Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 427 Two people alone

Chapter 427
He Yu also joined Tang Shiyi's team of lobbyists, and winked at Mu Shiqi: "Yes, yes, there are priorities, Xiao Boer, let's just watch, Wangfei, you should take the prince to do business Let's go." Hurry up and take this guy away.

Mu Shiqi had to admire Dugu Chen's strategy of shooting three, four, five, six birds with one arrow, which not only allowed Tang Shiyi and He Yu to take care of Dugu Bo willingly, but also allowed Dugu Bo to restrain himself during their absence. In the end, she had no choice but to agree with her lively temperament, and he went with him to the back mountain to find the mausoleum.

Now facing this pair of big-eyed and small-eyed people, what else can she do?

"Let's go!"

When leaving, I did not forget to tell Tang Shishi: "Tang Shishi, come here, I have something important to say."

Tang Shiyi felt that based on her attitude and expression, she must have something very important to tell him, so she rushed over.

Unexpectedly, she caught him and confessed: "Xiao Bo has a bad temper, you should hit when you should, but don't be cruel, just pick the meaty part of the buttocks and slap it. You can't help it when you eat He is a picky eater, watch him eat more vegetables and fruits. Although the wounds on his arms and legs are healed, the scars are not very good-looking. You remember to rub the plaster on his muscles every day. The poison in the yard Too many, look at him more with your eyes, don't keep looking at Yuxi..."

Tang Shiyi looked at her in shock, wondering if she was the vicious Tangmen Seventeen after all, how could she be so wordy?Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are full of experience talks about how to raise a baby!
Sure enough, married women are different!

Mu Shiqi himself didn't know that he had so much to say about Dugubo, and his mind was full of how to take better care of him.

The little guy escaped a catastrophe, he didn't dare to approach Dugu Chen, so he could only sneak up to Mu Shiqi and grab her skirt, let her come back early to see him, and promised her that he would be obedient Listen to Brother Tang Shiyi, listen to Uncle He, don't catch bugs and don't make trouble.

Mu Shiqi knew that most of what he said was for Dugu Chen, otherwise those small eyes would not keep drifting towards Dugu Chen.

If this had been done before, the little guy who did not make a mistake would have hugged Mu Shiqi's thigh and begged to be taken away.But this time, he wished that sister Mu would immediately take this little uncle away who was still angry.

Mu Shiqi and Duguchen set off to the back mountain of Tangmen again, different from last time, they didn't bring the little guy Dugubo with them this time.

Duguchen twitched the corners of his mouth, the ice on his face had already melted, and he smiled gently at Mu Shiqi.Finally, there was some time for the two of them to be alone. Aside from Tang Shishi's big sparrow and Dugu Bo's little clingy spirit, Shi Qi belonged to him alone.

She only has him in her heart!

Mu Shiqi naturally didn't know how good the mood of Chen Wang was at this meeting!He just picked up his steps and let out a whistle.

Dugu Chen's extraordinary ear moved, and he heard a slight swaying sound of branches, and then he raised his head to look at the shaking tree not far away, and saw a ghost-faced monkey flying towards them.

Naturally, with his sharp eyesight, he would not be mistaken. This is just the monkey with the same hair color as Tang Shiyi raised in the backyard of the head of the Tang Sect.

"It is more familiar with this forest than I am. It knows where there is danger and where there is no danger." Mu Shiqi's simple words explained the reason why this monkey appeared.

This ghost-faced monkey has grown up in this forest since she was a child, and she wanders here when she has nothing to do. Mu Shiqi used to take it with her when picking medicine. She avoided many dangers.

Dugu Chen would not be jealous of a monkey, but seeing that little thing jumping up and landing on Mu Shiqi's shoulder, his half-melted icy face was instantly covered with cold air, and he was about to go up and grab that little thing with a wave of his hand , but caught nothing.

This white-fronted ghost-faced monkey is really spiritual, and being tamed by Mu Shiqi in such a way, even the fastest clouded leopard in this forest may not be able to catch this little guy running around.

That time when Tang Shiyi was able to catch this little thing, it was because this little thing suddenly became playful and asked him to catch him and play with him.

There is no doubt that this little thing is so smart that it can tease people in turn.But it is very well-behaved in front of Mu Shiqi, with a gesture from Mu Shiqi, the little guy will be honest, flying around the tree above Mu Shiqi and the others, picking one or two wild fruits from time to time like offering treasures Pass it to Mu Shiqi.

Duguchen was upset again, and drew out his soft sword. Mu Shiqi's heart trembled, thinking that he was going to chop off this little thing, but he didn't expect that he jumped up and chopped off a whole branch of the fruit tree Fuck, the little thing was so frightened that he threw away the fruit in his hand and jumped up.

Then she saw the cold-faced ghost king, pulled the branch with one hand, picked a few of the biggest and reddest fruits and handed them to her.

If he didn't know that he had recovered his mind, Mu Shiqi would really wonder if this man was jealous of the monkey.

The little ghost-faced monkey is a bully. When Mu Shiqi rescued it, he killed a giant python directly with his vicious energy, so it made Mu Shiqi strong.

And this time Dugu Chen's face is ferocious, holding a sword in his hand, and he doesn't seem to have a good temper that can climb on his head and have fun at will, so he stays far away from this fierce god quite wisely.

All the way on the tree, he just didn't dare to move closer to Mu Shiqi, whenever he dared to move forward, Dugu Chen's soft sword would point at the tree trunk where he was squatting.

The speed of two people and one monkey is not slow. After all, Dugu Chen and Mu Shiqi's lightness kung fu is there. Without Dugu Bo's worries, the two people's lightness kung fu has been displayed to the best state.

As for the little ghost-faced monkey, don't look at it's short hands and feet, it's not big, but its speed is not slow when it jumps from one tree to another tree several feet away.

Unlike the last time he collected herbs, Mu Shiqi didn't even know where the ancestor who opened the mountain built the tomb.The mountain at the back of Tangmen is so huge that it has no bounds, and she hasn't visited all the above ground, let alone the underground, she can't walk a few steps to dig a hole!
She always remembered that when she was a child, her father told her about the tomb of the ancestors in Houshan when she was whispering, but her brain is not Duguchen's, she has a photographic memory, and she can remember it after hearing it.

She only vaguely remembered a little bit, such as the senior who came to search for the grave with her father, but was injured at a critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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