Chapter 473 Kill Me
She has said enough, and she can only protect so many people in Shibatang.She saved their lives for the time being, and then they could only rely on themselves.A smart person would better forget about the Tang Sect, and forget that he is a member of the Tang Sect.

It was only then that everyone really understood that the so-called Jianghu is everywhere in the Tang Sect by the Eleventh Sect Master, but he just wanted to persuade them to save their lives.He was moved because their lives were human lives in his eyes!
"Then the Tang Sect..." Did it just die out?
Mu Shiqi also thought about this question, did the Tang Sect just disappear in the rivers and lakes?No, she won't let Tang Sect disappear, she just doesn't have the energy and time to take care of Tang Sect temporarily, she has no way to stay in Tang Sect and fight against Shenmen Sect with Tang Shiyi.

But she couldn't just watch the Tang Sect be wiped out by the people of Shenmen Sect. Perhaps, in her eyes, as long as the Tang Sect didn't flow into rivers of blood, she would be a little relieved.

Between Dugu Chen's and Tang Shiyi's lives and Tang Sect, without any suspense, he chose Dugu Chen and Tang Shiyi.Because only they are the most cherished existence in her life.

Tang Shiyi's words were disgusting, but not all of them were wrong, as long as she was there, Tangmen would be there!What is Tangmen?It's poison and hidden weapons!And she, Mu Shiqi, is the inheritance of Tang Sect's poison and utensil making!
Inheritance, what Dugu Chen mentioned, as long as the inheritance and spirit are still there, the Tang Sect will not perish.

An empty, soulless Tang Sect, whoever wants them can take it!
If the ancestor of the Tang Sect can build the Tang Sect by himself, then so can Mu Shiqi!

She had neglected Chu Sa before, because she didn't know him well, and thought he was a person who kept his promise, so she took the Xiaoshan order to ask him for help. If there were royal troops in command, Tangmen naturally didn't need to go this far .

But the fact is that Chu Sa is not trustworthy, she can't take the risk of leaving a hidden danger for Tang Men and Tang Shiyi.

Therefore, she can only choose to give up the current Tang Sect, and she is unwilling to make such a decision if she can, but now, Tang Sect definitely cannot be left to the group of Shenmen Sect. Pai sees that the purpose of the attack is to destroy the entire Tang Sect.

But only people from Chuanjing can bloodbath the Tang Sect, so what if the Sect Master of Shenmen personally brought people here?There is no suspense about the destruction of the Tang Sect.

Put it to death and come back to life?But she also couldn't tell when the Tang Sect was born.

"Seventeen, I want to go to the back mountain to see again, do you want to go with me?" Tang Shishi asked Mu Shiqi calmly without jumping up and down.

"Okay." I don't know when she will come back after leaving this time, she should go to the back mountain to take another look.

Duguchen was quietly by her side, every step she took, he also took one step.

He could feel her reluctance and slight sadness, even though she hid it well, he could read everything from her eyes, she loved this place.

Standing on the mountain with her arms around her, looking at the greenery below the mountain, this place has too many memories of her, good, bad, happy and unhappy.

"Seventeen, one day, we will come back again." At that time, he will remove all obstacles for her, let her run in the mountains with a smile, no longer be threatened by anyone and endure the pain. Shed place.

Mu Shiqi hummed, not loudly, but very clearly: "We will come back." At that time, Tangmen will appear here again!

It belonged to her, Mu Shiqi's Tang Sect!
According to the plan, before Chu Sa sent troops, everyone in the Tang Sect evacuated in batches with their belongings.

Dugu Chen's original plan was to leave a group of people to sacrifice and make the illusion of being exterminated. Of course, death is real death, because only real death can make the other Tangmen who went out survive.

Even Mu Shiqi didn't expect that this group of Tang Sect's seemingly stupid young disciples would scramble to stay and fight for a chance of survival for others.

It was only then that Tang Shishi discovered that the Tang Sect was not only his and Shiqi's Tang Sect, but also their Tang Sect.

"Seventeen, it's fine for me to stay alone, let them all go. There is no need for a damned illusion of extermination! If any of them die, those who survive will not be safe in this life." Tang Shiyi said in a special note recently. Emotional, always speaks to the depths of people's hearts.

Mu Shiqi looked at the group of young children in the Tang Sect, and those guys with their heads up, and felt that they didn't look so stupid now.

"Okay, let's go!"

Of course not all of them left, at least Tang Ying and the First Elder would live and die with Tang Sect.

Chu Sa sent letters to Tang Menli again, one was written by him to Dugu Chen, one was written by him to Tang Shishi, and the other was written by Chu Lv to Mu Shiqi.

Duguchen's letter was nothing more than that you don't regard me as a brother, but I still care about you as a brother. If you can persuade Tang Shiyi to hand over the antidote, everyone will forget it.If you can't, then you should leave the Tang Sect and don't venture into this muddy water.

Chu Lv's personal letter to Mu Shiqi was still written on letterhead soaked in floral dew. Every line was full of longing for Mu Shiqi, and then he persuaded Mu Shiqi to leave the Tang Sect so that he could protect her.

Mu Shiqi lost it after reading it, but Duguchen couldn't hold back his temper, took it over and glanced at it, the coldness in his eyes can be imagined, Mu Shiqi vaguely heard him say that he was going to burn something, she I thought he was going to burn the letter, so I didn't think much about it.

However, the fact is that the fire in Chu's palace is indispensable.

Tang Shiyi's letter was very simple: antidote, antidote!If you don't give an antidote, you will wash your Tang Sect with blood.

Tang Shixi gnawed on the chicken paws, then wiped the grease off his hands with the letterhead, and threw it on the ground beside him, wanting to bloodbath Tangmen?Master, I see that you can bloodbath a few little pheasants in the back mountain of Tangmen to have a good time.

Chu San lost because he didn't know Duguchen, but Duguchen could see him thoroughly.

Everyone in the Tang Sect reluctantly bid farewell to Tang Shiyi, which meant that as long as the Sect Master said a word, the ends of the earth would come back again.

Tang Shiyi had always admired and appreciated the brotherhood of Jianghu, but he was only Tang Shiyi of Tangmen before, the number one killer in Jianghu, and he didn't have any other feelings for this group of Tangmen.

But this time, this group of people showed extraordinary bravery, and they were willing to die for their brothers. This kind of spirit moved him, so, in the depths of love, maybe they made a promise: Well, as long as I am still alive, one day , I will come back and rebuild Tangmen!At that time, we will be brothers again.

Mu Shiqi really wanted to remind him: "Who has the title of sect master on his head and feels that he has been cheated? And who said that the Great Tang sect hindered his free heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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