Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 515 You Have Long Legs

Chapter 515 You Have Long Legs

But I'm so envious of Xiao Qi, damn it, villains, catch me next time!I also want to go to the Great Tang Gate to see the battle for the leader of the martial arts conference!
Mu Shiqi just listened to the story that the little guy told Xiao Qi with his immature voice all afternoon.As a child, you can point to how precise sentences he can organize, but it is this child-like speech that is particularly touching.

Even Mu Shiqi felt that what they experienced along the way was not a tribulation.In Dugubo's story, it was a very interesting adventure for them, a rare thing he had never experienced before, and she and Duguchen took him to travel together.He loves it.

In his eyes, everything is not that complicated, there is no relationship between Li Guo and Chu Guo, or any enmity between Tang Sect and Shenmen Sect.Only the bad guys showed up, and in the end they beat the bad guys away.

The sky was getting dark gradually, if she didn't go back to Dugu Chen, she might rush to the palace directly, so she dragged the little guy to go back to the mansion, who would have thought that the little guy would feel sorry for Xiao Qi, He took the initiative to ask to stay with Xiao Qi.

She was in trouble when the tall and straight figure of Dugu Chen appeared in front of her eyes. She looked at him with a soft smile on her lips, then pointed to the little guy and said that he had just proposed to stay in the palace with Xiao Qi's request.

Duguchen strode up to Mu Shiqi's side, hugged her waist, then his cold eyes fell on the little guy, and he said coldly: "Reject, go back home."

Xiao Qi's bright eyes dimmed in an instant. In fact, he was also contradictory. He wanted Xiao Bo to stay with him, but also knew that since Xiao Bo had an accident in the palace, it was absolutely impossible for Uncle Chen to let Xiao Bo stay. in the palace.

After being slightly disappointed, he gave a strong smile and squeezed a smile at Dugu Bo: "It's okay, Xiao Bo, you go back first, and come to see me in the palace when you have time later, okay?"

"it is good!"

"What a fart! Seventeen and I will leave Shengjing for the time being. Xiao Bo can't go out of the Prince Chen's mansion. If you want to see him, just stand up and walk over by yourself!" Dugu Chen's cold and ruthless voice suddenly echoed the warmth of the two brothers. rang in the conversation.

As soon as he finished speaking, Dugu Bo blinked and looked at Mu Shiqi: "Where are you going, little aunt? Take Xiao Bo with you, right?"

Mu Shiqi really couldn't answer: "Yes."

She fiercely gouged out the eyes of Dugu Chen who was beside her with a cold face. She originally planned to tell the little guy at the end. She didn't want to see the little guy cry because of her and Dugu Chen's sudden departure. She wanted to Play with him well in these last few days.

But Dugu Chen was not as troublesome as she thought, with a cold face as if someone owed him millions of taels of silver.

Seeing that Mu Shiqi didn't respond to him, the little guy really started to drop golden beans. One moment ago he was laughing from ear to ear with Xiao Qi, and the next moment he was crying as sad as he wanted.

"Don't you take Xiaobo with you? Doesn't my aunt take Xiaobo with me? Is my aunt leaving Xiaobo again? Is Xiaobo going to become a wild child that no one cares about or loves?" The little guy started talking Those words are clear!One sentence after another popped out, directly hitting Mu Shiqi's heart.

The little hands had already started to hold Mu Shiqi's calf, and the tear-stained little face just looked up at Mu Shiqi, every sentence was filled with sadness from the bottom of his heart.

Dugu Chen took a cold look at the little guy's little hand that was rubbing tears on Mu Shiqi's body: "Dugu Bo, you have used this trick three times, let's change it! Wild child, I threw you in the big Didn't I give you food on the way, or didn't I give you a drink?" In warm moments, there will always be a cold and ruthless voice.

"But, you all left, leaving me alone in the palace." The little guy was not afraid of Dugu Chen's cold face at all, and immediately shot back.

"A person? Are the three hundred guards in the Chen Palace not human? Are He Yu and Tang Shiyi ghosts?" Dugu Chen asked rhetorically.

The little guy's momentum became weak, and he stuck his neck and said: "But no matter how good they are, they are not my little aunt. There is only one little aunt of mine in this world."

Mu Shiqi was about to be moved to tears by him, sniffed his delicate nose, resisted the soreness in his eyes, broke free from Dugu Chen's big hand, knelt down to look at the little guy, and took out a brocade handkerchief Rubbing his tear-stained little face, he sighed distressedly: "Xiao Bo, be good, don't cry, just listen to me, okay?"

The little guy nodded obediently, and stared at her with big eyes, watery as if telling her again, I'm very good, take me away, take me away!
Mu Shiqi smiled softly at him, and said again: "Xiao Bo, do you know why your little uncle and Eleven brother have white hair?"

Xiao Qi's body also froze. Uncle Chen Huang's silver hair, he had asked about it when he woke up, but Uncle Chen Huang just rolled his eyes at him, and didn't tell him the reason for his gray hair overnight.

Dugu Bo tilted his head, thought for a while before saying, "Uncle He said, they all did this because they were sick."

Mu Shiqi's eyes froze, and he said, "Yes! Xiaobo is sick, did Uncle He help Xiaobo to heal his illness? Then Xiaobo, do you think little uncle and brother Tang Shiyi can also recover?"

"Think, think!" The little guy nodded desperately.

Mu Shiqi frowned and touched his round head: "But the medicine they need for their illness is far away, and we have to go a long way to find it. Xiaobo has already It's great, but Xiaobo is still a child. Your legs are not as long as ours, so you can't run fast, and you can't keep up with us for the time being, right? That place is so far away, if you take Xiaobo with you, you will go It's going to take a long time, so will Eleventh Brother and Little Uncle suffer from illness for a longer period of time?"

"Yes." The little guy responded in a childlike voice, with his big eyes full of approval and trust in every word Mu Shiqi said.

At the same time, he also realized the fact that he couldn't follow, suppressed the tears in his eyes, and said, "When Xiao Bo's legs grow as long as yours, he can go out with you, right?"


"Okay, then I'll stay and wait for you to come back." The difference between Dugu Bo and other children is that this child is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.There are some things that don't need to be said. As long as he understands the truth of the matter, he will immediately become very obedient.

How much Xiao Qi would regret that he didn't have a strong body, otherwise he would be able to rush out and say: "I have long legs and good lightness skills. Uncle and Auntie, take me with you!" It's just that he has two legs. It's not yet certain when he will be able to run a few more steps.Therefore, he can only watch how Mu Shiqi fooled Dugubo.

(End of this chapter)

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