Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 542 The Most Poisonous Woman

Chapter 542 The Most Poisonous Woman

Mu Shiqi glared at him, and said, "Yes! This mist is poisonous, why didn't you tell me that it hurts so much when it flares up! You can bear it." In front of her, she pretended to be a normal person, but I secretly bear it by myself!

She continued to stare at him coquettishly and said, "Is it not hurting? You'd better get used to my detoxification skills slowly!" It's not her stinky fart, is there anyone on this continent who is better at playing drugs than her?In short, she has never seen such a big life.

Mu Shiqi's detoxification pill slowly took effect in their bodies, and Dugu Chen's big hand holding the soft sword regained its previous strength. .Now he has returned to the Dugu Chen who is icy and in control of everything.

"Hush, don't make a sound, let me hear what the hell that Yunpeng is doing!" Dugu Chen pulled Mu Shiqi into his arms, moved his ears, and tried to argue amidst the wailing and cursing Hearing Yunpeng's voice, he had already hid outside the door. He thought that a hidden mechanism leading to the outside had already been set up in this hall.

"City Master Zhao, please don't worry! That little beauty can't escape, and our Medicine King Valley can't kill anyone with poison, so I will definitely send it to you alive."

"Well, I don't care about other people's life or death. That white-haired man chopped off my hands and feet and threw them into a mass grave. He just had a hard time with Zhao Tian in Hangcheng. He was impatient." Zhao Tian There was a hint of disdain in that voice.

But Dugu Chen also made a decision in his heart at this meeting, wait out and see who will kill who first!

"That's, that's, look at the business we talked about before..." The two people outside the house were quite leisurely, and they even chatted about business.

Zhao Tian's wretched voice sounded again: "I, Mr. Zhao, like money the most. Don't worry, I, Mr. Zhao, will arrange it for you. Don't say it was sold in Hangzhou, even if it was sold in Hangzhou. Shengjing sells it, and Zhao also has this way. Guaranteed that the supply of your Floating Clouds will exceed the demand, and you will wake up laughing from your dreams."

"That's natural, then Yunmou is here to thank City Lord Zhao for his great help. After Yunmou uses Fuyunsan to control this group of Jianghu people, we will each get what we need. The money of those drug dealers belongs to you, and those medicinal materials Well, Yun will accept it first. As for that beauty, it is also yours." Yunpeng laughed loudly as he spoke, as if everything was already in front of his eyes.

Dugu Chen hooked the corners of his lips, it turned out that these two people were planning these shady activities.

Mu Shiqi couldn't see any emotion when he looked at him, and he couldn't hear any voice with his ears pricked up, so he could only look at him helplessly, and said in a petite voice, "Tell me what they are doing?" What the hell is going on, I want to know too."

Duguchen looked down at the little girl with wide eyes and expectant face in his arms, shook his head faintly with the corners of his mouth pulled and smiled, he really couldn't refuse the girl who looked at him like this and acted like a baby voice.

So he narrated what he heard to her in his own simple and clear language. Of course, he just heard Zhao Tian and Yunpeng's disgusting words about Mu Shiqi. I will settle the matter with them. Xiao Xiao can't think of anyone's woman, but Xiao wants him!

In his heart, Yunpeng and Zhao Tian could have died [-] times long ago.

"It's Floating Clouds again!" Mu Shiqi gritted his neat little white teeth, and said bitterly, "Yunpeng has made a good plan to use Floating Clouds to control the entire Jianghu, his ambition is really enough Big, but the brain is a pig's brain."

Where did he have the confidence to feel that the Tang Sect was wiped out, and if she, Tang Shiqi, died, no one would be able to cure him of the poison of Medicine King Valley?Will their Medicine King Valley be able to dominate the world with drugs?

Yunpeng and Zhao Tian outside the house were still dreaming of their own dreams, and they had no idea what was waiting for them after the iron fence in the main hall was opened.It's Dugu Chen's anger, it's Mu Shiqi's serial slaps in the face!

Yun Xian'er's charming and almost vicious laughter came to Dugu Chen's ears again: "Master Zhao, don't forget how that woman turned your face before, this woman is so ignorant, you But you have to discipline him well, so that he won’t be favored by you in the future and climb to your head again.”

Yun Xian'er's vicious thoughts are probably only known to herself. She is secretly happy that Zhao Tian wants to get Mu Shiqi, but also afraid that Mu Shiqi will really get Zhao Tian's favor and come back to trouble Yaowanggu.

Zhao Tian really dared to answer: "There are more than 300 beauties in Zhao's backyard, and no one dares to climb on Zhao's head. Zhao likes to discipline women who don't know what to do." She looked so wretched without concealing her insignificance, and swallowed her saliva!But he didn't know that Dugu Chen had an extra debt of blood on his body.

Yunpeng listened intently to the sounds in the hall, and after confirming that Duguchen and Mu Shiqi were blocked by the iron fence, they did not move any more except for the sword stabbed at first, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Dao, this should be a toxic attack.

And when the howling in the hall gradually turned into inaudible gibberish, he grinned and said, "It's done, open the doors and windows, let the poisonous fog disperse, let's go in."

The door of the main hall was opened from the outside, and the black iron fence blocking the door was slowly lowered. What greeted him was Dugu Chen's tall figure, holding a soft sword in one hand and casually placed beside him , and the other hand was firmly holding Mu Shiqi's little hand.

The two of them walked out of the poisonous mist side by side, and it seemed like they were descended from immortals.

"You guys, it's okay!" Yunpeng is not stupid, the eyes of people who have been eroded by poisonous mist and smoke will not be so clear, and the steps of the two of them are not to mention how steady they are.

Mu Shiqi had recovered his clarity a long time ago. He gently picked up the poisonous mist with his fingers, felt it in the palm of his hand, and saw clearly the reactions of those poisoned people. Poison, the silk poison of the green-headed Gu insect, oh, yes, and the Fuyunsan that you Yaowanggu loves to show off most. These few things just want to control the entire martial arts world, you have a big heart."

As soon as the door of the hall opened, Yunpeng covered his mouth and nose, held his breath, and stretched his head to look inside. He had tried this poison before, and he knew better than anyone else how overbearing it was. He didn't want to inhale a little bit into his stomach, and suffer from that painful torture.

But the figures of Mu Shiqi and Dugu Chen really frightened him, so much so that he opened his mouth and said something, and then listened to Mu Shiqi's long section that was like slapping his big mouth Words, before he could say a few more words, his body was kicked out of the room forcefully and landed in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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