the fart of the ghost-faced monkey yesterday was still fresh in his memory.

Many years later, even if he couldn't remember Tang Shishi, he could still remember his strange poisonous pills.

(End of this chapter)

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