Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

438 Dangerous Approaching

438 Dangerous Approaching
If Tang Shiyi found out about this, he would definitely be so angry.He pouted his buttocks and dug for a long time. Those arrows and crossbows were all cut out with a dagger one by one, and several blood blisters were worn out on his hands, but he despised them heavily.

Tang Shiyi must have a feeling, since he gave birth to Duguchen, why did he give birth to Tang Shixi, well, you can give birth to him, can you not put this inhuman guy next to him and beat him!
Mu Shiqi very much agrees with Duguchen's last sentence, that is, Tang Shiyi's agencies are not even called agencies in her heart.

But now the important point is: "Why did you keep silent all the way?" She always rushed to protect him, "Dugu Chen, you are behind me, and I will go ahead, you don't understand this mechanism!"

She would feel that she must have been particularly stupid in his heart at that time, and felt that she had the skills of tricks in her hands, and I had everything in the world!But the really powerful guy was secretly having fun behind her.

This is like what?She has a box of silver and is happy to think that she is a rich man, and she wants to take others to eat and drink, saying that I will support you!But there is a whole mountain of gold and silver standing behind him.

As for why?
Dugu Chen twitched the corners of his lips and said, "Because you are happy."

Mu Shiqi wondered if he should thank him for everything he did to make her have fun.Really feel more and more stupid like Tang Shiyi.

Why didn't he discover his hidden master?She should have guessed it a long time ago based on the lightness of his solution to the Nine Links, the Linglong Eight Treasure Box and other small organs!
"Let's go." She had nothing to say about his defiant behavior.

If she were Taoist Chushan, she would hug his thigh and beg him to be her apprentice.One person learns everything he has learned in his life, and he is so smart that he doesn't need to spend any effort, and he is self-taught.

The two continued to move forward, since Dugu Chen had already shown his hand, he stopped hiding, moved his footsteps, and walked in front of Mu Shiqi: "Let me do it."

Mu Shiqi would like to see that his knowledge of the mechanism is greater than his own interest in the mechanism in the ancestor's mausoleum.Then let him go ahead.

The mausoleum should not be big, and the tomb passage should not be very long, but this short tomb passage is full of death traps every step of the way. How many people did this ancestor offend? He was afraid that people would dig up his body and torture him, so he did so A mechanism is in this mausoleum to prevent people from entering.

Of course, these people did not include Dugu Chen and Mu Shiqi.Because they walked smoothly, and Mu Shiqi also formally saw the attainments of Dugu Chen's organ skills, so the word "achievements" can really be used.

She saw the mechanism and before she had time to react, they had already broken the mechanism.

"How do you know there will be flying arrows coming out there!" It's definitely not a matter of quick reaction, it's because he calculated it in advance, so he reacted so quickly.

Duguchen pointed to his eyes and said, "I see, the arrow holes on the wall."

Mu Shiqi really can't compare with him in this matter, her eyes are slightly better than blind eyes in front of him, how can it compare to his clairvoyance!

Going forward, one step closer, a strange fire rushed towards them, Mu Shiqi did not panic, stood up, and wanted to avoid sideways, but was pulled to the ground by Dugu Chen, the two of them Lying on the ground, Dugu Chen still didn't forget to slap the ghost-faced monkey on her shoulder.

The little thing was stupid, thinking that the strange fire was some kind of fun thing, and it really wanted to jump up with its teeth and claws.

If it weren't for Duguchen's quick hands and feet, there would be only a burnt monkey corpse left on the ground.

After the fire was over, Dugu Chen patted the dust on his body and said: "The distance from the side is not enough, you will touch the wall, and there is a mechanism on the wall that triggers a hidden arrow, if you dodge at that time, you will inevitably pick up your clothes."

That's why he hugged her vigorously and rushed to the ground?It's all right if he can see through the mechanism, but why can he even see the number of ways she avoided, and analyze what's wrong with it.

She, Mu Shiqi, is not a fool. When avoiding it, she would naturally think of other traps on the side wall, but she would not be hurt by that trap no matter what she jumped up, at most, her dress would be burned by the fire. That's all.

Well, she was slapped in the face by Dugu Chen's unintentional action again.

She used to think that she was not as skilled as him, and that she could make up for it with the skills of medicine, poison and machine mechanism.There is always something that can be sold in front of him, but this time, all the organs can't be sold in front of him.

It cannot be denied that in the situation just now, lying on the ground is the simplest and most direct solution.

How many surprises did he want to bring her?This came out like a magic trick.

She finally understood the reason why he could convince He Yu and the others, and it was definitely not the method of "beating him until he won't accept" as she had thought before.In front of gods and men, don't ordinary people have to raise their heads and look up?

The Ghost-faced Monkey was also terribly frightened, hugged Mu Shiqi's calf with lingering fear, and chattered, not knowing what to say.

Mu Shiqi lowered his body and stroked its head to comfort it, and then put it on his shoulder with a wave of hands, but the little thing patted her shoulder and chattered, with a hint of fear in his voice , and then zoomed into deep fear.

She raised it, so it can naturally understand its emotional changes.

Looking at Dugu Chen next to him, his expression is not quite right, although he usually has a cold face, but now his face is a little colder, and there is a murderous look in his eyes.

Mu Shiqi looked in the direction of his line of sight, there was nothing!Huo Zhezi raised it higher again, there was really nothing in the dark tomb passage except for the pitch-black one!
Before she had time to ask him, he had already pulled her body behind her. At the same time, he had quickly drawn out the soft sword at his waist, with a murderous aura all over her body, a strong murderous aura.

She rarely sees him like this, and he has always been a calm and expressionless master. He doesn't need to show any murderous aura, even the timid can be scared to death by him.

But at this moment, even she can feel his murderous aura and evil aura!

dangerous!It's getting closer!

He is like a wild beast, he can use his body to perceive all the dangers that exist, this is what she used to describe this ghost-faced monkey, but now, she gave this sentence to Duguchen.

Because the ghost-faced monkey just now, if it wasn't for his slap, it would have died.

"What is it?" Mu Shiqi asked softly behind him.

"I don't know. I can't hear it." He just could smell the dangerous breath, and that smell alone was enough to put his whole body on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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