Chapter 538 Who Poisoned
"The rules of this fight between doctors are very simple, that is, detoxification! Whoever can cure the most vicious Tang Sect poison in the world first will be the winner of the fight between doctors." Yunpeng cleared his throat and said.

Everyone was eager to try it, but when they heard the words "Tangmen's poisonous", they looked a little like those dead flowers and plants, and suddenly lost their strength.

Tang Sect is already difficult enough, and the word "very poisonous" is just added. Isn't this just to tease them.And the most difficult in this world, which kind of poison of Tangmen is not the most difficult to cure in the world?Which kind of poison that woman Tang Shiqi made can be cured by others?

After Yunpeng finished speaking, he asked someone to carry out a person. There was a person lying on the wooden shelf. From the figure, he looked like a child, but when he got closer, he realized that it was not a child.He was about 30 years old, and his left hand still had three fingers missing.

Mu Shiqi's eyes glanced at the wooden frame on the stage, and suddenly stood up, jumped up and landed on the stage: "How..." The word uncle was hidden in his heart and he didn't shout out. sound.

That's right, this person who looks like a child of a few years old is none other than He Qi, the master of the Yinshan Sect, and her most beloved uncle He Qi.

His cold eyes fell on He Qi's body, and he gently felt for his pulse with his fingers. Although he was still alive, his breath was already weak and something was wrong.

It would be hard to keep your eyes open, let alone open your mouth to speak.

"Who injected the poison!" Mu Shiqi condensed his eyes, with a strong murderous look all over his body, and looked at Yunpeng who was closest to her.

Yunpeng thought that the white-haired man's eyes were scary when they were full of murderous aura, but he didn't want this woman to give in. She was obviously a thin and weak little woman, but now there was a murderous aura in those eyes, but she felt a destructive aura exist.

"Tang, a member of the Tang Sect!" Yunpeng didn't want to be stuttering in front of a woman.

Mu Shiqi smiled indifferently, and his beautiful eyes were full of sarcasm: "People from the Tang Sect? How dare you ask, who from the Tang Sect did it, and when did it happen? You Yaowanggu are so superb. Why didn't his medical skills detoxify him!"

Do you think she, Mu Shiqi, is a fool?Tang Sect's poison?The poison of the Tang Sect, would she, the head of the Tang Sect, not recognize her?

Yunpeng was stuck for a while by her words, and said after a while: "The most poisonous and poisonous person in the Tang Sect is naturally Tang Shiqi, the witch and poisonous woman. That witch's poison is too domineering, Yao Wang Gu, we are also powerless, if you can explain it, then leave, if you can’t, then leave, why are you asking such nonsense!” His hands were sweating, he didn’t expect this woman to rush out suddenly, asking such a lot of questions that he didn’t understand at all. Question that I hadn't thought about.

He thought that the Tang Sect, an evil sect that everyone in the mainland can punish, should be mentioned by everyone and filled with hatred, and no one would pay attention to the question of who poisoned and when, right? ?

"As we all know, Yinshanmen is the only sect on the rivers and lakes that has a good relationship with Tangmen, and Tang Shiqi, the head of Tangmen, has the same father and daughter as Heqimen, the head of Yinshanmen. I want to ask you, do you love me the most? Will your daughter poison you to death?" Mu Shiqi half-kneeled on the ground with one leg, turned his face slightly to the nonsense Yunpeng and scolded.

Yun Peng was once again made speechless by her, this woman's eyes are too scary, just staring at him like this, I feel that I will kill him anytime!That's right, it was a murderous intent, a strong and persistent murderous intent, she really wanted to kill him!
But this time he insisted on going on: "No matter how good the relationship is, the father and daughter may turn against each other, not to mention that these two are not real father and daughter, who knows how this has offended that poisonous girl Tang Shiqi?" , such a cold-blooded woman, do you still point out that she will have any unbearable feelings for others? She doesn't need a reason to kill anyone!"

If not, Uncle He must have something to do with this Yunpeng, and she will tell him that his last sentence is absolutely right, she doesn't need any reason to kill someone!She also didn't need any reason to kill him.

Dugu Chen stepped on the ground with a soft sword and jumped onto the high platform, standing beside Mu Shiqi so coldly, his whole body was also full of evil spirit, only Mu Shiqi and himself knew that his evil spirit was only because of That Yunpeng scolded Tang Shiqi openly.

Mu Shiqi straightened up, looked at Yunpeng, walked forward step by step, and stopped about a step away from him, and said in a cold voice, one sentence at a time: "That's good!" , you are talking about when Tang Shiqi poisoned him? How did he poison him? How could someone who was poisoned by Tang Shiqi show up in the Valley of Medicine Kings?" How could a lie full of loopholes not Use that pig's brain to think about it?
Yunpeng froze his head, his thoughts moved, his mind was spinning quickly, and he wanted to justify himself: "A year ago, the head of Hemen came to Yaowanggu for help, saying that he had been poisoned by the demon girl of Tangmen. The toxicity has not yet spread, he came to the Valley of the Medicine King by himself, and he also said these words himself."

Mu Shiqi pulled his lips. He is quite shrewd now. He knows that everyone in the world knows that Tang Shiqi died after more than a year of retreat. The time of poisoning was pushed back to a year ago.

But why didn't he use his brain to think about it?
"Hmph, then I would like to know why the body of a person who was poisoned a year ago still looks like this? Master Yungu, try not to eat and drink normally for a year, and see if it is the same as it is now. What a look! I said he was poisoned for half a month at most, what do you think?"

It is completely impossible for a person to be in the current state after being in a coma for a year after being poisoned.Xiao Qi's skeleton is a living example, it was hung with her life-extending pill, and a group of people in the palace took care of it as if it was life.

The person sitting here is not a fool, and what Mu Shiqi said is clear, so this Yaowanggu is obviously lying.

Yunpeng's face turned green, as if his pants had been ripped off in public, but he was powerless to refute.Because he really couldn't find anything to refute her.

Mu Shiqi didn't want to stop there, and a murderous intent flashed in his cold eyes: "There is one more thing I don't understand, who doesn't know Tang Shiqi, the demon girl of the Tang Sect, she will definitely not kill her if she poisons her." She is so gentle and kind, she will let He Qi have that life to come to Yaowang Valley to ask for help, do you believe this, Master Yun? Anyway, I will not believe it!"

Because of her temperament, she used to have a good time when she played with poison. It is absolutely impossible for her to poison, and the poisoned person can go around the rivers and lakes with the poison to find someone to detoxify and save his life. This is to blame her. Is Tang Shiqi's joke?

Her words immediately aroused the audience's response. Tang Shiqi's poisoning style was so ruthless that there was no room for it. How could he still have such a life? There is no such thing as whether human life is not human life, whether it is worthy of death or not.

(End of this chapter)

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