Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 412 "Let's talk about it

Chapter 412 "Lie down and talk
The Tang Sect still exists today, and that's because the previous Tang Sect seniors laid a solid foundation that they can't be corrupted in a short period of time.

Mu Shiqi admitted that she would not care about the Tang Sect if she was the head of the sect, but she didn't have any bad intentions, but Miss Tang Ying is determined to destroy the Tang Sect!
Tang Shishi was really here to watch the fun, and he hadn't fully figured out the situation on both sides. It just so happened that a hall master of a certain hall of the Tang Sect turned his head and saw him, and instantly seemed to see a savior, and rushed over .

"Deputy sect master, we have encountered foreign enemies invading."

"I'm not blind, I saw it." Tang Shiyi stood for a long time, finally distinguishing the situation on both sides, alas, the Tang Sect is about to lose!

The man continued: "Please also ask the deputy sect master to lead us to defend against the enemy together."

Tang Shiyi took another look at the situation on the field. Tang Sect could tell at a glance if he could stand here. The dark area was filled with people in black clothes and masks. familiar.

He felt that he had discovered something new, regardless of the hall master who was full of blood and wanted to follow him to fight against the enemy, he turned around and landed on Mu Shiqi's side: "Seventeen, seventeen, guess who they are? "

He was ready to say the answer, so Mu Shiqi looked at him with adoring eyes, and saw Mu Shiqi glanced at her. There was no admiration in that look, but a look of contempt: "Take it!" The one with the stick and his accomplices."

Before Tang Shiyi could say why, Mu Shiqi raised the corners of his mouth, smiled, pointed to someone in the crowd and said, "That one, go over and see if it's the one you are familiar with." The back of the head."

Tang Shishi really flew through the fighting crowd, kicked away the people in black who blocked his way, flew all the way and landed in front of the person Mu Shiqi was pointing at, and raised his hand to tear off his face The mask is really that annoying stick-wielding guy.

On the contrary, the man was startled by him, thinking that he was going to stuff worms into his stomach again, so he quickly closed his mouth and covered his mouth with his hand.

Tang Shishi didn't confuse him, but slipped him out, and threw him directly in front of Mu Shiqi: "Seventeen, how do you know he belongs to him?" Put it in his eyes, or he didn't pay attention to those arrogant men in black at all, because he, Tang Shiyi, was even more arrogant than them.

Mu Shiqi is another him. He didn't pay attention to these men in black at all, with a light smile on his face. If fish are their world in the sea, then she, Mu Shiqi, is in the Tangmen. Just like a fish entering the sea, no one can do anything to her!
So she will have this leisure time to explain to Tang Shiyi: "Because he is the only one with a stick, and the others are all with knives. Also, his clumsy skills and slow movements, only people who have been poisoned by snakes , the residual poison has not been cleared before shaking his body. Besides, I took a look at the back of his head last time after you said it, the back of his head is flat and pointed, and there are two hair swirls, right?"

Don't ask her why she can tell at a glance, after touching the backs of thousands of skulls, you can also tell at a glance whether the heads are round or pointed.

The mask of the inner ghost was uncovered, and soon someone from the Tang Sect recognized him, and looked at him with surprise: "Master Lu, what do you mean?"

Mu Shiqi glanced lightly at the one who asked the question with a heartbroken expression. There are people in the Tang Sect who are too shrewd. A chess piece, no, she is not even a chess piece.

Stupid, like the one in front of you, what do you mean?People brought people to your house to kill and set fire, but you are still taking the emotional line here, what do you mean by asking him?Still counting on him to wake up?
She really couldn't stand it anymore, and said softly: "He almost put a knife on your neck. What do you mean by asking him? After so many years of messing around in the rivers and lakes, people bring people to kill you all over the house. Do you think it will happen?" What do you mean?"

She thought that she didn't care about everything about the Tang Sect anymore, she thought she could bear the ups and downs of the Tang Sect's ups and downs, but now that she was seeing a group of people who were unbelievable and stupid, she couldn't help but want to teach them a few lessons. sentence.He still thinks that he is the head of the Tang Sect, and his words are unambiguous.

Mu Shiqi kicked the former master of the stick hall who had been kicked to the ground by Tang Shiyi again: "Who is your master? Why did you attack Tangmen?"

If this is the previous enemy of the Tang Sect, then this game is big enough.The most indispensable thing in the Tang Sect is the enemy family, and the range is so wide, she can't guess which generation's scourge will be left behind, whether it was the one who wiped out the family before cutting the grass and roots to clean it up.

The man didn't expect a woman's foot to go down, and he spat out blood weakly.

Mu Shiqi's kick looked calm and breezy, as if the little girl didn't pay attention to the strength of her foot, but in fact, maybe only those who have been kicked will know.

This girl has fought giant sharks in the sea, killed several big snakes, and tore fierce tigers with her hands.If she sees someone who is upset and kicks down, that person will ask for luck.

But what she said made him want to vomit blood even more. Now that it's all over, he doesn't have to hide it anymore, but he is very curious: "How do you know about the master?"

Mu Shiqi twitched her tender lips, and said, "If you want to blame, blame the carrier pigeon you chose for not flying fast enough." She threw down a hidden weapon. As for the content of the secret letter, it is very Sorry, she glanced at it and sneered in her heart.

Glancing at the group of men in black, he snorted coldly: "What? Your master only gave you so little manpower to come and take the Tang Sect? The Tang Sect has no leader now, so it's a good time to eradicate them together. As long as Tang Shiyi and Dugu Chen are killed, the Tang Sect will be in our hands, right?" Mu Shiqi repeated the content of the letter, feeling more and more ridiculous that this person is stupid.

What did his master think, put such a person in the Tang Sect, does he think that the Tang Sect is a bunch of idiots?

The man supported his legs and wanted to stand up. Just as his body stabilized, he was kicked on the back again. This kick hit the place on the back of his heart that was just kicked by this woman.

Don't think about it, Dugu Chen's legs are definitely not lighter than Mu Shiqi's, but the strength is controlled just right, it just wants to make you hurt, but it won't kill you.

Dugu Chen held the little guy in his arms now, and just casually lifted his foot, kicked him and vomited blood again, his expression was still as cold as usual: "Lie down and talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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